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Hotdogs And Delle - Part 2

In addition to a good time and food, we obtained 40 more signed cards, and also enough Associate Memberships to officially Charter Local 12.

Watch for the Charter to arrive soon. In addition, once we become AMFA at American Airlines, we will be the largest AMFA Local and darn proud of it too!

If you have not visited AMFA Local 12, stop by next week.

If you have not already signed your card, or if you have not sent in the signed cards in your posession, you better hurry, because once American Airlines files the eligibility list and payroll signatures with the NMB, no more cards will be accepted at the NMB Office in Washington. And since we have evidence that AA has already been diligently working on that data, then we expect a very short wait for that information to arrive at the NMB!

Thank You and stay tuned for more information.
Lets see Informer you claim you received 40 cards, I assuming that these are the resigns from TUL, MCI and AFW. Lets see; cards are dropping off at a rate of 8 per day. So that’s 56 this week so that leaves a net loss of 16 cards. As far as the video SO what! Charter membership? I believe you have to have members to represent. Since AA recognizes the TWU. I don’t believe we have much to worry about.

I wonder what the NWA or United Mechanics have to say knowing their dues are wasted on setting up a phantom office! Lies Intimidations and smoke and mirrors will get you no place!

NWA where members are leaving at a rate of 100 per month!
The only thing that's dropping is the tobacco spit from CIO's lips! :blink:

How are all the card counts at NWA/UAL/SWA, etc? Huh CIO?? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I wonder what the NWA or United Mechanics have to say knowing their dues are wasted on setting up a phantom office! Lies Intimidations and smoke and mirrors will get you no place!

Funny you should ask that. The other day a UAL mechanic stopped me on the Ramp and ask "What the hell is taking you guys so long to come over with us in AMFA?"

NWA where members are leaving at a rate of 100 per month!

Yea but TWU members will be leaving even faster, to other unions! AMFA the AGW, the PFAA?
TWU informer said:
In addition to a good time and food, we obtained 40 more signed cards, and also enough Associate Memberships to officially Charter Local 12.

Watch for the Charter to arrive soon. In addition, once we become AMFA at American Airlines, we will be the largest AMFA Local and darn proud of it too!

If you have not visited AMFA Local 12, stop by next week.

If you have not already signed your card, or if you have not sent in the signed cards in your posession, you better hurry, because once American Airlines files the eligibility list and payroll signatures with the NMB, no more cards will be accepted at the NMB Office in Washington. And since we have evidence that AA has already been diligently working on that data, then we expect a very short wait for that information to arrive at the NMB!

Thank You and stay tuned for more information.
TWU informer, if you have enough cards why the rush to get more?

Your posting sounds very much like a threat. "we know who signed a card" and it sounds that there may be repercussions against those who did not get on the bandwagon. That is in line with the Gold and Silver membership cards to differentiate the "old fighters" vs. the johnny-come-latelies.

If you want to doubt my interpretation, one of the card solicitation letters stated that I was receiving a letter because AMFA did not have a signed card from me on file. So you guys are keeping score.
They have the cards and the backing...just lie still, it will soon be over, bye TWU, hello AMFA!

We are not "threatining" anybody, but yes we are keeping score, that is how we keep track of our progress. I am sorry if that offends you, but there is really no other way to keep on top of an organizing drive of this magnitude, and just as your PR Firm tried to instruct you, the target audience is not the already signed, the target audience is you the unsigned member.

We are rushing to get the cards in because we will soon file the cards and every card should be counted and sent in to insure the election and the victory. Why haven't you signed a card? Don't you favor Democratic Elections to determine the will of the people?

I don't see any repurcussions coming for anyone that does not sign a card, unlike your fear and intimidation machine, we do not need or use that tactic to win. You are so entrenched in your industrial union ways of intimidation, you cannot understand freedom, and democracy, but you will never succeed in blaming me for that problem.

When AMFA wins, I welcome you to get invilved with or get on the transition team, run for office, and support AMFA just as you have supported the TWU.

I have enjoyed the debates for the most part and hold nothing against you or any other industrial unionist. For the record, I believe that Industrial Unionism is a valid form of Unionization and served the members well in a Government regulated industry, I just choose to reject that idea as what is best for our profession in a de-regulated industry. I reject socialism and favor capitalism, just as I reject industrial unionism in favor of a craft union.
Checking it Out said:
Lets see Informer you claim you received 40 cards, I assuming that these are the resigns from TUL, MCI and AFW. Lets see; cards are dropping off at a rate of 8 per day. So that’s 56 this week so that leaves a net loss of 16 cards. As far as the video SO what! Charter membership? I believe you have to have members to represent. Since AA recognizes the TWU. I don’t believe we have much to worry about.

I wonder what the NWA or United Mechanics have to say knowing their dues are wasted on setting up a phantom office! Lies Intimidations and smoke and mirrors will get you no place!

NWA where members are leaving at a rate of 100 per month!
Read Informers post again. He is talking about "Associate Membership" Cards.
There are enough "Associate Memberships" to Charter the Local 12.

The organizers aren't reporting the "election athorization card" numbers. The last offical Card count was 8,848. I can gaurantee the card count is higher than the number last reported earlier this month.
It is clear you are not listening to anything you have been told. So you keep believing that cards are expiring. Meanwhile we continue to gain ground.

GO AMFA! :up: :up:
Superside said:
Checking it Out said:
Lets see Informer you claim you received 40 cards, I assuming that these are the resigns from TUL, MCI and AFW.  Lets see; cards are dropping off at a rate of 8 per day. So that’s 56 this week so that leaves a net loss of 16 cards.  As far as the video SO what! Charter membership? I believe you have to have members to represent. Since AA recognizes the TWU. I don’t believe we have much to worry about.

I wonder what the NWA or United Mechanics have to say knowing their dues are  wasted on setting up a phantom office! Lies Intimidations and smoke and mirrors will get you no place!

NWA where members are leaving at a rate of 100 per month!
Read Informers post again. He is talking about "Associate Membership" Cards.
There are enough "Associate Memberships" to Charter the Local 12.

The organizers aren't reporting the "election athorization card" numbers. The last offical Card count was 8,848. I can gaurantee the card count is higher than the number last reported earlier this month.
It is clear you are not listening to anything you have been told. So you keep believing that cards are expiring. Meanwhile we continue to gain ground.

GO AMFA! :up: :up:
Isnt it amazing how you can see CIO panicking through his rantings?

Wait till they file!

Then the fun really begins!

wonder what the NWA or United Mechanics have to say knowing their dues are wasted on setting up a phantom office! Lies Intimidations and smoke and mirrors will get you no place!

Looks like a real office to me.

I like it!!! Great involvement!!!

Looking forward to discussing these issues with you at the
next AMFA National Convention!!
(Just wear a red carnation so I'll know who you are)

Lies Intimidations and smoke and mirrors will get you no place!
Told you that several times before, 'Finally'!!! You are a believer!!!
(Albeit too late)

Credibility Suicide...One Post at a Time!!!

😛 UT
UAL_TECH said:

Looks like a real office to me.

I like it!!! Great involvement!!!

Looking forward to discussing these issues with you at the
next AMFA National Convention!!
(Just wear a red carnation so I'll know who you are)

Lies Intimidations and smoke and mirrors will get you no place!
Told you that several times before, 'Finally'!!! You are a believer!!!
(Albeit too late)

Credibility Suicide...One Post at a Time!!!

😛 UT
He wont be there. He will either be management or back on the floor.

But if I'm there I'll be wearing a "James Connelly" pin!
Over the years, I have just about fell over several times reading some CIO's most comical and halarious posts, which include some very funny predictions, some just outragous fibs, all the way up to a very divisive pile of BS lies. I even saved some of them to giggle at from time to time. This twu Local 514 "god of the industrail union diversion tactic" has his head so far up his crack I don't think a Cat D-9 Bulldozer could pull it out. This poor twu true believer is going to need some serious mental therapy to cope with the failure of his twu to hold on to M@R at AA, and to get over his lost dream of a twu International position with Uncle Sunny.

His statements lately of cards falling off and wanting AMFA to file before we are damn good and ready shows just how terrified he is. With good reason, if he knew who has signed a card he would most likely have to be committed for a stay in the padded room at the Oklahoma State Indusrial Union Sanitarium For the Seriously Deranged, after they talk him down off the roof that is. :blink:

Enjoy your twu ride cio, soon 'tis the time of your reckoning. :shock:

Been here before! Ready to start a New Drive?

Have a Great TWU Day!!!!! And Thanks for all the Nice Comments!!!!!!

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