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hillary 2016

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Warren has bowed out already and I bet the other 7 names in the US news article will never see the light of day.  Sexism is still alive and well in this country.  And we all lose because of it.
Ms Tree said:
Warren has bowed out already and I bet the other 7 names in the US news article will never see the light of day.  Sexism is still alive and well in this country.  And we all lose because of it.
Does that statement include Hillary?
Ms Tree said:
I dont understand the question.
"Sexism is still alive and well in this country.  And we all lose because of it." Does that statement  pertain to any treatment of Hillary also?
Love the campaign logo:

700UW said:
Well she just announced she is running.
Ah yes !
Now it's official,.....and to no ones surprise, the ones on here, and the ones not here on the 'cooler who come out FIRST, are without question........................filling there drawers with DOO-DOO, because there Very Afraid of the final election eve results that will echo around the world.........................meaning, not only has the good ol' USA Elected a woman president,...............but that the "party,out of touch with the majority of americans,.........(the WOEFULL GOP) has.......L O S T.....A     G     A      I    N     !
The Republican Party.
The GIFT.....That keeps on..... G   I   V   I   N   G       !!!!!!!!!
F, .....the GOP   !! 
Ms Tree said:
I know there will be others.  I hope there are.  I hope at least one of them is main stream.  All I was saying is that I do not think Cruz or Paul are even close to being a viable option.
Still waiting for you to post specific reasons why neither are viable.
In the mean time Hillary , in your eyes is extremely viable?

Just the email thing alone would get Anybody else thrown in jail, not Hillary though, she's special.
Ms Tree said:
No, not surprised.  He is new on the national level.  Once he starts debating the other contenders he will have to explain why he is distancing him self from his father, why he was against aid to Israel and now is for it, why he was against defense budget increases and now he is for it .... etc.  He spent his first week after his announcements doing damage control over the two embarrassing interviews he had.  Not a good start.
Yep, problem is the Libtard media will continue to lob soft ball questions Hitlerys way instead of asking why she lies every time she opens her pie hole!
Ms Tree said:
Warren has bowed out already and I bet the other 7 names in the US news article will never see the light of day.  Sexism is still alive and well in this country.  And we all lose because of it.
And the Libtard media will dub all people opposed to Hitlery and her socialist agenda, woman haters.
Personally, I believe labeling Hitlery a woman, in the first place is an offense to all women around the country!
townpete said:
What's the obsession with woman as presidents?
What magic is Hillary going to pull out of here lady parts?
Hitlery has lady parts?
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