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hillary 2016

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Dog Wonder said:
Republicans wish she would quit.
Lookin fer the Dog......
eolesen said:
Hypocrite.... When have you ever referred to Clinton by anything other than her first name?...

Col. West represents your worst nightmare, Bears -- a well spoken conservative who doesn't fit the old white Bible thumper stereotype.
What, are you shiiitin' me Eric ?
YOU have a better chance of getting into '1600 than 'THAT'  Uncle Tom  !
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
What, are you shiiitin' me Eric ?
YOU have a better chance of getting into '1600 than 'THAT'  Uncle Tom  !
nice job missing his point.
btw that uncle tom as you called him has done and forgotten more in life than your bigoted ass ever will
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
What, are you shiiitin' me Eric ?
YOU have a better chance of getting into '1600 than 'THAT'  Uncle Tom  !
Typical idiot response. Any black person that supports the GOP is an Uncle Tom, yet the poor keep voting Demorat and guess what? They're still poor!
Bear, let's get one thing stright right now. Any dept you feel the white man owes the blacks, has been paid "in full" in blood! Over a million plus, dead, and wounded, paid that price durring the Civil War! More than all American casalties of WWI, and WWII, combined!
How does fighting to reverse a system of enslavement that they helped institute pay anything back? Never mind that legal equality was not achieved till 1964, just a few years after the civil war took place.
Just get used to it. She is your next President. The American people really are that stupid.
Ms Tree said:
How does fighting to reverse a system of enslavement that they helped institute pay anything back? Never mind that legal equality was not achieved till 1964, just a few years after the civil war took place.
Yep and the Demorat party are the new slave masters!
Ms Tree said:
How does fighting to reverse a system of enslavement that they helped institute pay anything back? Never mind that legal equality was not achieved till 1964, just a few years after the civil war took place.
It's EASY   'Tree, if one happens to be a person in DENIAL  !!
Zom JFK said:
Just get used to it. She is your next President. The American people really are that stupid.
Must make the GOP really stupid if they cannot come up with a viable candidate to beat her.
Not that the GOP is any better then the Democrats, but Hillary for President? You have to be an imbecile to cast a vote for that phony.  
Zom JFK said:
Not that the GOP is any better then the Democrats, but Hillary for President? You have to be an imbecile to cast a vote for that phony.  
just look at the ones who support her here
Zom JFK said:
Not that the GOP is any better then the Democrats, but Hillary for President? You have to be an imbecile to cast a vote for that phony.  

It will all depend on who the GOP puts on the ticket. Put a Cruz or Paul on the ticket and you might as well just hand Clinton the keys. Put someone on there who can attract the moderate voter and you have a good chance.
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