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hillary 2016

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700UW said:
Be sure to disclose that Bernie gets gobs of money from organized labor. Makes you wonder if Hillary can crush him like a ripe grape??? This time, unlike Ron Paul with the Republicans, old Bernie has a built in base and love him or hate him he's a principled, formidable competitor. Hillary has a real challenger and I think he may be up to the task at hand. The old guard WASP Democrats don't want him though, so we shall see.
It is illegal for a union to give dues money to political candidates and parties.
Bernie is mobilizing the youth, that is what Obama did to help get him elected.
700UW said:
It is illegal for a union to give dues money to political candidates and parties.
Bernie is mobilizing the youth, that is what Obama did to help get him elected.
yep they just throw money away   coming in the break room to tell you what liberal to vote for
like here years ago when they come in telling us to vote for Jim Black when every one knew he was going to prison. Yes by all means vote for who the union says ...lol
Bernies problem will be cash his  advantage is being against a habitual liar with enough baggage to max a 777
Piss Off with the tired rhetoric regarding the law. Once in the union Treasury, ALL funds become fungible.
Fungible - adjectiveLaw.
(especially of goods) being of such nature or kind as to be freelyexchangeable or replaceable, in whole or in part, for another of likenature or kind.
700UW said:
President Bernie Sanders Will Save America From Endless Counterinsurgency Wars and Protect Our Nation's Veterans

Bernie Sanders can give America what it needs: Some good old-fashioned class warfare
Let's give him the title he truly deserves...."SOCIALIST Bernie Sanders"!

Why not? The Socialist Workers Party of Greece, is running on all one cylinders right now!

"Greece Illustrates 150 Years of Socialist Failure in Europe!"

He can be a socialist or a communist, that doesnt change COTUS and that the US is a republic, not a democracy, not a socialist country nor a communist country.
Do you even know the differences?
Maybe this can help you a bit, lol
To the topic

One does not have to vote
It is not a multiple choice test, where the least incorrect answer is sometimes the right choice.

A vote should be for something

Not just picking between the puppets picked by the powers that be

So far, None Of The Above is the only decent choice.

Maybe someone actually worth voting for will surface

Like Winston's famed lady acquaintance, we already know what we all are, and are merely haggling over to what degree.

We are all socialists.

Look around.

Know anyone who does not receive any, as in zero, benefit from the government - aka known as other people's dollars?

I don't
Police, Fire, Medical, Roads, etc....
But a true socialist country the Government will own industries.
Bernie Sanders has something Hillary can't buy. Integrity and he has it by the truckload. Just like Ron Paul. Yes, their views differ but at this point I'll settle for integrity thanks. 
He may or may not be a Socialist, to me more of a social democrat, but you know he actually believes what he says, it's called principles. Hillary doesn't have any, wouldn't know where to get any. 
Ron Paul, Bernie Sanders, son Rand, Ralph Nader among others scare the ever loving out of the Crony Capitalist, banker cabal that runs things.
Vote for Rand or Bernie and your vote will be for a principled man. Just pick one and send a message that Liberty is no longer for sale to theKoch Brothers, Tom Styer, George Soros and the rest.
Strike a blow for Liberty
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