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High Crimes and Misdemeanors?

Thank you Cpt Obvious. No president does a mission briefing much less makes one. The accusation is stupid on its face and only an ignorant fool would believe it.

Eolesen was the one who brought it up. I'm just looking for something to back it up. Still waiting.

Dude.........you missed the boat.

Eolesen said the people who are claiming Holder and Obama had no idea about fast and furious operation (liars) are the same ones claiming Rocky briefed the Seal Team. Also liars....it was blog baloney floating around the net dude.
Dave Beer's made some comment when talking with 27 GOP congress members I think.
Tree, at the risk of violating the new no-insults rule, you're an idiot if you can't see the satire or sarcasm in my original statement over two weeks ago...

Maybe Holder is channeling John Kerry: He knew about the op before he didn't know about it.

Obama's handlers are a bunch of amateurs. They've overstated his involvement with the OBL hit, and they've obviously lied about F&F.

Now that there's essentially proof that AG Holder lied in an official statement about what he did and didn't know, what's going to be done about it?...

At least Obama has the hole of plausible deniability to skate thru. Then again, maybe he was dumb enough to vote "present" for the briefing...
Dude.........you missed the boat.

Eolesen said the people who are claiming Holder and Obama had no idea about fast and furious operation (liars) are the same ones claiming Rocky briefed the Seal Team. Also liars....it was blog baloney floating around the net dude.
Dave Beer's made some comment when talking with 27 GOP congress members I think.

No one in the administration has claimed that Obama briefed the SEAL's on their mission. I have found unnamed sources and similar BS but no one on the records so far as I have found.

As for the FF fiasco, I think it is unlikely that they did know but that is not the point. They should have known. What remains to be seen is whether they made it known that if you were doing something shady, don't tell me about it because I do not want to know or if they made it clear that you are not to violate the law and if you do your a$$ is toast. In my eyes that makes a bit of difference. In the later case it then needs to be determined if adequate oversight was exerted or not. There are always ways around any system put in place.
No one in the administration has claimed that Obama briefed the SEAL's on their mission. I have found unnamed sources and similar BS but no one on the records so far as I have found.

As for the FF fiasco, I think it is unlikely that they did know but that is not the point. They should have known. What remains to be seen is whether they made it known that if you were doing something shady, don't tell me about it because I do not want to know or if they made it clear that you are not to violate the law and if you do your a$$ is toast. In my eyes that makes a bit of difference. In the later case it then needs to be determined if adequate oversight was exerted or not. There are always ways around any system put in place.

Yeah and you won't find anything because it was in some blog in some leftie Obama worship group. I heard passing mention of it on several shows.That's all. Like Oeleson was saying.

Never know though, some admin stooge may have intimated it and it was off to the races.
I posted about this last March...wonder where its gone....

A misguided attempt to usurp the Constitution and second amendment rights?

But Obama would never usurp the Constitution.


Will bite him in the ass?


The Obama Administration has abruptly sealed court records containing alarming details of how Mexican drug smugglers murdered a U.S. Border patrol agent with a gun connected to a failed federal experiment that allowed firearms to be smuggled into Mexico.


Five illegal immigrants armed with at least two AK-47 semi-automatic assault rifles were hunting for U.S. Border Patrol agents near a desert watering hole known as Mesquite Seep just north of the Arizona-Mexico border when a firefight erupted and one U.S. agent was killed, records show.

A now-sealed federal grand jury indictment in the death of Border Patrol agent Brian A. Terry says the Mexican nationals were “patrolling” the rugged desert area of Peck Canyon at about 11:15 p.m. on Dec. 14 with the intent to “intentionally and forcibly assault” Border Patrol agents.
At least two of the Mexicans carried their assault rifles “at the ready position,” one of several details about the attack showing that Mexican smugglers are becoming more aggressive on the U.S. side of the border.

According to the indictment, the Mexicans were “patrolling the area in single-file formation” a dozen miles northwest of the border town of Nogales and — in the darkness of the Arizona night — opened fire on four Border Patrol agents after the agents identified themselves in Spanish as police officers.

Two AK-47 assault rifles found at the scene came from the failed Fast and Furious operation.

Nothing I have read shows that a US government or cabinet member has the ability to seal a grand jury finding. The only thing I have found is that a judge must do it.
Nothing I have read shows that a US government or cabinet member has the ability to seal a grand jury finding. The only thing I have found is that a judge must do it.

Just curious,

Enlighten me but who exactly pays a Judge?

The government pays them Correct?

Now then IIRC you've stated that Congress persons can in fact be "bought" correct?

So if a Congressperson can be bribed or involved in pay to play crony capitalism as a government official doesn't logic dictate that a cabinet member could in turn be "Lobbied" to use their influence to get a favorable court ruling or Grand Jury finding sealed "In the interest of National Security". You act like this festering pus filled boil of a POTUS and his cronies are as pure as the driven snow.

Pelosi was already exposed for the influence peddling whore she truly is. Ditto for Barney "The Bone Smuggler" Frank with Fannie Mae while on the Banking Committee, Not to mention Holder and the BATF debacle.

The current bunch of whores make Ron Reagan and Iran/Contra, Bush/Cheney with Halliburton look like rank amateurs.

How does one spell corruption? S-O-L-Y-N-D-R-A!
Given that Federal judges are life time appointments it tends to be harder to influence them. Look at the Supreme court appointments to see how that worked out for some presidents. Aside from that your post makes perfect sense. :lol:
Given that Federal judges are life time appointments it tends to be harder to influence them. Look at the Supreme court appointments to see how that worked out for some presidents. Aside from that your post makes perfect sense. :lol:

Thank You MS Duck, Dodge & Deflect.

"Tends to make it harder" doesn't mean it never happens.
Thank you infer, accuse and no evidence. You suggested it was crooked now prove it.
No that is already a fact. :blink: You implied that the judge who sealed the case was crooked. So prove it.
No that is already a fact. :blink: You implied that the judge who sealed the case was crooked. So prove it.

I made no such implication! I said it was possible and even plausible that a Judge, ANY Judge could be guilty of something as basic as refusing to recuse themselves in a case with only the appearance of impropriety, up to including taking a bribe.

The thing that makes judicial misconduct so difficult to prove is the subtle way with which a case can be decided. Even the Supremes voted along Party lines to elect Bush. Was it the right legal decision? maybe,I'm not sure.

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