Put that bumper sticker on your BMW.
What kind of pathetic pussy drives a frikkin' BMW? 🙂 Oh!..Sorry! I'd forgotten you're a "liberal". My bad. 😉
Put that bumper sticker on your BMW.
I will give up my plane when they dig it up out of the earth with another one hundred fifty dead souls who died to protect my right to fly any damned way I wanted. Put that bumper sticker on your BMW.
United Union of Roofers, Waterproofers and Allied Workers International President Kinsey M. Robinson issued the following statement today calling for a repeal or complete reform of President Obama’s Affordable Care Act (ACA):
But you willingly sat inline to usurp the 4th and 5th and you were cool with that......
Franklin had a line for anti Americans like you.......
When the issue is guns and I cite that you can't just buy a car and drive it, your constitutional argument is that driving is a privlege, not a right. NOW after you got that license and are exercising your privlege of driving that car, any attempt to insure that you aren't abusing that privlege by driving under the influence becomes a violation of you rights?
Former Chief Justice Rehnquist will beg to differ, the Supreme Court has ruled them legal.
"Once more: Anyone certify you or your glorious "president" as being even remotely sane lately?...Or EVER? (In your case...I'm thinking not). Heck! I've a Masters in Psychology...Do you have any problem with me taking a job as a government agent for determining whether or not YOU are supposedly sane? Oh! That'd be different...Right?
Too ignorant, or just-too-plain-stupid for having any knowledge of history? OK. Let's make it really simple for you:
What a completely "confused" little fool you are, and now "diagnosed" dissident, that should be safely locked away, for the betterment of the "State." Before ever touching your keyboard again: How DARE you question any past/present employee of the glorious government with the "proper credentials" and "papers" for first denying you a gun, and then pretty much anything else "we"/"the Party wish, and should you not toe the Party line; having you committed Comrade!? Let's all raise a rounding cheer for "government" run...umm.."mental health" evaluation and...umm.."care"...? 😉 No comprehension of how easilly that can happen anywhere?....NO/Zero/nada/Zip understanding of human history whatsoever?...Figured as much. Do any of you posting, would-be-Kommisars disagree? Do you have superior Party Credentials or Papers?...NO?....Then watch your collective azzes! 🙂
If processiing that, for even a nano-second within whatever passes for your tiny "mind"; you paused or wondered even a bit...Then you've now some clue as to how fast this once Free Nation is declining...And only with the willing and enthusiastic support of, as they were contemptuously called during Stalinist times.."useful idiots" like yourself.
So again..and expectedly without response from the "useful idiots" here: "Once more: Anyone certify you or your glorious "president" as being even remotely sane lately?...Or EVER?" 🙂
This was meant for the at-large community Dog. You've frankly demonstrated yourself as being too stupid for anything more than a one-line-"wonder" in response.
But when someone like me proposes background checks and licenses to own guns, and compare that with driving a car, your response is that driving is a privlege not a right.I believe checkpoints are a violation. LEO's are good enough to make quota by observing erratic driving behavior which is consistent with DUI.
I'd bet they get more with moving violations than checkpoints too.
So the US Supreme Court, who our founding fathers gave the power to rule on a law's constitutionality are wrong?
Guess they dont know more than you?
Where did you get your J.D. from?
Just because you dont agree with a decision, doesnt make the decision wrong.
But when someone like me proposes background checks and licenses to own guns, and compare that with driving a car, your response is that driving is a privlege not a right.
If driving is a privlege, then you had better be prepeared when a spot check happens to insure that you aren't abusing that privlege.