Thank you Cpt Obvious. No president does a mission briefing much less makes one. The accusation is stupid on its face and only an ignorant fool would believe it.
Eolesen was the one who brought it up. I'm just looking for something to back it up. Still waiting.
Try and follow along. Eolesen claimed that Obama planed and briefed the SEAL team, not that he was recipient of a plan from the JCS. I am not aware of any POTUS who had the military back ground to plan or give a mission briefing to SEALS or anyone else.
I was not aware that members of his staff were not briefed. Do you have anything to substantiate that claim?
Eisenhower single handedly planned the invasion of Europe? :blink:I think Mr Eisenhower was capable since he planned the invasion of Europe. Oh but wait he was an evil Republican so how could be capable?
Eisenhower single handedly planned the invasion of Europe? :blink:
I am not aware of any POTUS who had the military back ground to plan or give a mission briefing to SEALS or anyone else.
Exception noted. There was one POTUS who may have fit that bill who was in office 60 years ago. Anyone else? Someone from the lat 30 or so years? JFK may have fit the bill being a captain of a PT boat but I think that would be a stretch. The point was and is that no president in the last 30 or 40 years had the back ground or qualifications to do what Eoleson claimed someone said Obama did. Anyone who believed that is an ignorant fool.
Now did he take the plan as described to him by the joint chiefs and deliver a briefing of his own to key staffers with a need to know? Of Course he did unless he's a bigger dolt then even I give him credit for.
CNN's John King plays Holder's testimony to Congress on MAY 3, 2011, where he said he had only just recently heard about the Fast & Furious gunrunning program. "I'm not sure of the exact date, but I probably heard about Fast and Furious for the first time over the last few weeks," Attorney General Eric Holder said.
You have never met a conspiracy that you did not latch on too. At least you are consistent. 😉Ever read ' The Coming Insurrection'........its all about that.
Worldwide rebellion against the ruling'll know when it starts......sit tight.
I think its going to be interesting for Obama as he publicly remarked about the op before Holder claims knowledge.....which implicates him and shoots deniability in the foot.
But these boys are from Haavard.....