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Oct 12, 2002
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In 1945 the TWU earned representational rights at American Airlines by the same method that AMFA is attempting today.
For the TWU to refer to the AMFA drive as a “raidâ€￾ is dishonest and hypocritical.
Below is the first page of the Investigation and filing that lead to the TWU being elected.

In the Matter of Representation of Employees of THE American
Airlines, Inc.-Airline Mechanics, Fleet Service Personnel,
Stores Department Personnel, and Plant Maintenance Personnel.

Case No. R-1447--Decided October 1, 1945

Findings Upon Investigation

On February 5, 1945, the Transport Workers Union of America, CIO, filed an invocation for the investigation of a representation dispute among the following-named employees of the American Airlines, Inc., as one unit:
Parts washers.
Ground service employees. Apprentice mechanics.
Junior mechanics.
Senior mechanics. Lend mechanics.
Lead inspectors.
Flight engineers.
Fleet service personnel.
*Stores department personnel.
Plant maintenance personnel.
At time the invocation was made, the above-named employees were represented by the Air Line Mechanics Association, International, and were covered by a contract between that organization and the American Airlines, Inc., effective April 7, 1943. Section 1-scope of agreement- of this contract reads in part as follows:

This agreement shall establish for the employees of the Company comprising the crafts or classes of airline mechanics, stores personnel, fleet service personnel, and plant maintenance personnel, the rates of compensation, hours of work, working conditions, and a procedure for the prompt and orderly settlement of any disputes during the term hereof.

On February 8, 1945, the International Association of Machinists, AFL, advised the Board they had information that the Transport Workers Union, CIO, made application for the Board's services in this dispute, and stated that the International Association of Machinists, AFL, had a substantial interest in this representation question which they wished to demonstrate at the proper time.
The Air Line Mechanics Association, International, was notified of the Transport Workers Union, CIO, application, and in their reply stated that they considered the fleet service personnel and the stores department personnel to be separate representation units; also that…(eleven pages in all)

The TWU raid on AA was prior to the AFL-CIO merger and there wasn't any "NO RAID" language at that time.

Thus, the AFL-CIO is the thought police champion and until they spoke with their anti-competition Constitutional Language the word "RAID" was not counted as anti-union.

I do find it most interesting that the non-AFL-CIO unions are making such gains in organized labor.

I understand that the hyphen was left in between the AFL and the CIO because the opposing craft unionist to the merger predicted what we are seeing today. However, they predicted and reverasal of the merger instead of mass exodus from the organization. It just seems the split is not possible within the AFL-CIO so the members are splitting off on their own.

I think the term "RAIDER" regarding a grassroots movement to leave the TWU is absurd! This isn't AMFA raiding anyone, this is a revolution by TWU members who have had enough. But the TWU Leadership is in complete denial of that fact so they justifiy what is taking place by placing blame elsewhere, this is why the TWU will lose the upcoming election.
Amazing the AFL-CIO loyalist believe that its not a legitamite union if it is not their preferred brand. Any other groups are raiders.
I don't need the AFL-CIO Socialist to tell me which brand to select. The AFL-CIO is part of the problem-not part of the solution.
If thier philosophy worked their membership count would be increasing rather than decreasing. Thier influence is decreasing rather than increasing. Just look at the candidates they indorsed this year.