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RES Cluster.....

Training issue again? I know from our new hires, they teach them enough to do basic ticketing and checkin and anything else is learn as you go. No need to give them more than the basics if they arent going to be here more than a year right?
The ED20s are actually easy to use and since they changed the rules can be done on any fare now. You book the cheapest ticket you can and then WPNCB then once you get the fare WPQ/ED20 and store it. Simple as that. Again, a training issue?


I'm wondering if its a pricing issue in Shares... as I've been told pricing & ticketing is lightyears better in Sabre than Shares.

I'm still wondering why they disabled it for thehub... I mean it worked when we were "east".. why not keep that pipe open and have a disclaimer "ED-20s can be booked online for East metal -- west metal or mixing can be booked by calling xxx-xxx-xxxx and keep your fingers crossed you get someone that speaks English"

I don't care if you are paid 5.00 an hour or 50.00 an hour,
Inexperience revolving door of agents. You have to care or you will spend all day trying to get your ED20. You are a victim of the agents reality
This whole issue of booking an ED20 ticket has come up again and again. Obviously the company needs to look into this and put the word out as to how it is done. This is a benefit we are entitled to yet cannot use. The first thing you need to do when you make a res call is ask who you are speaking to. Lie and tell them you are from inflight services and your doing a quality check to see how they perform the ED20's. LOL. :lol: They'll all crap in their pants trying to hop from cubicle to cubicle finding the answer.
I have a lot to say about how bad things are in rez but I would NEVER lie to a fellow employee just to get some info or show how poor the training dept is. Maybe a trvlr should advise they are a GHOST flyer and they are going to make sure you are properly serving the whole mini and not the half and take your badge number. Maybe INSTEAD when you see DP or someone goes to a town hall mtg someone can bring it up or there can be a mass mailing to the pass bureau or to Brad Beakley,VP who is trying to straighten the mess out. The last thing rez needs are employees who have NO freaking clue what the issues are in rez calling in to prove a point. How about a constructive way to solve the problem, like asking the REZ agents from east and west on this board to help get the word to their managment teams? Too bad, you couldnt have asked for help from those on this board as this MAMA had help from a certain "hulaboy" to get an east nonrev listing changed. Maybe its in the freaking attitude of those that call. Who know? I will say I have had some of the worst irates and language used due to pax not willing to pay additional fees when needing to change tkts(ya know the terms and conditions you agreed to when you booked it on the web-and yes I know WN doesnt charge change fees) but I have NEVER NEVER hung up on a pax unless they are unwilling to keep the foul words out of the converstion and they are warned before this is done It is part of the job know as your professionalism. Too bad some of us know how to book an ID20 on the hp side and dont necessarily feel like helping. I know after an hour on the fon, I would have requested a sup but what do I know as I am only a lowly rez agent and former HP employee to boot. I guess that makes me the bottom of the barrel.
I think that part of the problem with your ED20 handling is based upon inexperience, indifference, nervousness, and <insert drum roll here> bad telephone keypads 😱

Yes, the reply was bad telephone keypads. Some of the phone equipment is so well used that the numbers have been worn off the keys. For some reason especially 7,8,9, and 0. In their haste to connect you to somebody who can give you the service you deserve, they mis-dialed. Perhaps Mgmt should look into this problem of no numbers on the keypad and replace the older equipment.

I am not contending that experienced agents would have this problem, but rookies (and others) might in their excitement. Who knows, a simple thing like a phone keypad with visible numbers might actually help cut down on incorrect transfers.
I think that part of the problem with your ED20 handling is based upon inexperience, indifference, nervousness, and <insert drum roll here> bad telephone keypads 😱

Yes, the reply was bad telephone keypads. Some of the phone equipment is so well used that the numbers have been worn off the keys. For some reason especially 7,8,9, and 0. In their haste to connect you to somebody who can give you the service you deserve, they mis-dialed. Perhaps Mgmt should look into this problem of no numbers on the keypad and replace the older equipment.

I am not contending that experienced agents would have this problem, but rookies (and others) might in their excitement. Who knows, a simple thing like a phone keypad with visible numbers might actually help cut down on incorrect transfers.
I can only speak for the west side but we can read the letters and numbers on our keypads. Fons and computers. We dont get a lot of ED 2o's(west was always ID20s). Very low wages on the west dont allow for many. Our training dept is the worst it has ever been and turnover is also I would bet worse now than ever. There are too many other call centers that pay much better and treat you with dignity. Some of us are too tired of the same old crap to tell them what the issues are because they do nothing about them. If you need an ed20 on the west ask the agent if they know how to do it. If they answer no tell them to set up the pnr as a regular revenue tkt and go to the complex keypad for pricing. If they are having difficulty have them call CSD for pricing after they have given you a locater. If you get disconnected call back give the agent the pnr and request a sup. I would apologize for taking up their time but explain the situation. Most would be more than happy to help and finish it up. Its actually VERY VERY easy.
I just had an exact same experience when trying to get an ED20 via the phone. Res trying to give me the employee line, another agent not having a clue as to how to do ED20s. The sad thing is I did go to the employee ticketing line at PHL to get it taken care of, and the agent there did not know how to do it either. I ended up waiting at the counter until an agent who knew what to do could drop her work and come over to help me. While there I observed several agents and supervisors try and deal with a terrible weather day in PHL, and was horrified at the low level of quaility service they gave to our customers. These folks are the front line and after seeing them in action, I fear for our future. I lay the blame at leadership's feet for not hiring or training the quality work force we need to operate. The whole experience was sad and sobering.
As long as I have been on this board and worked for this company(HP side), I have screamed about this. Most dont seem to care and its been pretty much said that rez/gat agents are pretty much entry level positions. I really dont think anyone realizes the impact of really good customer service or how a screwed up pnr can affect someones life. Our customers are traveling for a reason and expect to be able to get there, barring of course any weather or mx delays. And in those situations we should be able to handle it efficiently and with some knowlege. We have extensive issues in rez with 2 different systems but when you add high turnover and bad training to the mix its really sad. I have gone to managment with my concerns but most of them are now gone and I have gone back to managment again and guess what? They are gone too. Policies are changing very fast and communication is poor. But more than that those they have hired for so little just plain dont care. I have to try to care less so I dont pop a vein. I just take care of the customer I am speaking with at the moment. It seems thats all I can do.
I have to try to care less so I dont pop a vein. I just take care of the customer I am speaking with at the moment. It seems thats all I can do.

Amen. Try being one of 2 or 3 agents on the counter on a bad weather day with more than 1 years experience and knowledge of Sabre and Shares and not be taken away in an ambulance. 😛h34r:
Training, training, training, training.... or lack thereof :shock:
Amen. Try being one of 2 or 3 agents on the counter on a bad weather day with more than 1 years experience and knowledge of Sabre and Shares and not be taken away in an ambulance. 😛h34r:
Training, training, training, training.... or lack thereof :shock:
Experience is invaluable. Even in Res, those that know the job are often asked for help by their co-workers. Thanks for your continued service online and in the field! "Retirement" is still good
As long as I have been on this board and worked for this company(HP side), I have screamed about this. Most dont seem to care and its been pretty much said that rez/gat agents are pretty much entry level positions. I really dont think anyone realizes the impact of really good customer service or how a screwed up pnr can affect someones life. Our customers are traveling for a reason and expect to be able to get there, barring of course any weather or mx delays. And in those situations we should be able to handle it efficiently and with some knowlege. We have extensive issues in rez with 2 different systems but when you add high turnover and bad training to the mix its really sad. I have gone to managment with my concerns but most of them are now gone and I have gone back to managment again and guess what? They are gone too. Policies are changing very fast and communication is poor. But more than that those they have hired for so little just plain dont care. I have to try to care less so I dont pop a vein. I just take care of the customer I am speaking with at the moment. It seems thats all I can do.

phxmama, Very well said here. I spent "a few years" in res as assistant manager with another airline so I understand of what you speak. Not trying to hijack this thread, but most of what you say applies to fleet service also.
The employee understands the pay when he accepts the job. Reservations job IS customer service. If one doesn't want to take calls for $8.72 an hour then he can decline the position. Furthermore, that is the starting salary for new hires off the street, and there is an increase at 6 months. I would like to see the actual percentage of agents making that salary- maybe 10%?? A much larger percentage are making $15-18 an hour. But regardless, USAIR has an obligation to make sure their employees are doing the job professionally and correctly. I find this hard to believe they would let employees run amoke without monitoring them and disciplining the offenders.
The employee understands the pay when he accepts the job. Reservations job IS customer service. If one doesn't want to take calls for $8.72 an hour then he can decline the position. Furthermore, that is the starting salary for new hires off the street, and there is an increase at 6 months. I would like to see the actual percentage of agents making that salary- maybe 10%?? A much larger percentage are making $15-18 an hour. But regardless, USAIR has an obligation to make sure their employees are doing the job professionally and correctly. I find this hard to believe they would let employees run amoke without monitoring them and disciplining the offenders.

Wrong, Starting wages off the street are $8.72 per hour. Next increase is at 1 year to $9.59 and at 18 months to $9.79. After 2 years, the pay shoots up to $10.31. $15.00 per hour is earned after 8 years and $18.00 per hour after 12 years. You can make more elsewhere. Many quit as soon as they can find a job with more pay. Until the pay is increased, you can expect a revolving door at the employment office, and poor service to customers (see previous posts for a plethora of reasons). Better pay, better training, better equipment would do more than "disciplining the offenders". The "offenders" are doing their best with what they've been given, and bad pay and more discipline will take away any company loyalty they might have had. Thank you sir, may I have another!

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