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Good News...More Flight Attendant recalls

Many want to leave on their own terms. Not a forced "out". Remember how so many said "you'll never be back", "deal with it", "move on". When you have invested 20,30,40 years in a career there is something to be said for having the ability to say yes or no. Also, some were not yet 50 when furloughed and want to come back long enough to retire. AND NO WE DON'T GET YOUR RETIREMENT! There is also the "memory" of what the job was like. Our furloughed remember TWA and TWA LLC not flying for AA. Add the commuting and living with 10 in a crash pad and who knows how many will last. There is a certain "honeymoon" phase when you return (not unlike the domestic violence cycle), which explains the increase in customer service ratings following mass recalls. We found it after our long strike..the customer service ratings went up in direct proportion to those recalled. Were we "better", no but we were in the honeymoon phase. I always doubled my customer "orchid" letters when returning from maternity, union,strike or training center leaves. When you've been "raised" in the airline lifestyle and are forced back to the 9-5 lifestyle, airline wins out MOST of the time.
Thank goodness the ratings have gone up..... what would we have done without the recalls....
Gosh us nAAtives could never pull that off..... too funny !!!!!! I want what you're on.....
That's because they do not live the the mark of Cain. You know, the payroll numbers starting with 6 which is just about exclusive to the former TWA people.
Reno air F/a 579 is the first 3 numbers
Thank goodness the ratings have gone up..... what would we have done without the recalls....
Gosh us nAAtives could never pull that off..... too funny !!!!!! I want what you're on.....

LOL..I simply stated that the "honeymoon" phase tends to produce a bump in postive customer comments. It is not a reflection on the other AA f/as. This would occur whether the recalled were former TWA or hired/earlier acquired. There is something about coming back that is actually fun and when you've worked a 9-5 same old same old, you realize that even with the challenges, the f/a job is pretty cushie (or cushy). Don't make a mountain out of a general statement that can be backed up statistically.
LOL..I simply stated that the "honeymoon" phase tends to produce a bump in postive customer comments. It is not a reflection on the other AA f/as. This would occur whether the recalled were former TWA or hired/earlier acquired. There is something about coming back that is actually fun and when you've worked a 9-5 same old same old, you realize that even with the challenges, the f/a job is pretty cushie (or cushy). Don't make a mountain out of a general statement that can be backed up statistically.

I took it, like you said. When I was out with a lengthy IOD, I was so happy to be back, or when I come back from VACA I'm a little more acomidating.
I don't have any problem whatsoever being known as a former TWA f/a.

Nor do I. However, the constant comments I hear on the line are to refer to you as a TWA f/a. There is a small, but telling attitudinal difference in referring to you as a TWA f/a as opposed to referring to you as a former TWA f/a. I hope you hold your career with TWA close to your heart and with great pride. I used to love to fly TWA to Europe when I worked in the oil bidness.
Nor do I. However, the constant comments I hear on the line are to refer to you as a TWA f/a. There is a small, but telling attitudinal difference in referring to you as a TWA f/a as opposed to referring to you as a former TWA f/a. I hope you hold your career with TWA close to your heart and with great pride. I used to love to fly TWA to Europe when I worked in the oil bidness.

When will the TWA FAs get over the fact that TWA is no more, many of the planes are gone, the St. Louis hub is gone, JFK T5 is gone (for now that is-unless AA ties up with B6). AA is the successor company so the AA culture will prevail. Had AA not acquired TWA and provided their employees employment they would have been kicked to the curb in Ch 7. The only grudge former TWA employees should hold is to APFA-not AA.

I too flew TWA to Frankfurt and Tel Aviv on my Birthright trip from New York. TWA of late reminds me a lot of NWA-small airline, old old fleet, disgruntled employees, unhappy customers. They had their time.

When will the TWA FAs get over the fact that TWA is no more, many of the planes are gone, the St. Louis hub is gone, JFK T5 is gone (for now that is-unless AA ties up with B6). AA is the successor company so the AA culture will prevail. Had AA not acquired TWA and provided their employees employment they would have been kicked to the curb in Ch 7. The only grudge former TWA employees should hold is to APFA-not AA.

I too flew TWA to Frankfurt and Tel Aviv on my Birthright trip from New York. TWA of late reminds me a lot of NWA-small airline, old old fleet, disgruntled employees, unhappy customers. They had their time.


Once again your ignorance comes out full force Josh. 1. Never! 2. We had the youngest fleet in the industry at the time of acquisiton.( we were taking possesion of one new airplane every month, and AA made the choice not to keep new planes as they didn't mesh with their fleet) 3. No one knows what would have happened. We had been known to pull miracles out of the air. There was a lot of financial "planning" that was orchestrated prior to the acquisiton announcement. It certainly wasn't an overnight decision on AA's part. Too bad both Bill Compton and Don Carty cannot be required to take a truth serum so we would all know the truth. 4. While most of us wish the 2 Great Airlines 1 Great Future was more than an empty slogan, AA gave us credit for company seniority which determines vacation, rate of pay, retirement vesting (NO we don't get the AA f/as retirement dollars) and anything that was in their scope to give. You don't hear us saying much about AA. 5. I am sorry your International experience was not up to your expectations. I don't like to hear of any pax not feeling they've received fair value for their trip. As TWA won several J.D.Powers awards during the "worst" of financial times, I guess I'd just have to chalk up your experience to bad luck or perhaps "consider the source". Having been an employee of both PanAm and TWA in the "olden days", and having flown on just about every carrier multiple times I can honestly say I have not had very many flights I would consider "bad". But then I understand service barriers, different airline cultures, and value vs just about anything.
Are you ever positive about anything?
Are you ever positive about anything?

Oh, just stop feeding him already...

Setting up the the ignore list is really, really easy:

Oh, just stop feeding him already...

Setting up the the ignore list is really, really easy:

Thanks E.

When will the TWA FAs get over the fact that TWA is no more,

The only grudge former TWA employees should hold is to APFA-not AA.

I too flew TWA to Frankfurt and Tel Aviv on my Birthright trip from New York. TWA of late reminds me a lot of NWA-small airline, old old fleet, disgruntled employees, unhappy customers. They had their time.


You don't know as much about the airline business or people as you think you do. In this business memories are loooong.
And I hold no grudge against American Airlines,,,it's not warm and fuzzy but they werent the ones who stripped and stapled us, which ultimatly affected hiring and stagnated the entire f/a workforce.

And as far as the TWA "of late," (whatever that means) I think we were a pretty happy bunch before the acquisition, earning on-time bonuses, winning coveted awards, getting new planes, working TOGETHER, not against each other.

And I am so sorry you didnt enjoy your flight with us to Tel Aviv....I flew that trip several times both through Paris and nonstop from JFK...and I can honestly say that that particular trip wasn't exactly a Sunday drive through Napa for the Crew either.
Oh, just stop feeding him already...

Setting up the the ignore list is really, really easy:


Thanks, Eric. Done and done. That's why they pay you the big bucks. You're a proactive thinker. :lol:
Once again your ignorance comes out full force Josh.
His ignorance is only matched by his arrogance.

We had the youngest fleet in the industry at the time of acquisiton.( we were taking possesion of one new airplane every month...)
Actually, it was one new plane every ten days.
LOL..I simply stated that the "honeymoon" phase tends to produce a bump in postive customer comments. It is not a reflection on the other AA f/as. This would occur whether the recalled were former TWA or hired/earlier acquired. There is something about coming back that is actually fun and when you've worked a 9-5 same old same old, you realize that even with the challenges, the f/a job is pretty cushie (or cushy). Don't make a mountain out of a general statement that can be backed up statistically.
Ok , got it... thanks .
That's why they pay you the big bucks

Just doing my part to try and return these boards to the civility that used to be here ten years ago....

And big bucks?... My wife and I combined probably earn less than just the taxes on Josh's alleged take home & bonus....

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