Of those in the first batch to receive the recall offer, 127 accepted and 20 declined.
The second batch of recall letters is due to go out the week of March 14.
Thanks for the update
Of those in the first batch to receive the recall offer, 127 accepted and 20 declined.
The second batch of recall letters is due to go out the week of March 14.
127-20 is a pretty good recall ratio. It's good to see people getting back to work after being out for so long.
55 people slated to return later in the year have been added to the June 1st recall.
We need new blood.... New New New Hires.....All recalls except for those who dropped off are scheduled to be back by the end of the year. I hope AA gives first right of hire to those f/a's that fell off the recall list and that would include many AA hired f/a's.
All recalls except for those who dropped off are scheduled to be back by the end of the year. I hope AA gives first right of hire to those f/a's that fell off the recall list and that would include many AA hired f/a's.