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Good News...More Flight Attendant recalls

It will be interesting to see how many accept the recall.
It's been about eight years since they where forlough.
It will be interesting to see how many accept the recall.
It's been about eight years since they where forlough.

99% accepted last recall. We're taking bets on the remaining. I said 453. Jet fuel in veins does funny things. I am seeing nurses, teachers, social workers, business owners, lawyers, insurance and real estate brokers go back to flying. As hard as it may appear to some it really can be a fun "no think" job. Also given the fact that our retirement is really screwed, some are hoping to recoop a little for the future. It will be interesting to see how many leave other airlines and return to AA.
99% accepted last recall. We're taking bets on the remaining. I said 453. Jet fuel in veins does funny things. I am seeing nurses, teachers, social workers, business owners, lawyers, insurance and real estate brokers go back to flying. As hard as it may appear to some it really can be a fun "no think" job. Also given the fact that our retirement is really screwed, some are hoping to recoop a little for the future. It will be interesting to see how many leave other airlines and return to AA.
Yes but this group have been gone for eight years. You would think that they would have move on. Why would you want to come back to a job that has change so much. Anyway good luck to all and welcome back.
Yes but this group have been gone for eight years. You would think that they would have move on. Why would you want to come back to a job that has change so much. Anyway good luck to all and welcome back.

Many want to leave on their own terms. Not a forced "out". Remember how so many said "you'll never be back", "deal with it", "move on". When you have invested 20,30,40 years in a career there is something to be said for having the ability to say yes or no. Also, some were not yet 50 when furloughed and want to come back long enough to retire. AND NO WE DON'T GET YOUR RETIREMENT! There is also the "memory" of what the job was like. Our furloughed remember TWA and TWA LLC not flying for AA. Add the commuting and living with 10 in a crash pad and who knows how many will last. There is a certain "honeymoon" phase when you return (not unlike the domestic violence cycle), which explains the increase in customer service ratings following mass recalls. We found it after our long strike..the customer service ratings went up in direct proportion to those recalled. Were we "better", no but we were in the honeymoon phase. I always doubled my customer "orchid" letters when returning from maternity, union,strike or training center leaves. When you've been "raised" in the airline lifestyle and are forced back to the 9-5 lifestyle, airline wins out MOST of the time.
But only 368 are being recalled in the two rounds that have just been announced. :huh:

my 453 is based on the total remaining before the 368. We have reason to believe that baring a national disaster, the list will be cleared this year and hiring will begin.
my 453 is based on the total remaining before the 368. We have reason to believe that baring a national disaster, the list will be cleared this year and hiring will begin.

I hope you are 100% right
my 453 is based on the total remaining before the 368. We have reason to believe that baring a national disaster, the list will be cleared this year and hiring will begin.

As they say...From your lips to God's ears. I want everyone recalled who wants to come back, and then maybe, just maybe more of the "nAAtives" can have the pleasure and opportunity to fly with the "former TW" f/as, and see how much fun and how professional they are.

And, while we are at it, we need to stop referring to them as TWA f/as. The ones who are on payroll are on the AMR payroll, and they pay dues to the APFA. To my mind that makes them American flight attendants. Yes, they formerly worked for TWA. Do we still refer to the hundreds of former Eastern f/as as Eastern f/as? The only way I know if a f/a formerly worked for Reno is if they tell me that. Let's give the TWA thing a rest. A PERMANENT rest.
The only way I know if a f/a formerly worked for Reno is if they tell me that.
That's because they do not live the the mark of Cain. You know, the payroll numbers starting with 6 which is just about exclusive to the former TWA people.
Not entirely factual. The "Mark of Cain" makes it obvious what decade you were hired, but it affects everyone including newhires for years after an acquisition...

Prior to AirCal, just about everyone had a 5 digit or less employee number, and they were recycled following the death of an employee. Recycling employee numbers was creating problems, so they stopped doing that in the mid-1980's.

IIRC, those hired after AirCal (1986) had a 1xxxxx employee number
I have no idea what happened to the 2xxxxx employee numbers...
Almost certain anyone after the EAL Latam (1990) deal has an employee number starting with 3xxxxx
Somewhat certain that anyone hired after the LHR acquisition (1991) has an employee number starting with a 4xxxxx
Pretty certain anyone after Reno (1999) was 5xxxxx
Anyone after TWA deal (2001) has an employee nbr starting with 6.....

That's all from memory... Eastern and LHR might be swapped. But either way, the argument remains that for whatever reason they've chosen, AA zeroes out the odometer whenever they've had a mass influx of employees.
Not entirely factual. The "Mark of Cain" makes it obvious what decade you were hired, but it affects everyone including newhires for years after an acquisition...
Thus far, ten years later, who (or how many) other than former TWA employees have payroll numbers starting with 6?
Thus far, ten years later, who (or how many) other than former TWA employees have payroll numbers starting with 6?

At mainline? No idea, but there has been hiring in ground ops as well as other departments where attrition outpaced shrinking the airline.

Since Eagle employee numbers are interspersed with AA employee numbers, and they never stopped growing or replacing due to attrition, there are probably quite a few new 600000's issued since 2001.
And, while we are at it, we need to stop referring to them as TWA f/as. The ones who are on payroll are on the AMR payroll, and they pay dues to the APFA. To my mind that makes them American flight attendants. Yes, they formerly worked for TWA. Do we still refer to the hundreds of former Eastern f/as as Eastern f/as? The only way I know if a f/a formerly worked for Reno is if they tell me that. Let's give the TWA thing a rest. A PERMANENT rest.

I'm thrilled for my former colleagues who are returning to their chosen careers. If I choose to come back to AA, I will show up and be friendly, professional, and represent American Airlines to the best of my ability...and I will try and do it with pride...hopefully as well as I did it at TWA
I don't understand the mindset at AA that prefers to destroy and then forget the acquired cultures, histories and richness that could be capitalized on, Why not celebrate each other’s diversities, other airlines do.
I don't have any problem whatsoever being known as a former TWA f/a.
Thus far, ten years later, who (or how many) other than former TWA employees have payroll numbers starting with 6?
That's because AA has not hire since TWA. The employee
Numbers will continue in sequential order. The next mass hiring will start with 7.

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