Golden Parachutes

Jan 26, 2004
Alabubba Regional
If you can't hear the fat lady singing by now then maybe she got a "tax-funded" Golden Parachute too ! Wouldn't it be nice if U went after some give backs from the "Golden Parachute Club" ? But then those contracts are sacred ... not like the contracts with union people which are meant to be broken.
Not to worry......four more years of Bush should finish off the middle class :down:

People just really don't understand. That is the corporate american way.

I will be waiting for all the Bush-Davidians to flame me out :p
Do not think that the problem is just is the whole poltical system. But that is for another forum not this one.....
AlabubbaRegional said:
If you can't hear the fat lady singing by now then maybe she got a "tax-funded" Golden Parachute too ! Wouldn't it be nice if U went after some give backs from the "Golden Parachute Club" ? But then those contracts are sacred ... not like the contracts with union people which are meant to be broken.
i here you buddy on that one! until usair get back all or most of those "sacred" golden parachutes, then why should the unions give in? i wonder if the ch11 judge would or could force usair to get back that dough and see how much that would help the company in short term

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