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Go Specter! Save PIT and Our Integrety!

I don't see the argument about Allegiant being a reliable alternative even though they do offer service to some smaller cities. They fly to leisure destinations and don't offer daily service or connecting service, If a city like FKL looses its air service it affects businesses in the region and people who need to make last minute travel arrangements even if Allegiant were to fly to some of thos smaller cities it wouldn't be the same as it would not fill the same niche that the USairways service filled. Granted with US you had to connect thru PIT and maybe again thru CLT or PHL and maybe the fares were not the lowest but you could get pretty much anywhere in the US and then to most anywhere in the world. On Allegiant on Tues and Thurs you can get to Sanford Florida or somewhere similar. Or atleast that is how their schedules operate in most of their cities that they service which is fine if you want to go on vacation but not helpful if you are planning a business trip or if there is a family emergency.
MMMMAANNNN ENOUGH ALREADY. ... PIT does not play into the future of this company. granted we dont agree where management is going with all this but come on already... the Senator is doing what he has to do. you dont see the local mocos of PHL saying one thing. you may like the hometown guy but guess what US IS the hometown guy. no matter what the negative folks out there think. Im not a big fan of where this company has gone since the merger began but come on already atleast the CEO has said this is what it is and that is what its going to be. WAKE UP if there was that much of an opportunity for B6 FL and and oh lets not forget the the best company with problems but keeps itself to themselves.. WN they would have already gone gangbusters in PIT.. they have not.. those folks annoucing expanded service to PIT of course .. would not you. let them . US has already said the county has enough airlines to pick up the slack now the ball is in their court. hmmm if there was that much business there B6 FL WN and whoever else wants it would have already done it there are PLENTY of gates. WN will expand . at this point their PR needs too. Fill them up .. good luck. WN is cutting back service in PHL why is that not an issue. oh i forgot when US downsizing its an ISSUE the end of the world. when WN cuts back its called a temporary stage of passing gas who btw now is paying more for fuel... hmmm ..
REMEMBER USAirways is building a 600 plus employee Ops building in PIT.. granted downsizing flights but still adding jobs. yeah right ask B6 FL WN and the rest ... the question is... WHY HAVE YOU NOT EXPANDED IN PIT KNOWING THAT US WAS DOWNSIZING AND YOU ALL HAVE KNOW THIS FOR MANY MONTHS. but atleast US plans on keeping a presence in PIT and building this company ops center here. What the Senator should be asking these airlines and the LUV child is.. well dont do it if you plan on doing what US did .. cut some flights in the future if they dont work you decide to leave. The employees of US applaude the Senator for all his efforts for the travel industry and his state of PA... no matter what you think of USAirways/Allegheny/Lake Central/Mohawk our 65 years of reliable service offering waEAS service ... for those who dont know what that is .. Essential Air Service Funding.. this company has provided service by great employees who doing the way lost their lives flying in a very rough area of the Northeast. that funding ended in 1978 and US still provides service the communities who would not recieve the service . US through Allegheny/Mohawk/Lake Central has and will provide the service in the PA state and surroundings areas.. and you know why... thats because we were there when no one else CARED. it
isnt anyone as surprised as I am that the pundits and politicians (spector/rendel) still remember that there is another major city in PA besides PHL? I was inder the impression that they would never low brow themselves by crossing past Harrisburg...
isnt anyone as surprised as I am that the pundits and politicians (spector/rendel) still remember that there is another major city in PA besides PHL? I was inder the impression that they would never low brow themselves by crossing past Harrisburg...
In all honesty I am. Spectre is a PHL guy what gives?
REMEMBER USAirways is building a 600 plus employee Ops building in PIT.. granted downsizing flights but still adding jobs. yeah right ask B6 FL WN and the rest ... the question is... WHY HAVE YOU NOT EXPANDED IN PIT KNOWING THAT US WAS DOWNSIZING AND YOU ALL HAVE KNOW THIS FOR MANY MONTHS. but atleast US plans on keeping a presence in PIT and building this company ops center here.
There is one and only one reason that the ops center is going in PIT: And this article hits the nail right on the head


And US Airways has the temerity to ask for more assistance to build a new flight-operations center. This time the airline disguised it as a "competition" between Pittsburgh (which already had US Airways' flight-ops center), Phoenix (the home to the smaller AmericaWest flight-ops center) and Charlotte, N.C.

Allegheny County Executive Dan Onorato and Gov. Ed Rendell responded by offering the airline substantial subsidies for the $25 million operations center and "won" the bid despite higher subsidies being offered by Phoenix. (Charlotte's bid never was revealed.) At the time news reports lauded the announcement in early 2007 as saving 450 local jobs with the possibility of adding another 150.

The problem is that the "competition" was almost certainly a ruse. Moving the heart of the operations system on the fly is clearly impossible. To move the center during operations would have required creating a parallel system at great cost.

Now, conveniently after the local assistance package for the flight-ops center was in hand, the airline announced another large round of flight cuts, lowering local daily flights from 108 to 68 starting in January. The flight reductions will be accompanied by an additional 450 local jobs being lost and the relocation of 500 pilots and flight attendants.

This brings US Airways' employment levels in the region to 1,800 -- a drop of 85 percent in employees over the last six years. So the more than $16 million in subsidies used to guarantee 450 flight operations jobs, for which ground was also broken in September, will not offset the loss of 450 jobs and the relocation of 500 others.
The problem is that the "competition" was almost certainly a ruse.
You know this to be true?

OK let me get this straight - the one good thing that has happened to PIT for the last 4 years and people in the 'burgh don't like it.

You guys aren't happy unless there is something to complain about. The beer is too cold, the wings at WS&S are too expensive, "I want all non-stops but I want to pay WN prices"...etc.

Maybe it would have been better if they chose CLT or PHX (They use to have a PIT/PHL bar on Mill Ave, I think it may have closed by now,though).

The home town paper didn't like the U then and they don't like us now-nothing has changed.
You know this to be true?

OK let me get this straight - the one good thing that has happened to PIT for the last 4 years and people in the 'burgh don't like it.

You guys aren't happy unless there is something to complain about. The beer is too cold, the wings at WS&S are too expensive, "I want all non-stops but I want to pay WN prices"...etc.

Maybe it would have been better if they chose CLT or PHX (They use to have a PIT/PHL bar on Mill Ave, I think it may have closed by now,though).

The home town paper didn't like the U then and they don't like us now-nothing has changed.
Sorry, if that's what you think---But that's the facts---It has nothing to do with me (us) being happy sad or anything else.....they put the ops center here simply because they had no choice....

I'm not complaining and I am happy for all of the good people that work in ops---I know many of them...

I am just tired of everyone here making excuses for Doug and many of the horrible decisions that he makes concerning the airline, not just about PIT....
Sorry, if that's what you think---But that's the facts---It has nothing to do with me (us) being happy sad or anything else.....they put the ops center here simply because they had no choice....

I'm not complaining and I am happy for all of the good people that work in ops---I know many of them...

I am just tired of everyone here making excuses for Doug and many of the horrible decisions that he makes concerning the airline, not just about PIT....
Is this a bad decision?

I'm not an apologist for management but what is there to complain about in this article-should they have said go ahead move the facility?

Cut off my nose to spite my face?
What they are saying is that US management continues the dirty play continuing to ask for hand outs while telling lies about their intentions saying one thing asking for help and then turning around and doing the exact opposite of the things they told the elected officials....That's what they are talking about----

You can't blame them, can you....Take the tax payers dollars----subsidize private business on false promises and then who looks stupid when they continually break promises.....
Personally, I'd like to see a carrier like Frontier, go into PIT (to start) as a focus city, restarting a lot of what LCC threw away.

I'd bet a "dollar to a donut" that PIT would make an offer to a Carrier like Frontier(or similiar)..."an offer they could'nt refuse !!
Then it was a bad decision?

The elected officials would look stupid...right?
That's exactly correct...These officials have done everything they could think of to save jobs and help US only to have US take, take , take then turn around and go back on their word....

Personally, I'd like to see a carrier like Frontier, go into PIT (to start) as a focus city, restarting a lot of what LCC threw away.

I'd bet a "dollar to a donut" that PIT would make an offer to a Carrier like Frontier(or similiar)..."an offer they could'nt refuse !!
I don't expect any of the local officials in PIT to to anything again for anyone after being burned time and time again by US Airways----at this point the market will dictate what happens in the PIT market...


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