No they don't count and here is why. --They don't count? You say the International doesn't ask for a you go.
March 9 2009, this was when the TWU and AA just started mediating, the NMB has never released the parties before they even started mediation. The question is why didn't the TWU request mediation in 2008 when after a year of negotiations they got nowhere and the contract became amendable?
April 12, 2010 and March 11 2011, thats when Don told the Mediator that they are officially asking for a release (for internal Political reasons) but they really don't want to be released. So they asked to be released but they really didn't want to be released. Gotcha'.
October 7, 2011. The TA was rejected in August of 2010, 14 Months prior, the strike vote had already been taken prior to rejection the International had everything they needed to move the process forward but they refused. Instead the International agreed to put us on ice till December of 2010. --In Mediation, it was the International that decided to put maintenance on ice? Gee, Bob...If the International controlled the mediation process so much why on Earth did you want them to file for mediation at all, never mind soon after negotiations began.
After 7 more months of delays the committee voted in July of 2011 to ask for a release, the vote passed. Little and Videtich wouldn't allow it, wanted a revote after he asked his buddy, Union buster from AIRCON who was now in the NMB come and tell us why we should not ask for a release, and there was enough FSCs in the room, and they had flipped Zimmerman so on the revote, the committee then decided not to ask for a release and to continue to delay and occasionally meet with the company. Hey, another guy to put on the conspiracy list...the Union Buster Aircon guy, from the NMB...Oh and Zimmerman is on the list too.
During this period Woodward was removed by his members, Zimmerman was removed by his members, and Gilboy was removed by his members, all the Presidents who were pushing for release we voted back in. If this had occurred a year earlier things may have been different. --Except that you believe the International has the power to stop a release by the NMB, so it would have been a moot point and you'd be incorrect that things may have been different since it 2010 they DID ask for a release (and again in April 2011). I guess it's also a small detail to share that any union can ask for a release, but the NMB is not obligated to give a release.
By the way, they never asked for release in the 15 months between when the ZERO cost TA was rejected and AA filed for BK. Like I said I know of no other time when in Sect 6 negotiations any Union at an airline waited that long to say they were going to ask to be released. That's also the time the NMB decided to leave everyone on ice in order they believed there was no attempt of movement. The APA and APFA were also cooled down by the lack of scheduled talks and neither group was given their release. It was quite apparent the NMB had not intention to give anyone a release. During those negotiations there were several requests made by multiple unions and none were released. It's also curious to think that you still believe a release in late 2011 would have yielded anything since the soon thereafter filed for BK.
More spin, you know the process, you know that if you ask to be released before even starting mediation you will not get released, its never happened. Pure posturing. --It also seemed evident we weren't getting released at anytime, since the request was made several times the the TWU, APFA and APA. None granted.
The question is why did the TWU wait two years before requesting mediation? It made sense for the Pilots and Flight attendants to kick the can down the road because if they followed the process they likely would not make gains if they ended up in a PEB, they were already tops in the industry, including WN after language is factored in. You also know that without even sending an agreement back to the members that its not likely that the TA would release the parties after only spending at best 100 hours in face to face negotiations, especially if they are spread out over two years. You also know that typically when the NMB says that future mediation will probably not produce an agreement and they are breaking off mediation and a TA has been rejected that the criteria that has been applied in the past has been met and thats when the NMB will release the parties to the next step in the process and that is exactly what happened but the TWU instead requested not to be released and to continue meeting one week out of the month with the company until they filed for BK. --When you hit a topic, you sure don't come off it even when the circumstances and results are so obvious. You are still calling for a release and a PEB against a company that shortly after filed for bankruptcy. How can you argue that, if left to follow your path, a PEB was going to supersede a bankruptcy. Wow.
BTW--You can't be ask to "not be released." As much fun as that idea might be for you.