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Where in the contract does it specify that the company cannot accommodate requests to move days off in order to allow someone to keep a hard to get medical appointment? I think that would be less disruptive to operations than having someone call in sick. Management and supervisors are there to make decisions concerning such requests.

It has to do with showing preferential treatment. She has a doctors appointment, someone else has a child’s first recital, someone else has a 100th birthday for a grand parent, yet another has … well you get the picture. Who gets to decide what is important and what is not?

My job is to make decisions on what is best for staffing of the flights. That is my only concern. AA did not “giveâ€￾ me days off for me to go to my parents 50th anniversary. I had to trade them off. Your life out side of this company is not our concern. We do not work for a mom and pop store. If you get off for reason X, everyone wants to get off for their reasons that are just as important to them. The only fair way to do it so that everyone gets treated the same is to say that you are responsible to arrange your work life and personal life so that they do not conflict. Sometimes stuff happens and if you have to call in for PO, then do so. But to expect the company, any company to make an exception “just for youâ€￾ because what you have to do is sooooo important is unreasonable IMO.

One other thing. Lets assume Skymess is going to miss work on that regardless. If I move her AVBL day I loose out and if I do not move it and she calls in for a PO I loose her as well. There may or may not (depending on the rest of her schedule) be any advantage for to move her day. The seniors and MOD’s are not their to grant exceptions, they are there to assist us in interpreting the contract. None of us are supposed to knowingly violate the contract. I realize you folks don’t believe this but if screw up to much, we get in trouble. The contract is not a suggestion for us, it is the crew skd constitution. We are the local or state court judges and the SOD/MOD are the Supreme Court.

Bottom line is this. What we would like to do is very very different from what we are required to do.
AA never printed a contract from the restructuring agreement we voted NO on. So, no F/A at AA has an up to date contract to look at. Just old ones where we have to try and recall or guess what the new language is. Apparantly they are "in the process" of finalizing it and are going to be sending it to the printer soon. We shall see. It has been almost 2 and a half years since this thing went into effect, that should be long enough to send it out to us. Geeze.
File a complaint with the DOL. The twu tried the same BS.
AA never printed a contract from the restructuring agreement we voted NO on. So, no F/A at AA has an up to date contract to look at. Just old ones where we have to try and recall or guess what the new language is. Apparantly they are "in the process" of finalizing it and are going to be sending it to the printer soon. We shall see. It has been almost 2 and a half years since this thing went into effect, that should be long enough to send it out to us. Geeze.

Something is very weird with that. We have had the new contract for over 2 years now. All the desks have copies. They are spiral bound and all. Not just photo copies. Loos like the real deal to me. I'll have to check the print date on it when I go in today.
The last one we got was the good one from 2001. Nothing since.
try taking the shrink wrap off the contract and read it instead of using it to balance your desk.

Why don't you get off your a$$ and cruise over to Amon Carter and tell your cooperAAte buddies to print the damn contract! It's AA's responsibility to print each new agreement with the APFA. Like IORFA said, it's been 2 1/2 years since we voted NO on the restructuring agreement. But, AA like always is dragging their feet to try and not pay for what they're required to do.

The holidays will be fun for us this year!! I wonder how you will be feeling when the "flight attendant flu season" hits system wide? Maybe like this:
Before anymore concessions, I offer manAAgement the following suggestions:

Raise Fares.

Outsource manAAgement - first graders could run this place better.

Shut it all down and turn out the lights.
Just grow up and take your next pay cut like man!!!!!!!!!!!!
It has to do with showing preferential treatment. She has a doctors appointment, someone else has a child’s first recital, someone else has a 100th birthday for a grand parent, yet another has … well you get the picture. Who gets to decide what is important and what is not?

Your life out side of this company is not our concern. We do not work for a mom and pop store.

The seniors and MOD’s are not their (sic) to grant exceptions, they are there to assist us in interpreting the contract.
Well, I have got news for you. In many other large organizations that have good labor relations, such decisions are regularly made by supervisors. With proper guidelines, the seniors, MODs and FSMs can easily sort the legitimate requests from the frivolous ones.

In the long run, a happy workforce is a win win situation for the customers, the employees and the shareholders.
My job is to make decisions on what is best for staffing of the flights. That is my only concern. AA did not “giveâ€￾ me days off for me to go to my parents 50th anniversary. I had to trade them off. Your life out side of this company is not our concern. We do not work for a mom and pop store.
Bottom line is this. What we would like to do is very very different from what we are required to do.

There you have it, they dont care about the employees, so why should employees care about the company when the choice is between the company and their family?

The company has embarked upon a quest to see how much they can screw their employees and get away with it, why shouldnt the employees do the same to the company?

Get what you can, thats what they are doing. Parents 50th anniversary? Only happens once, cant swap it, then do what you have to. Cant afford to lose even more pay because of the paycuts? Doesnt leave you much choice does it? So odds are calling in sick is the way to go, after all the company doesnt care about you but your parents do. Who should you disappoint, the company that doesnt care about you or your parents?

Mom and Pop stores have a harder time making up for a missing employee. The company fires people everyday and when you complain about the pay they are quick to tell you to quit, they wont miss, you but if you call in sick all of a sudden the fate of the whole company lies on you.

Another thing, rule 32 does reach beyond the employees work life, so if its not their concern then why does the company reserve the right to terminate people for what they do off the job?
Question. Is is accesable on line through the APFA www site?

It has the 2001 contract in one section and the restructured agreement changes in a different section. It is very confusing to have to go back and forth between the two and it really doesn't help you when you are mid sequence, on an airplane, and have no access to a computer.
Question. Is is accesable on line through the APFA www site?

It doesn't matter if it is or isn't. It's AA's responsibility to have the contracts printed and distributed to each flight attendant.

Like I said run over to Amon Carter and tell your buddies to print the damn thing! I hope we strike next time. It will show this crAApy compAAny that we can't be walked on.
Dunno... What I see on Jetnet is the 2001 contract, followed by letters of agreement for the restructuring. Are you positive it was re-printed in its entirety after 2003?
Dunno... What I see on Jetnet is the 2001 contract, followed by letters of agreement for the restructuring. Are you positive it was re-printed in its entirety after 2003?

Guess it's one of those things.

Like when we negotiate it they can't imploement it right away and instead have to do it in 5 year stages. But when they take it away they can take it all away at once the next day.

It's not in their best interest for the FA's to have all the written language in one hard copy because then we know when we are getting hosed. It is in AA's best interest for the schedulers to have a bound hard copy containing all the 2003 changes in order to ensure that they know all the contractual ways to screw our schedules up.

Guarantee they don't come through with our contract because "times are tough".

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