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Not to sound cold (but I know some will interpret it that way) but we do not care why anyone wants a day off.

You folks in CS don't care about anything. I was stuck in NY during 9/11 on a layover and all that anyone in CS cared about was staffing flights. After being stuck away from family and friends for 9 days, the only thing I wanted to do is get home. I didn't give a rats *** about working a flight, I just wanted to see my family again. CS would not release any of us to go home because they were concerned about staffing. So my entire crew and along with other crews that got stuck, told CS to F-Off and we found other ways to get home. And you wonder why we do what we have to do?
You folks in CS don't care about anything. I was stuck in NY during 9/11 on a layover and all that anyone in CS cared about was staffing flights. After being stuck away from family and friends for 9 days, the only thing I wanted to do is get home. I didn't give a rats *** about working a flight, I just wanted to see my family again. CS would not release any of us to go home because they were concerned about staffing. So my entire crew and along with other crews that got stuck, told CS to F-Off and we found other ways to get home. And you wonder why we do what we have to do?

I think what Garfield is trying to say is that the company doesn't allow them the luxury of caring for us. If they do care they get fired. I can see why the turnover rate in scheduling is so high.
I'll tell you even more, I gave my notice last week. My last day will be Oct. 31st. I just got sick of working for a company that is being sucked dry by lazy, arrogant unions and an uppermanagement that is more concerned about hanging on to their cush jobs than actually fixing the company.

I will never again work for a unionized company, well in five years there probably won't be any left. The unions will have milked all they can off them and thanks to the members of the AFL-CIO every manufacturing or blue collar job that used to be in US will be in China. YES, you are the problem, for every AMFAMAN, TWU informer type there are 10 jobs moving out of the US because of their stupidity and arrogance, all they are doing is expediting the process.
Would you work for highly profitable Southwest; which is completely unionized and whose employees make substantially more? Would you have worked for Lorenzo at money losing CO in the 1980s after he busted the unions and slashed pay 50% below the other airlines with no benefits?
I hope you don't fly for a living because you need to get your eyes checked. What I have said is that during the holidays when the sick list doubles for 2-3 weeks, 50% of those on the sick list are not sick. It is very simple. There is not known disease that affects people only during the holidays. Since there is no such disease, the only way the sick list can double from it's daily average is for people to be lying. I don’t know why you have such a problem with it. People do it in my department, they do it in yours and they do it in every other department. Do you think by not admitting it is not true?

Doesnt Flu season start around the same time?

I've also read that more people die around the holidays, are they faking being dead?
Before anymore concessions, I offer manAAgement the following suggestions:

Raise Fares.

Outsource manAAgement - first graders could run this place better.

Shut it all down and turn out the lights.
NOW!NOW! If You want to see "Top Talent" at work in the area of Management look NO FURTHER than the former USAirways Team of Bumbling Idiots.........like I have said before, those clowns would RUIN a Wet Dream! Times are tough, but AA is still the premeire American carrier HANDS DOWN! You may have to make sacrifices but YOUR PRODUCT is still head and shoulders AAbove the rest :up:
NOW!NOW! If You want to see "Top Talent" at work in the area of Management look NO FURTHER than the former USAirways Team of Bumbling Idiots.........like I have said before, those clowns would RUIN a Wet Dream! Times are tough, but AA is still the premeire American carrier HANDS DOWN! You may have to make sacrifices but YOUR PRODUCT is still head and shoulders AAbove the rest :up:
I don't know...

I'd put our idiots against your idiots anyday of the week and they would play to a tie 9 times out of 10.
I don't know...

I'd put our idiots against your idiots anyday of the week and they would play to a tie 9 times out of 10.
YOU must be kidding! 😀 OUR idiots are better than YOURS.........they were so damn talented not only did we go BUST ONCE, we did it TWICE just to prove a POINT! The collective brainpower exhibited in the executive suites at ALL the legacy carriers is equal to size of the nuts on a Longhorn......Go Horns Go!
You folks in CS don't care about anything. I was stuck in NY during 9/11 on a layover and all that anyone in CS cared about was staffing flights. After being stuck away from family and friends for 9 days, the only thing I wanted to do is get home. I didn't give a rats *** about working a flight, I just wanted to see my family again. CS would not release any of us to go home because they were concerned about staffing. So my entire crew and along with other crews that got stuck, told CS to F-Off and we found other ways to get home. And you wonder why we do what we have to do?

Let’s review shall we. The job of crew skd is to staff flights. Which means if you are legal to fly and we need you we will not release you. As much as we would like to shut the airline down till everyone is happy it aint going to happen. My guess is there were a lot of people stuck in NY, DC and all over the country who wanted to get home (I know, shocking ain’t it to realize that the 9 of you were not the only ones who wanted to get home) and walking was not an option. If you are unable to fly (for what ever reason) then get a PO and do what you need to do.

Item two:
I guess you may not be aware of this so I’ll let you in on a little secret. There is a contract in place that governs how I do my job when scheduling FA’s I read most of it and I have yet to find the part that says that “if I feel it in necessary out of the kindness of my heart that I may violate the contractâ€. If you find that part, please let me know because it would make my life a whole lot easier. So for instance, when we plot a FA on to a BWI or PBI or ONT seq and they live god only knows where and call up to say :can you please please give it to someone else†I could do so with out risking my job. Or when someone tells me that they really need (insert your reason here) the LAX 2 day on MU so I pass YOU on make up (YOU are senior to the one who ‘needs’ it) and give it to them and not worry about you filing a pay claim (yea right).

So Wrench, BOB, TWAnr,

How do you want me to do it? Everyone gets what they want? Only a few get what they want? Who decides who the few are? Who flies PBI, EWR or ONT when no one wants to? Who gets the PVD when I can only give one but the 5th person on the PVD “really needs itâ€.

You hammer heads crack me up. You b1tch and moan when you don’t get a favor from us but let one of us try and skd you to 85.01 and lets see what happens.

So BOB et all, NO I DO NOT CARE WHEN I AM ON THE JOB. The contract does not have the provision in it. Personally, yes I do. I do not like saying no all the time. I would love to let Skymess off AVBL, I would love to give the PVD to the one “who needs it but that silly little contract won’t let me do it. BOB, try taking the shrink wrap off the contract and read it instead of using it to balance your desk. Then you might know why we do what we do.
Skymess, I chuckle whenever I see your avatar. Who dat?

Stewie from Family Guy. It's my avatar and it cracks me up whenever I see it too.

You need to check Family Guy out. I think the comedy is right up your alley.
He's a talking baby with a smarmy british accent. The funny part is that he has no business with the accent because his family is so obviously blue collar American. There's a great episode when Lois, his mom, becomes a flight attendant.

Look for it at whatever video store you use.

http://www.adultswim.com/shows/familyguy/index.html That's the schedule on the cartoon network.

If AA would hurry up and actually print the contract of 2003, then we could read it. Untill then, tell AA to hurry up and send it to the printer!!
You guys don't have a contract? I thought I have seen FA's in Crew skd who had them. Did AA/APFA just run out and not make enough?
AA never printed a contract from the restructuring agreement we voted NO on. So, no F/A at AA has an up to date contract to look at. Just old ones where we have to try and recall or guess what the new language is. Apparantly they are "in the process" of finalizing it and are going to be sending it to the printer soon. We shall see. It has been almost 2 and a half years since this thing went into effect, that should be long enough to send it out to us. Geeze.
I guess you may not be aware of this so I’ll let you in on a little secret. There is a contract in place that governs how I do my job when scheduling FA’s I read most of it and I have yet to find the part that says that “if I feel it in necessary out of the kindness of my heart that I may violate the contractâ€￾.

Who decides who the few are?
Where in the contract does it specify that the company cannot accommodate requests to move days off in order to allow someone to keep a hard to get medical appointment? I think that would be less disruptive to operations than having someone call in sick. Management and supervisors are there to make decisions concerning such requests.