Nightwatch said:Good points Raptor, but might I add that some also "use" the union official's soft stance on items to cloak their own unwillingness to show aggressivenesss. To many have become comfortable with their style of living and are suspect of a change. They lay blame to their leadership, thus labelling themselves as sheep.
I'd like to see our floor's posture be one of "strike" and openly agree to each other that it is the only way to either save our profession or keep from whoring it at lower wages.
I agree with you on this one Nightwatch
And Ken I am all for fighting against the company including striking but when and if we do that we will not be the first to have tried it, many other Airline employee's have tried it before us and they have all lost the battle, that is what I believe will happen at US Air, United and eventually us, it is not a matter of whether to fight on not fight, I believe we must fight but in the end I am sure that the company's will win and we will lose, I think we are getting ready to see that at United they have AMFA as a Union and I have no doubt that they will fight as hard as they can but I also have no doubt that they will lose this battle, and in the end the company will have gotten what they wanted wether it was given to them or taken from the employee's 🙁 We are fighting a losing battle no matter what Union is representing us, I do think that Industrial Unions and craft Unions both are on their way out, I think most of our Aircraft Jobs are headed over sea's and their is nothing we can do to stop it, this is the future it is all part of are one world order 😉 The strenght in numbers game only works as long as the company's want you to work for them, once they want someone in another country to work for them instead of you, numbers mean nothing what Union represents you means nothing, the past Unionized steel workers can attest to that. 🙁
I think the days of Airlines doing their own Heavy Maintenance are going away real soon and when that happens there won't be enough of us A&P Mechanics left working to matter what Union we have. 🙁
There was a time when I thought that there was something we could do to stop the Airlines from taking our pay and benefits from us but now I do not, I think that they are going to take them no matter what we do, all we can do is what the Mechanics at Pan AM and other past Airlines have done survive as best we can wether it be at the Airline for crap wages and benefits or at Home Depot in the paint Dept. 🙁
I was right all along about the NMB thing and I am pretty sure I am right about this, once again I am not saying don't fight back I am just saying start polishing up those resumes cause were ALL going to lose this battle, AMFA TWU IAM IBT everyone <_< except the Pilots and the stews they will live to fight another day as it is pretty difficult to send their jobs over sea's B)
I don't see myself as a pessimist or an optimist just a realist, We will soon see if it matters what Union we are in with the United/AMFA battle settled by the end of January, my bet is on United, although it should be noted that United is going to beat the Pilots ( real bad ) and the stews as well, the Pilots are the toughest in the Airline Industry as they have the most clout and they are the one's who will be spanked the hardest when their pensions are reduced to $44,000 ( OUCH !!! ) 😱