Don't you guys ever get tired of this
pointless back and fourth B.S.
Some of you might want to review this post by the moderator, especially the part about not disclosing personal information or
IDENTITIESand the part about
NAME CALLING, PROFANITY OR INSULTS I think there are a few people in here that need to get the boot if they cannot be professional with their pointless opinions
let's face it AMFA will not get in at AA this year the timing is not right, it may happen some day but with everyone worring about just keeping their pensions and their jobs the last thing they will be worring about is what powerless Union is representing them, soon everyone will see just how powerless
ALL of the Unions are right now as ALL of the Unions will be taking concessions regardless of how hard they fight, maybe we should be thinking about how we are ALL going to survive these hard times instead of fighting with each other over Unions. :unsure:
Union fighting at this particular time makes absolutley no sense to me at all. :huh:
I think some of you guys should really think about getting a
Todd B Nov 11 2004, 08:38 AM Post #1
Rank: Senior Member
Group: Moderator
Posts: 289
Joined: 11-January 03
Member No.: 1,618
We have received several complaints in the last few weeks about this forum. The moderators have not been very active in moderating this forum. This will change if the complaints continue. It seems that only a handful are causing the problems.
Please observe our rules:name calling, profanity, insults, disclosing personal information or identities, etc.
Any abuse will automatically result in a 7 day suspension.