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Get Ready Boyz!

OK. For arguments sake let's agree that all unions, all members of those unions, voted for their contracts they currently have, must have, or they would have all struck. Laying blame serves what purpose? Does it fix anything, think not. We act like my kids, blame each other while the "bathe water is running over".

We need to coordinate something people, and do it quickly. If not, we'll all be able to seek another profession, withou benefits and pay. You think you have it bad now, imagine your income ceasing, with no medical. What would you do tomorrow if you had no job to go to? Come on this forum and blame the TWU or AMFA? That won't pay you much, won't give you medical, and won't keep your kids in school.

I suggest we cease this "whose union is best" BS and start coming up with a way to keep us in a chosen profession and not a necessary profession.
It is funny that this thread discusses todays concessions throughout the industry.

Twenty years of concessions from the TWU!
Nightwatch said:
OK. For arguments sake let's agree that all unions, all members of those unions, voted for their contracts they currently have, must have, or they would have all struck. Laying blame serves what purpose? Does it fix anything, think not. We act like my kids, blame each other while the "bathe water is running over".

We need to coordinate something people, and do it quickly. If not, we'll all be able to seek another profession, withou benefits and pay. You think you have it bad now, imagine your income ceasing, with no medical. What would you do tomorrow if you had no job to go to? Come on this forum and blame the TWU or AMFA? That won't pay you much, won't give you medical, and won't keep your kids in school.

I suggest we cease this "whose union is best" BS and start coming up with a way to keep us in a chosen profession and not a necessary profession.

Now, you are finally making sense.
What we are seeing is a full scale industry wide attack on our profession and what we need is cooperation and coordination. Regardless of 'Union Affiliation'.

Checking it Out said:
Amfa made a choice to be separate from others. They have claimed to be superior. Here is your opportunity to show us all!

You claim to represent 8 Airlines, so go and organize them for a rally and show the rest of us how it is done! Bring the Airlines to their knees! Go ahead and strike United and see what will happen!

Amfa has destroyed moral one lie at a time!

AMFA evolved out of a void created by their current union leadership.
AMFA (at one time) petitioned to be included in the AFL-CIO but was denied.
AMFA did not make a choice to be 'separate' but our 'unionism' scared the
AFL-CIO money making machine. They do not like our autonomy (too much power to the local) and they do not like our split of dues (National/Local = 40/60) as 'too much' goes to the local.

The morale of your membership is the responsibility of 'your' Union.
Instead of blaming 'your' morale problems on AMFA (or any other factor) why don't you look into 'yourself' and see where the problem lies.

Your membership is not happy with 'your' representation <EOS>!!!
If you would correct 'your' representation methods instead of transference, 'your' membership would be 'Proud and Happy' instead of semi-dissatisfied and rebellious.

Give 'your' membership what they want and you would not be trying to defend your actions!!!

If you want to keep AMFA (or any other organization) out, then 'serve the will of the membership!!!'

Furthermore, your misrepresentation of the truth will be your ultimate downfall.

So let's agree to disagree, put our unions on the shelf for a bit, and try and figure a way to save our profession. The company/companies thrive on our division of unions/unionism. We MUST find a way to show them we are one, we must come up with a plan to show ourselves we are one. Without solidarity amongst THE WORKING STIFF, we die slowly to outsourcing, as the overseas ops grow out of control.

We need to agree on a direction. Stand firm with our agreement. And follow through. If not, the corporations, with their lawyers fresh out of school, will slowly put us amongst the needy, eligible for blocks of cheese at the US armories.
Nightwatch said:
So let's agree to disagree, put our unions on the shelf for a bit, and try and figure a way to save our profession. The company/companies thrive on our division of unions/unionism. We MUST find a way to show them we are one, we must come up with a plan to show ourselves we are one. Without solidarity amongst THE WORKING STIFF, we die slowly to outsourcing, as the overseas ops grow out of control.

We need to agree on a direction. Stand firm with our agreement. And follow through. If not, the corporations, with their lawyers fresh out of school, will slowly put us amongst the needy, eligible for blocks of cheese at the US armories.

Once again we agree.
(if we keep this up we may have to get a room 😛 )

First order of business is for the IAM/AFA to make a stand at USAir.
(We have already seen the tenacity of the CWA and lack thereof for us-alpo)

Second order of business is for AMFA/IAM/AFA/CWA/ALPA to make a stand at the 'Lazy U'.

Third order of business is for 'ALL' unions of AA to make a stand.

Throughout this process 'ALL' unions will not cross picket lines and
will not perform work of the striking carrier.
(Which is in the AMFA constitution BTY)

If we can do this 'collectively' we have a chance at saving our professions.
How we got here today is irrelevant but today must be the 'Line!!!'

Brother/sister, I do not know of any true union person that would cross a picket line. I hope those at UAL the best, I hope they grow a backbone if not already intact, and I especially hope that us that are not affected presently, follow at first and lead at last.

Now then, Mr. Owens, CIO, Stewart, and others here, where do we go from here? I'm game to work together, even with you Dripster, it's time to shine. We have to put this "my union is better" BS aside, a fight to fight another day. It's time my brothers, to show the CEO's and stockholders, we are FULL TIME!...not TEMPORARY workers for their use.

We have skills, good skills. wether it be avionics, metal, systems, or leadership. Out of this industry they are worth less. Sure, metal can go to work into the A/C heat arena, avionics can go to work at Radio Shack, and systems...well, they could make hydraulic hoses for the local farmers. Point being, if we want to carry on it's time for both ssides to put our differences aside and save ourselves, the company will not do it for us.
Nightwatch said:
Brother/sister, I do not know of any true union person that would cross a picket line. I hope those at UAL the best, I hope they grow a backbone if not already intact, and I especially hope that us that are not affected presently, follow at first and lead at last.

Now then, Mr. Owens, CIO, Stewart, and others here, where do we go from here? I'm game to work together, even with you Dripster, it's time to shine. We have to put this "my union is better" BS aside, a fight to fight another day. It's time my brothers, to show the CEO's and stockholders, we are FULL TIME!...not TEMPORARY workers for their use.

We have skills, good skills. wether it be avionics, metal, systems, or leadership. Out of this industry they are worth less. Sure, metal can go to work into the A/C heat arena, avionics can go to work at Radio Shack, and systems...well, they could make hydraulic hoses for the local farmers. Point being, if we want to carry on it's time for both ssides to put our differences aside and save ourselves, the company will not do it for us.

You certainly are a piece of work.

I offer you an 'olive branch' and you wipe your a$$ with it and give me the sticky end.
Even though your complaining sent me to the cornfield, I didn’t bust your a$$ for it.

Have you no 'honor'?
And then you 'mouth' solidarity?

Your transparency has once again been your downfall and why you AFL-CIO hoodlums and liars are on their way out!!!

But you are all too stupid to understand that there will be 'nothing' on the other side!!!

View attachment 2158 UT
offer you an 'olive branch' and you wipe your a$$ with it and give me the sticky end.
Even though your complaining sent me to the cornfield, I didn’t bust your a$$ for it.

Did I miss something here?
Nightwatch said:
So let's agree to disagree, put our unions on the shelf for a bit, and try and figure a way to save our profession. The company/companies thrive on our division of unions/unionism. We MUST find a way to show them we are one, we must come up with a plan to show ourselves we are one. Without solidarity amongst THE WORKING STIFF, we die slowly to outsourcing, as the overseas ops grow out of control.

We need to agree on a direction. Stand firm with our agreement. And follow through. If not, the corporations, with their lawyers fresh out of school, will slowly put us amongst the needy, eligible for blocks of cheese at the US armories.

nw, you truely are a piece of work. What you are asking is already being done. BY YOUR twu! The twu is standing firm and accepting concessions. The twu is standing firm and watching their sister unions perpetuate the twu's concession game.

You want solidarity? Then go picket the NMB. AA AMTs tried to take a stand for our CRAFT! This will happen. It will simply take less than a year for AA AMTs to take a stand alongside EIGHT other airlines that are trying to stem the flood of concessions created and perpetuated by the iam and your twu.

You want a new direction? Turn away from your computer and go sit down in front of the twu express and dream of an appointed position. Let those who are strong enough in their beliefs to post their names to do any standing for our craft & profession.

The twu... where even when we talk tough we hide behind an alias! 😛h34r:
The twu... where even when we talk tough we hide behind an alias!

Careful Ken, you might upset Decision 2004 in your asking for him to identify himself by doing away with his alias. I hear he's funny that way, real quick to go to the administrators. Just a friendly warning.

And really Ken, use your real name here and tell me in detail how you wish to send AA a message. I see by your posts that you're not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
Nightwatch said:
Careful Ken, you might upset Decision 2004 in your asking for him to identify himself by doing away with his alias. I hear he's funny that way, real quick to go to the administrators. Just a friendly warning.


My account was suspened for three days. Why would they suspend the guy complaining? Try living the real world instead of a fantasy.

What I find real interesting is how some think that having an account here is of some value.

Subject: account suspension
From: "USaviation.com Forums" <Todd_B_Jackson@hotmail.com>
Date: Thu Nov 11 14:29:09 GMT 2004
To: "USaviation.com Forums" <Todd_B_Jackson@hotmail.com>
Decision 2004,

Todd B has sent you this email from /index.php.

your account has been suspended for 3 days. Don't post personal info.

Please note that USaviation.com Forums has no control over the
contents of this message.


The USaviation.com Forums team.
Wow...that's quite an accomplishment! HAHAHA!!!...that's what ya get for posting my personal info...Mr. Drippy Quill...at large..HAHAHA!!!...now that has some value to it.

Are you shook we shut air-mechanic.com forum down?
NyQuill said:
Wow...that's quite an accomplishment! HAHAHA!!!...that's what ya get for posting my personal info...Mr. Drippy Quill...at large..HAHAHA!!!...now that has some value to it.

Are you shook we shut air-mechanic.com forum down?

Oh yeah,

Your superior skills at debating issues have accomplished much. Including the shut down of your maintenance base.

I can't wait until you end up working for an AMFA represented Airline after you get thrown to the street by the TWU.

Or maybe you could return to the Police Force and be accused of more racial tensions.

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