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Gecas Haults Financing For Regional Jets

Some clarifications to nybusdriver's post.

PI did have utility agents in some locations; contracted out in others.

In most locations, RON cleaning was utility or contracted out. I do know some agents had the contract to clean RON's. In my time with PI, I never cleaned an aircraft. I did, however, fuel, deice, pushback and airstart.

'driver is mostly correct on the p/t issue. PI paid p/t $6 and pass bennies. However, if one wanted, it did not take long to upgrade from p/t to f/t in the 80's. And, I am unaware of any station where 70% of the staff was p/t. In the few locations I know about, it was about 50/50.

And oddly, Mr. Davis always made it a point to pay f/t agents the same as EA,DL and AA - he said, "you do the same work, you're making money for me, and I'm going to treat you right."

Now, there was a leader.

Having said all that, there is no question U introduced operational and personnel inefficiencies we had never seen before.

And they can't blame the nasty ole unions - the merger went down in 1989, and the agents were not under contract until 1999.
* Most of the Piedmont agents were part-time workers. Piedmont found it very advantageous to have about 70% of these workers as part-timers. They got no benefits except free travel. Yet the thought of just getting their foot in the door at this remarkable carrier had folks lined up around the block to take these part-time positions. USair's philosphy was to have mostly full-time workers and just a "fill in" amount of part-timers. So, when the merger took effect, thousand of Piedmont part-timers became USAir full-timers overnight. The hourly rate went up, and now they had a full benefits package. It was no small amount of money, and it was a huge overhead increase that would never, ever go away.

NYC Busdriver,

Piedmont agents were actually at 50% part time, that did not include Supervisors, which are the same as the current leads. The company was growing so rapidly that it was relatively easy to get a full time job within six months,and then the benefits were fantastic, I remember my first year of full time in 1987, the first thing I did was bid my four weeks of vacation for that year. It did take 15 years to reach TOS, but at that time (1987), the TOS was the second highest in the industry. $16.87 per hour in 1987!!
Honest to God real "turbogrowth" was a wonderful thing, wasn't it?

And they can't blame the nasty ole unions - the merger went down in 1989, and the agents were not under contract until 1999. Uncle Ed Colodny and later his clone in the form of Seth Schofield were deathly afraid of the unions hence all the great contracts (Less Work/More Pay). They wanted labor peace so the unions got everything they asked for at the expense of the "bottom Line".

The industry has changed and labor leaders better wake up, not just here but at AAL/DAL/NWA/UAL.

The days of "More Pay/Less Work" type contracts are OVER!!!!

Dont misunderstand me..I am no fan of the Management since Uncle Ed.. The ones since too are very much the blame but big difference they have no shame in taking the cream off the top whether its earned or not. How much money does Steve Wolf need for example. He took a bonus while at Flying Tigers/selling it to FedEx, From Republic Airlines when sold to Northwest, United when the ESOP program was established and now when he left UAir.

I say..take it now and come back and fight another day once this company finally gets turned around. Union/non-union cannot dispute the numbers now.
johnnyfleet said:
It did take 15 years to reach TOS, but at that time (1987), the TOS was the second highest in the industry. $16.87 per hour in 1987!!

Wow, and 17 years later they want to take us back to $13.10/hr? :down:
If they came back with a REASONABLE comparison of ALL the LCCS we compete against (WN/B6/FL and if they must HP) then I dont think they would have had a problem from the beginning getting a contract passed. Now? Everyone is just po'd to the point of exhaustion and normally that would be a good thing for the company in contract talks, but someone poked the nest one too many times this go round for that to happen. :shock:
We should never have put in any orders for "NEW" jets comming out of bankruptcy!!!!... It is purely a move to cut out the better paying pilot jobs, to demoralize the union membership...and divide the union members....

Southwest was not in bankruptcy...makes a profit....and flys B737's...If it was a good idea do you think Southwest would not have done it?...If you think otherwise, you are a fool....

There was no immediate need to Buy "NEW" jets right out of bankruptcy, unless they wanted to waste money we didn't have...

Kinda makes ya wonder if we would have announced some profits, if it didn't set its site on the pilot/flight attendant union and focused on making money for the airline....

There are plenty of passengers who don't like the little jets...feel they are cramped...feel they have "too small" overhead area...and are less reliable in bad weather, etc....

Southwest doesn't have to worry about having an inventory of parts for various aircrafts....Because they are smart....They have done the fuel hedging for a long time too....

Southwest has a tv show on A & E called, "Airline"....If USAIRWAYS had a tv show , what would it be called?...lol
Is this something new or just another announcement about the suspension of the deliveries? The companies could still work something out, right?
I should have been a little clearer....

This thread started with just GECAS pulling financing. Another thread somewhere covered Embraer's suspension of orders. This article covers it all.

I'm confused as well... Is BBD, or GECAS or whoever saying that there will be no more CRJs to US, period? But EMB is saying maybe if a deal can be worked out?
What Embraer said (and I'm assuming that Bombadier is using the same logic) is that they could/would not deliver any additional a/c to UAIR unless they could be assured by the BK court that they will get paid for the a/c. Their reasoning is that new a/c = new debt. New debt is something that bankrupt companies are not supposed to take on while attempting to reorg/dump their old debt in court.

I don't think it matters to Embraer who is doing the financing--GECAS or whoever. They just want to get paid.
jimntx said:
What Embraer said...is that they could/would not deliver any additional a/c to UAIR unless they could be assured by the BK court that they will get paid for the a/c.

I wonder how that's coming. How long before we know something do you think?

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