700UW said:If people keep companies honest then pelase explain the following:
Enron, WorldCom, Adelphia and Mr Milken.
And I guess you have forgetten the employees of this company have given back 20,000 jobs and over $2.4 Billion in wages and benefits since 2002.
Even gave concessions in 1992.
Selective Memory?
Great comeback.. thanks again for the amusment. I was there in 1992 and gave back, I gave all in 2002 when I was "laid off", so no - I have not forgotten. Gee.. how noble that sounds. A union could not have saved the companies you mention, so don't even try that. Enron, Worldcom, Adelphia - none of those were union companies. There are always going to be examples of "bad people", that's human nature. You, however, seem to think as if there are no "bad people" in the unions and they are your savior. I'd love to hear how they are going to save you. I'm guessing your ... never mind, keep politics and attacks out of it. However, I'm bored today.. please make me laugh again 🙄