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Future Tulsa 514 President Dan Mitchell Removed From Office

Point to you.

However since the Local 514 President is Fleet Service and the Chairman a Maintenance almost works for the international, my point is moot.
You're talking in riddles. If you have a documented example of a Local 514 officer misrepresenting you, file charges. Otherwise, keep your speculation to yourself. We don't need anymore self-appointed experts blowing smoke. The company does enough of that.
How is he talking in riddles? 514's president (4000+ mechanics) is a fleet service clerk and the Chairman of Maint. is a non-licensed mechanic. Go figure that out, he has to go to international because he sure can't bump to a line station if he gets laid off. Talk about 'system' protection!
You're talking in riddles. If you have a documented example of a Local 514 officer misrepresenting you, file charges. Otherwise, keep your speculation to yourself. We don't need anymore self-appointed experts blowing smoke. The company does enough of that.

Nobody needs to be an expert on that issue. Misrepresent might be strong; however, not being an aircraft mechanic puts him at a disadvantage for knowing the issues aircraft mechanics face through first hand experience. I wouldn't call it blowing smoke either. This is the most important time to have the best people in place, and AAs largest aircraft maintenance local is represented by a baggage handler and an un-licensed half-tard. Yeah, no riddles there. Good time to sign an AMFA card if you haven't already.
You're talking in riddles. If you have a documented example of a Local 514 officer misrepresenting you, file charges. Otherwise, keep your speculation to yourself. We don't need anymore self-appointed experts blowing smoke. The company does enough of that.

Along with the appointed staff of the TWU International that is going to save us from ourselves because we have never seen the big picture?

For misrepresentation, review the CFM-56 engine work outsource grievances and the representation the back shop production area received.
The AMT's outnumber the FSC's at Local 514 by a wide margin, so why didn't they elect one? Lack of interest, too lazy, or just not interested enough to know who they're voting for. Sounds just like the American's who don't vote in the National Elections and then complain about the results.

Same goes for the AMT vs the non-licensed representative. If you don't run for office or even vote, you don't count. It shouldn't take a rocket scientist to figure that one out.

We have enough problems dealing with the Company & Bankruptcy Court issues right now to be wasting time with this nonsense. If the Judge revokes the contract we'll all be in the barrel trying to figure out how we got there. And anyone who tells you that's not a problem is blowing smoke up (you know where).
We have enough problems dealing with the Company & Bankruptcy Court issues right now to be wasting time with this nonsense. If the Judge revokes the contract we'll all be in the barrel trying to figure out how we got there. And anyone who tells you that's not a problem is blowing smoke up (you know where).

The AMT's outnumber the FSC's at Local 514 by a wide margin, so why didn't they elect one? Lack of interest, too lazy, or just not interested enough to know who they're voting for. Sounds just like the American's who don't vote in the National Elections and then complain about the results.

Same goes for the AMT vs the non-licensed representative. If you don't run for office or even vote, you don't count. It shouldn't take a rocket scientist to figure that one out.

We have enough problems dealing with the Company & Bankruptcy Court issues right now to be wasting time with this nonsense. If the Judge revokes the contract we'll all be in the barrel trying to figure out how we got there. And anyone who tells you that's not a problem is blowing smoke up (you know where).

How do we fix this situation or do you not believe that it is broke?
Historically there's been little interest in the union until a crises occurs, and we certainly have one now. Despite those who claim the bankruptcy situation and revocation of contracts is only a little bump in the road, and we just have to hang tough, its a very serious situation.

If our negotiating committee can get beyond their political rhetoric and finger pointing they have an opportunity to influence the court and realistically addresses the needs of our members. First that would require that they actually recognize the situation we're in. That may be a problem for some of our negotiators. Speculating and telling members what they would like to hear is not going to protect the members interests, no matter how good it makes them feel at the moment. Telling members the truth may not be a politically popular thing, but its what the members need right now.

I believe we do have an opportunity with the mediator (judge) to prove our case since the company cannot justify everything they claim they need. However, if we squander it by playing to the dissidents in our ranks the membership and their families will pay the price.
Historically there's been little interest in the union until a crises occurs, and we certainly have one now. Despite those who claim the bankruptcy situation and revocation of contracts is only a little bump in the road, and we just have to hang tough, its a very serious situation.

If our negotiating committee can get beyond their political rhetoric and finger pointing they have an opportunity to influence the court and realistically addresses the needs of our members. First that would require that they actually recognize the situation we're in. That may be a problem for some of our negotiators. Speculating and telling members what they would like to hear is not going to protect the members interests, no matter how good it makes them feel at the moment. Telling members the truth may not be a politically popular thing, but its what the members need right now.

I believe we do have an opportunity with the mediator (judge) to prove our case since the company cannot justify everything they claim they need. However, if we squander it by playing to the dissidents in our ranks the membership and their families will pay the price.
Historically at Tulsa the only interest in unionism is to rid ourselves of the TWU. The only and I mean the only things keeping them in place is their lies, deception and fear. Everything the company wants the company gets for fear of a few jobs going out the door. Being last in compensation and having 25% of your workforce of AMT's compensated at half wages for the last thirty years is not a little bump in the road and it is a very serious situation.

Before the negotiating committee can get beyond any political rhetoric, the TWU must stop their own rhetoric. The needs of our membership? The very statement is foreign to the TWU. Recognizing the situation we are in? I believe you have this issue in reverse. It is the the Six Presidents that stood their ground against the TWU International who understand the situation we are in, the International and therefore Local 514 and there minions.

The protection of the interest of the membership has been lost for over thirty years. Who's truth are you referring to and why does the membership need it now and not in the past?

The objective of the judge is to ensure that the company exits bankruptcy with a plan the places the company on a path to solvency. Within that objective he must decide if the company is overreaching with their requests placed before the court.

The dissidents in our ranks are a part of the membership. Maybe that is the point that you and the socialistic TWU International cannot comprehend. As for squandering, that is one thing that the TWU is good at. The political game they play with the assets of the membership with no return on the members investment, must stop. Being last does not serve Americans ( the people ) well.

It appears that you are okay with the socialistic destruction of our country and the workforce.

It is time and way overdue for this membership to gain what is theirs and stop the TWU attempting to force the company into more employees at the behest of those already here at whatever the cost is.

Instead of blaming the membership on non-attendance to union meetings, why doesn't the leadership come to the Docks and shops and see and here what is on the minds of the membership. More of the membership garners their information from your so called dissidents than from the leadership, with that leadership's M_F , 8-5 schedule. Get out of the hall and do something constructive for once in your lives. Half the TUL base lives in constant fear and it appears that it is not the aircraft docks or the engine shops.

As for your concern over the membership and their families, My grandson requires a new PS- whatever the newest version is. Can we take a pay cut to get that for him.
Historically at Tulsa the only interest in unionism is to rid ourselves of the TWU. The only and I mean the only things keeping them in place is their lies, deception and fear. Everything the company wants the company gets for fear of a few jobs going out the door. Being last in compensation and having 25% of your workforce of AMT's compensated at half wages for the last thirty years is not a little bump in the road and it is a very serious situation.

Before the negotiating committee can get beyond any political rhetoric, the TWU must stop their own rhetoric. The needs of our membership? The very statement is foreign to the TWU. Recognizing the situation we are in? I believe you have this issue in reverse. It is the the Six Presidents that stood their ground against the TWU International who understand the situation we are in, the International and therefore Local 514 and there minions.

The protection of the interest of the membership has been lost for over thirty years. Who's truth are you referring to and why does the membership need it now and not in the past?

The objective of the judge is to ensure that the company exits bankruptcy with a plan the places the company on a path to solvency. Within that objective he must decide if the company is overreaching with their requests placed before the court.

The dissidents in our ranks are a part of the membership. Maybe that is the point that you and the socialistic TWU International cannot comprehend. As for squandering, that is one thing that the TWU is good at. The political game they play with the assets of the membership with no return on the members investment, must stop. Being last does not serve Americans ( the people ) well.

It appears that you are okay with the socialistic destruction of our country and the workforce.

It is time and way overdue for this membership to gain what is theirs and stop the TWU attempting to force the company into more employees at the behest of those already here at whatever the cost is.

Instead of blaming the membership on non-attendance to union meetings, why doesn't the leadership come to the Docks and shops and see and here what is on the minds of the membership. More of the membership garners their information from your so called dissidents than from the leadership, with that leadership's M_F , 8-5 schedule. Get out of the hall and do something constructive for once in your lives. Half the TUL base lives in constant fear and it appears that it is not the aircraft docks or the engine shops.

As for your concern over the membership and their families, My grandson requires a new PS- whatever the newest version is. Can we take a pay cut to get that for him.
Unions are socialistic by nature. It is a group of people working collectively to better the groups working conditions, wages, and job security. It is yours and others lack of understanding of unions that is destroying the working class.

You vote for people that reduce regulations that drive stability, which may restrict growth, but eliminates the chaos and "fear" that people live under in TUL and other places. It is naive to think that changing a union will drive the changes you want. Once everyone shifts to the WN model and outsources then management will then look for more cuts that the remaining in-house workers. Then what?

Keep looking for someone to blame but the fact remains, we have our backs up against the wall. What are we going to do? Ask AA to hang on while I change unions and then kick their ass? Has that ever worked? No. 23,000 people that followed that dream paid with their jobs following the the false promise of riches.

But continue to demonize. Many of those six Presidents will probably not be working here out of their, "understand the situation we are in," leading us towards the cliff.
Unions are socialistic by nature. It is a group of people working collectively to better the groups working conditions, wages, and job security. It is yours and others lack of understanding of unions that is destroying the working class.

You vote for people that reduce regulations that drive stability, which may restrict growth, but eliminates the chaos and "fear" that people live under in TUL and other places. It is naive to think that changing a union will drive the changes you want. Once everyone shifts to the WN model and outsources then management will then look for more cuts that the remaining in-house workers. Then what?

Keep looking for someone to blame but the fact remains, we have our backs up against the wall. What are we going to do? Ask AA to hang on while I change unions and then kick their ass? Has that ever worked? No. 23,000 people that followed that dream paid with their jobs following the the false promise of riches.

But continue to demonize. Many of those six Presidents will probably not be working here out of their, "understand the situation we are in," leading us towards the cliff.
Unions being Socialistic by nature? Are you referring to those elitist at the International who consistently obtain raises for themselves and do not have to face the cuts that the membership does? Your flawed view of unionism, whereby workers unite across the globe is flawed. You failed to acknowledge my reference of the M-F, 8-5 shift and that the rest of the membership has to adjust their schedules for their families. I understand your form of unionism, more jobs no matter the cost and you believe that that can be controlled by political forced support of one of the flawed parties that claim to represent the people of this country. Your form of unionism is anti-American. To make it simple for you, King George, stop taxing me without representing me. Why must the people in your vision of unionism remain as the working class without any hope to better themselves. The membership has grown tired of the status quo ( in statu quo res erant ante bellum ).

Stability? Where has there been stability in the relationship of the company and the TWU? Since 1983 the membership has been placed in a perpetual down spiral in regards to their compensation and benefits, unless an outside force has acted in it's own behalf and forced the parties to adjust their agenda to keep people from attempting to replace the TWU.

The WN model is an excuse the company uses to propagate fear in the TWU. The outsourcing phase has been implemented by the rest of the carriers and now it is upon American Airlines. WN is slowly bringing work back in house while the the company is playing catch up with that business model and the TWU still maintains that the company requires more employees to do the same work that WN accomplishes with less employees at the top of the compensatory scale including a deregulated benefits package. WN is bringing in their fourth heavy line and staffing it at approximately 90 employees including QA. Deregulation of the industry is the only fact that both the company and union have little or no control over. The non-union side of the equation deregulated and the old style form of unionism did not. Now that deregulation is being forced upon unionism. The company is moving in a direction it probably should have moved in in 2003.

Has anyone that is advocating the replacement of the TWU ever stated a time frame for such a move in relation to the bankruptcy?

I am not looking for someone to blame. I blame myself first for not acting sooner and I blame the company for the ineptness and I blame the TWU for living in fear. No I stopped looking long ago .