Dog Wonder
Please give the sniping a holiday.
Isn't there a weight limit problem on RJ's that prevents bags to travel on the plane with a full passenger load? If so, it might have been smart for USAir to have trucks standing by. Your thoughts would be welcome.
I sincerely hope this gets sorted out TODAY. PHL, you were doing so well...don't drop the ball now!
Isn't that The TRUTH! People give swa way too much credit....and for what? US was ramping up operations (flights and destinations) to levels that BWI could never support and the proximity to PHL would never allow BWI to remain a HUB. What swa did was rapidly place itself in the BWI marketplace- a very swift deployment of resources....chasing US out of BWI hardly. Even today almost every US flight out of BWI is Full/Overbooked- so the Grand "Darling" of the Airline world hasn't totally impressed EVERYONE in Baltimore and even the 20min flt BWI-PHL is heavily booked.A common misconception. USAirways pulled back from BWI in anticipation of DOJ objections to the virtual lock that a combined USAirways/United had on the three Washington area airports. United wanted to keep Dulles, and National was a more lucrative market (along with very valuable slots) for USAirways to hang on to during Wolf's failed attempt to sell the airline to United. It was clear there were antitrust issues, and the Washington airports was one of the biggest. Walking away from BWI was the only real solution to that particular antitrust issue. Of course, we all know it was futile.
But SWA didn't chase anyone out of BWI.
The meltdown in CLT will continue as long as Shift Managers feel they need to "continue" perfoming Fleet Service work...don't want to mention any name, but it rhymes with "Dick Clarx"!