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Free Passes,

UseYourHead said:

What is the problem with being rewarded for good attendance? Is there anything this airline can do that is worthy of any support.

What a pathetic and poisoned attitude here.

Very very sad....

No matter how critical I have been about our management, IMO this is a step in the right direction by the company and long may it continue!!

MarkMyWords said:
OK....to all the nay sayers on here....if you knew the holidays were coming, and your employees were disgruntled to say the least, what would you do to offer an incentive to ensure that the biggest revenue producing days of the 4th quarter went off without a hitch? And before you say it....returning the concessions is not an option and cash is extremely tight. They are usiing the resources that cost the company very little in cash to try and give the employees an incentive to come to work when they are supposed to.

.... so how would you motivate employees to work their shifts and get us through the holidays?

Ok. I don't mind being rewarded in some way for working a little overtime during the holidays when I'd much rather be home with my family. Don't get me wrong. But if Christmas is on a Saturday, and Saturday is one of my normal work days, and you're going to reward me for doing the job I'm supposed to be doing anyway, give me a f*#king break!!! So now I'm being rewarded for the job I'm already getting paid for? Ok granted, I'm being paid 7 dollars an hour less than what I was two years ago; but it's the job I was hired to do. Of course I have to admit that maybe this will get some of the 25 year guys that always show up late for flights, or are too lazy to show up until after all the work is done, off their asses and out of the breakrooms; and get them motivated to join the rest of their colleagues on the flight line so we don't have to break our backs carrying their work load and ours too. But I still don't think some people get it. If this company does survive past February I hope the senior dead weight guys will move on and find new jobs where they receive bonuses for doing what they're already expected to do anyway; and leave the rest of us alone. I, and most of the outstanding folks I work with, would just as soon not have to lug their dead weight around anymore. And if you're honestly under the impression that you should be rewarded for what you're already being compensated for anyway, regardless of how little we're being compensated compared to the past, it's laughable. I can look in the mirror and take pride in what I do, I can look in the mirror after taking rewards for working over and beyond what is required of me (if I work overtime), but I can't look at myself in the mirror if I take rewards for doing what I'm already supposed to be doing anyway. Can you? :down:
U has been criticized in the past for not having some sort of rewards program for attendance. Continental and others have used rewards very sucessfully to stem sick leave. I think using motivations instead of dropping the hammer on folks is a step in the right direction.

A320 Driver
Attention....."We have some free passes for you on our new ship "The Titanic"...
It is a real beauty...and it is unsinkable....."
I'll bet that if the company stopped the paycuts TODAY, some of you folks would ask "how can these fools afford this?"

A320 Driver
CO gives away Ford Explorers, you something people can really use.

Not a positive space ticket.
MarkMyWords said:
OK....to all the nay sayers on here....if you knew the holidays were coming, and your employees were disgruntled to say the least, what would you do to offer an incentive to ensure that the biggest revenue producing days of the 4th quarter went off without a hitch? And before you say it....returning the concessions is not an option and cash is extremely tight. They are usiing the resources that cost the company very little in cash to try and give the employees an incentive to come to work when they are supposed to.

The items listed in the lottery are probably corporate doantions and not something the company had to go out and purchase. Perhaps US donated space positive tickets to those companies to be used at their holiday parties. Again, paying out cash is not an option, so how would you motivate employees to work their shifts and get us through the holidays?
I would think that many of the folks that still work here would like to be treated with dignity and respect. Something they have all earned, yet something that has been sorely lacking over the years.
The arrogance displayed by the management team at US is insulting and demeaning. The true arrogance lies in the fact that you don't even realize that you have been arrogant! You just appear to believe that you are all so much smarter than us, so we should simply deal with whatever you folks dish out. After all, you are here to save the airline, while we are just the necessary evils that do the front line work. You don't even understand the harm of that atttitude, towards the very employees that are being asked (forced) to give yet again.
The majority of the folks left here are relatively senior with a wealth of knowledge about what it takes to be successful in our customer's eyes. Even under the worst of conditions, a customer appreciates being told the truth, being treated with kindness and respect, having their troubles acknowledged, and being appreciated for their continued patronage.
Employees are the same! For years you have asked us to give, and we have. You are asking us to give again, but rather than acknowledging our experience about the business and what it will take to make us successful, we are still being treated as necessary evils. Our suggestions are ignored, our gripes go unanswered, our abilities are underappreciated, our loyalty is dismissed.
Some of us have been here 10+ times longer than some of you have. You'd think we would have learned something about the business at US Airways in that time!
Perhaps a statement from upper management that you guys have screwed up....BIG, in your treatment of employees, would go a long way towards bridging this huge gap. It's a monster of your own making and someone up there has to take credit for it! I'm not just talking about the cuts that we have been forced to endure, I'm talking about the punitive, uncaring attitude from the middle management team that we are forced to endure. And it seems to me that the supervisors and manager that survive in our company are the ones that are the most punitive. I'll just bet that as kids they spent a lot of time pulling wings off of house flies and turturing small animals. They are the ones that maintain their positions in the management ranks, and the front line employees know that.
Perhaps that is not the intent of upper management, but someone forgot to convey that to middle management.
Instead of working as a team, the employees have been continuously pitted against each other. Add to that the uncaring, cold, and punitive attitude of the supervisors we have to deal with, and you have built a lose-lose situation. It's the attitude of us against them, and we keep losing.
Free tickets are not going to fix anything. A return to respect for the front line employees is long overdue. What have you got to lose...other than an airline!
700UW said:
CO gives away Ford Explorers, you something people can really use.

Not a positive space ticket.

I could use a laptop.

A320 Driver
700UW said:
CO gives away Ford Explorers, you something people can really use.

Not a positive space ticket.
can't afford to give out new cars . what part of that don't u get.
etops1 said:
can't afford to give out new cars . what part of that don't u get.

Maybe Lakefield, Crellin and Glass could take a small paycut and purchase something like that for the employees? Just a thought. :lol:
Anybody want to take a guess on what the tax is on a new Ford EX? Why crab about the pass. Don't use it, cost you nothing.
You're right. Why cry over a couple of free passes. Kinda like getting an old moldy cheese wheel or can of stale cookies. Just say thank you and then thown them away.
700UW said:
CO gives away Ford Explorers, you something people can really use.

Not a positive space ticket.

Do CO employees brag about "banging in sick" all the time on airline employee boards?
Could probably get the cars for free, just mention free advertising for Ford. Oh wait Oprah already did that.............
TheLazarusMan - You sound like one of our fine executives...Uncle Al. When the topic of employee incentives were discussed in the early to mid 90's, his response was very similar to yours. "If your paycheck isn't incentive enough for you to come to work when you are supposed to, then leave." While I agree that my paycheck is a wonderful reason to come to work, what is going to deter me from banging a sick day, or better yet, a Paid Time Off Day, on a holiday so that I can be home with my family? Especially when your fellow employees seem to do that year in and year out and you are left to bust your hump even harder to pick up the slack. Eventually more and more people call in sick because they get sick of towing the line for those that don't come to work. As you can see, this causes a spiral that is very difficult to break. Offering employee incentives is a great way to get employees to break the cycle, but the incentives have to be something that the employees want/need.

I agree that the semi-free passes are probably not the best incentive to curtail some employees actions, but there are many that it will. Personally, I enjoyed the TWFT passes that we got after bankruptcy one and used them to get to places that I would not have been able to non-rev to. Yes, it takes some planning to use them and it does cost you the imputed tax, but it was far cheaper then having to buy a ticket because the flights were full.

It would be nice to give away a car or two, offer cash incentives, etc. But that is just not feasible. It would be great to see the company come out with performance based incentives for On Time, Consumer Complaints and Baggage similar to CO's and recently UA, but again, cash drain is not an option. Hopefully, when we do turn that corner and we are on the road to recovery, we can afford to look at these incentive programs and come up with a way to reward employees for their hard work, versus only beating and berating employees.
Cant afford it because US paid $23 Million dollars in executive compensation in the past 12 months, boy did they get their monies worth, NOT!

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