Hope777 said:People on these Boards have talked about the Employee incentives that CO has for its Employees and said that the Company should do Things like that. Now granted we are not giving away Ford Explorers, but isnt something better then nothing?
Agree and confer.aredeeyou22 said:If you still have sick time (hours?) at this point, it's your fault! LOL......... 🙁
So my question is......does Crystal Palace have a plan in place (or do they at least recognize the need) to address employee morale after the (potential) emergence from BK? Something tells me that 4 free first class upgrades aren't going to do it. What are they hiding up their sleeve that will be unveiled after new work rules and pay scales are in place (consensual or court imposed)?
fatherabraham said:Do ya reckon ya'all will have to pay taxes on these tickets as income if and when you use?
genejockey said:My question is when are these space positive seat awards redeemable. When can an employee actually use them? Is there a wait period before they can be used? My personal opinion is that time is very, very short for US Airways.....if you get my drift.