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Former APFA Negotiator On Laura Glading


Aug 6, 2004
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Our APFA National Officer elections are quickly approaching.
I cannot even begin to describe how greatly distressed and disappointed I am to learn that
one of my former negotiating team colleagues (from our 2001 contract and the concessionary debacle of 2003)
has decided to run for President of the APFA. Having served with Laura Glading for almost three years on the
negotiating team, I cannot think of anyone less appropriate to represent us during these turbulent times. From my
own perspective and experience, I feel that Laura Glading is naïve and concessionary. She has an arrogance that
is dangerous because she is unable too admit when she is wrong or has been fooled. (which was quite often in my opinion)
During the 2001 contract negotiations, if the Company could not get our team to cave on an issue, Laura Glading
was their "go to" person to circumvent the process and cause internal pressure. Laura Glading boasted openly on
how she thought Jane Allen was an advocate for the Flight Attendants. (What a joke that turned out to be)

Laura Glading had a front row seat during the concessions and is quietly trying to delete this from her resume.
At the same time Laura is using people like Steve Ellis, an elected member of the current negotiations team,
to claim she was responsible and deserves the credit for our 2001 contract. Steve Ellis was not an active participant
in the 2001 contract negotiations. I was, and can tell you Laura Glading was not fighting for this membership.
She stated many times openly that Denise Hedge's contract was not that bad. She became a roadblock many
times during our negotiations because the Company felt Laura Glading would be able to pressure the rest of our team
and base chair persons to settle much lower.
Fortunately Laura was unsuccessful.

I am greatly disturbed to see the Hutto-Blake administration attempt to reinvent Laura Glading into a fighter and
someone able to advance our careers. Laura has been working under Tommie, and her administration for much of
the last four years. For anyone that questions the validity of this, the facts and figures are in the APFA monthly
financial reports.

I see now Laura Glading is trying to distance herself from Tommie and claim she is a new deal. Please do not be
fooled! The very people that Laura is running with seem to be handpicked by Tommie herself. Brett Durkin is the
current VP of the APFA -Handpicked by Tommie.
Denise Pointer- Handpicked by Tommie to be the Info Rep Leader.
Look up the list of Tommie supporters, you will find all the same names supporting Laura. Again, please do not be fooled!

In my humble opinion Laura would be even worse than Tommie.
Like Tommie she carried the mantra of -Pull together win together- like it was gospel.
Now, like Tommie, she wants to pretend they were victims and betrayed by management as if that will regain our trust.

Seeing Steve Ellis endorse Glading gives me De-ja-vu. He seems to be embarking on a path that is perilously similar
to the one Patt Gibbs traveled at the end of her Flight Attendant career. If Steven is to be taken seriously he should
immediately make very clear his support is not in order to secure his first practice and learn the job at our expense.
I would encourage Steve to state he has no intention of accepting trip removal or employment as APFA counsel or
legal advocate if Laura is elected. While I applaud anyone who furthers their education, I see a great problem with
the APFA continuing to have individuals with little or no experience representing us. I hope Steve is successful in getting
hired by a respectful firm and gaining much needed experience. An attorney needs years of experience to stand up and take
on AA managements' attorneys that each have decades of experience. To believe anything else is ridiculous or foolish.

I fervently hope that this membership rejects this lame attempt to keep the status quo by electing Laura and her
running mates. They are thinking that by changing out Tommie for Laura we will be fooled. Our careers cannot afford
another four years from a group that played a driving role behind circumventing, changing, and then removing our rights
to vote on concessions and the numerous "Tests" that have been thrown at us these last years. We cannot afford
the "Status Quo is the best we can do" for another four years.
I do not know about you, but I cannot afford another four years of this. American management would love it!
And that should speak for itself. We have got to elect someone that will stay at the bargaining table until the last
dollar is off of it and in our pockets rather than in management bonus packages.
This company has no respect for working together unless it's for free on our part.
We have got to elect a "tree shaker" if we have any hope of getting back the fruit that was stripped from our plates.
Unless we can show this management that we are capable of shaking the tree, they have no intention of giving us
back the fruit of our labor.
I guess the other choice, JWs hands have no blood from 2003 on them?

JW could never effectively lead this or any Union again. period.

Ill take my chances with Glading ANY DAY...
I guess the other choice, JWs hands have no blood from 2003 on them?

JW could never effectively lead this or any Union again. period.

Ill take my chances with Glading ANY DAY...

Good luck with Back on the Concession Track then. I guess LA domestic will follow your lead?
I would encourage Steve to state he has no intention of accepting trip removal or employment as APFA counsel or legal advocate if Laura is elected...

I hope Steve is successful in getting hired by a respectful firm and gaining much needed experience. An attorney needs years of experience to stand up and take on AA managements' attorneys that each have decades of experience.
Has he passed the bar exam since he last ran for office?
Thanks for the post....everything you said is a bit disturbing. Both John and Laura will say they want a great contract but who will be the better one to deliver it? I have seen John in action with the company and I know he can be a real bulldog. Do we want someone like that?...I personally haven't decided. I need more information. Keep up the posts.
This is from 2003 and at the bottom is another statement from are attorney on the law suit.

December 2003
> Fellow Flight Attendant I am sending this e-mail to all I can reach encouraging you to visit the backontherighttrack.com web site and to ask that you support the
National Officer Slate of Tommie Hutto-Blake, Brett Durkin, Greg Hildreth
and Cathy Hermann Lukensmeyer. I have served APFA for the past 17 years; almost thirteen of those years on a full-time basis. I have worked with all of the candidates who are running for National Office with past APFA union experience and I strongly support the Hutto-Blake team. There are also number of candidates running who have never served our union The possibility of electing an inexperienced leader truly frightens me. I am as anxious as anyone to start the process of rebuilding our union and fighting to recover the tremendous losses to our contract. I spent a solid two years as a table negotiator fighting for that contract. To have it taken from us was as devastating for me as it was for anyone, probably more so in light of the personal sacrifice I made to help achieve it. If we elect inexperienced officers our recovery will be paralyzed for years
while we wait for these folks to "learn the job". There are things that we can and should be doing immediately; we do not have time for on the job training. A flashy web site does not qualify a candidate for National Office of a union with more than 20,000 members. We do not even know who created the web site. A law degree does not qualify a candidate for National Office either. Even if that candidate, and as far as I know this candidate has not, passed a State Bar Examination or ever actually practiced law. Would you let a Medical Doctor perform surgery on you without completing a residency or without any practical experience? The fact that one of the candidates is boasting his role in a lawsuit filed against the APFA is a glaring example of just how harmful an inexperienced a leader can be. Do you realize how much of your dues are going to defend this lawsuit? Why would you sue yourself? This defies logic. We should choose our candidates the same way we choose any professionals. Based on their experience and record. Too many of the candidates have neither. I encouraged and applaud these folks for to serve their union, but I suggest that their sleeves and start with their local stepping up they roll up base council Please take the time to visit backontherighttrack.com and please message to other APFA members.

Enjoy the Holidays!
Laura Glading ¡© JFK


On Nov 15, 2007 2:15 PM, <bassesq@...> wrote:
Yes, the case is very real. I am one of the attorneys for the plaintiffs.
There is no formal email list at this point, but we will try to set something
up in the near future.
There are presently four motions pending before the Court. One motion will
determine whether or not the case will proceed as a class action. The other
three motions will determine whether or not the case goes to trial.
Together, these 4 motions are supported by 14 briefs and probably close to
1,000 pages of documentation. The Court is no doubt diligently going through
this material and all parties will hear from it when it has decided what the
next step should be with regard to those motions.
When we hear something from the Court, we will try to get the word around.
Best regards,
Emily Bass

Law Offices of Emily M. Bass
Let's just wait and see who puts their hat in and runs for APFA President. These are the only confirmed people who are running:

1. Laura Glading

2. John WAArd

3. Steve Baumert - Baumert 2008

4. Rock Salomon - This guy is a complete idiot!

I'm sure we will have a few more in the next week or two. I only wish John Nikides the LAX Chair would run!
Baumert 2008[/url]

4. Rock Salomon - This guy is a complete idiot!

I'm sure we will have a few more in the next week or two. I only wish John Nikides the LAX Chair would run!



With a name like "Rock Salomon".....He'd HAVE to be an IDIOT !!!!!!!

Hey senior AA F/A's, plz. refresh my ol' memory, by answering a question or two.

1. Who was the Prez/VP in "93"
2. Who, in your opinion(s) was the BEST APFA team/year



With a name like "Rock Salomon".....He'd HAVE to be an IDIOT !!!!!!!

Hey senior AA F/A's, plz. refresh my ol' memory, by answering a question or two.

1. Who was the Prez/VP in "93"
2. Who, in your opinion(s) was the BEST APFA team/year


93 Prez Denise Hedges
93 VP Judy Ladislaw

those were the "glory" days in my opinion, we will never ride higher....
93 Prez Denise Hedges
93 VP Judy Ladislaw

those were the "glory" days in my opinion, we will never ride higher....

Rather than settle for perceived mediocrity, why not encourage qualified f/as to put their names in the "ring", or better still, enter the race yourselves.
Baumert 2008[/url]

4. Rock Salomon - This guy is a complete idiot!

I'm sure we will have a few more in the next week or two. I only wish John Nikides the LAX Chair would run!

Nikides is endorsing Glading. Only he knows why. He may need an IHOP intervention.
He sure did act like a dog, especially when he rolled over and played dead during the RPA ratification fiasco.

JW is no savior. He showed his true colors when he rolled over and fed us to the wolves.

To make matters even crazier, suppsoedly Dixie is supporting JW. There is no way that I will go for that. If this is true, she is surely overestimating the power of our support for her.

Do you know anytihg about this Nancy?
He sure did act like a dog, especially when he rolled over and played dead during the RPA ratification fiasco.

Yup, JW rolled over and gave Carty the RPA. Read Emily Bass's brief in Marcoux vs AA/APFA.

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