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For NWA, oil isn't as cheap as it could be

Yeah a-hole my larger point was that nwa screws up again. With all their so called brain trust that worked this bankruptcy court (pay offs) so well, the only thing they seem to do well is screw their employees and the state of MN. Liberal talking points? You been listening to your crack head buddy limbaaahhh. What a joke!
Nice, a third consecutive post that starts with calling me a name. You stick with your bumper sticker level depth of analysis and adolescent name calling; I'm sure it will take you far.
Nice, a third consecutive post that starts with calling me a name. You stick with your bumper sticker level depth of analysis and adolescent name calling; I'm sure it will take you far.
Well lets see finny, you work for a bankrupt company that is the disdain of the industry. My guess is that you have been there less than 10 years and no other employers are knocking on your door. You seem to spend most of work day on the internet so what is it that you do? Like many of the stellar management team there at nwa you hope to climb the ladder, to where I don't know. This is a company that is 1 disaster away form its rightful place on the heap of deceased airlines. It may or may not happen. But 1 thing for is this airline will never be what it once was (which wasn't much). I don't see anyone chasing down andy or doug to run their company and moral into the ground. Good luck there finny you will need it. BTW I never applied at nwa!
finman....you still work there?

geez, and I thought you were a pretty inteligent guy.
I agree w/ big jimmy, you do spend a lot of time on the computer during the work week....

Like I told you before, NW will be doing a sweep of the cubicles, hope that resume is ready. Better yet hope you've mailed a few of them to prospective employers.
finman....you still work there?

geez, and I thought you were a pretty inteligent guy.
I agree w/ big jimmy, you do spend a lot of time on the computer during the work week....

Like I told you before, NW will be doing a sweep of the cubicles, hope that resume is ready. Better yet hope you've mailed a few of them to prospective employers.
probably will get tossed like the rest when they see a worker who has on their resume a company that lacked corporate vision.

Who wants people who got hired with a company known for hiring people with zero aviation experience.

Some scab was trying to talk to me about paycuts and I flat out told him I might try CO using my prior experience & expertise elsewhere and the blessed four years of Military experience I had.... He told me he couldn't talk to me because that's a scab company! He just can't talk to people who wants to work for a big fat scab company like that!(yes I know the history of CO...) I'm all confused now after that conversation. :blink: Were we sniffin some Jetwash or what!? 😛h34r: Someone certainly got a big fat jug of company punch that day.

Now I got to figure out what my excuse is for going back to doing frontline work again......

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