I would also like to add that I read that there are about 5,600 ramp service people at NWA. I believe that there are about 800 to 1000 scab mechanics currently on the NWA property. It would be fun to watch 800 to 1000 scab mechanics trying do the work of 5,600 ramp people in addition to doing their own jobs of maintaining the fleet; now that would really be performing for "the man".
Don't forget about CSA work and reservations as well...If the ramp goes out, so do they.
I don't know about all of that but I do know that the AMFA Scabs are furious with the Rampers for performing struck work. I don't think he really cares to throw bags but is more interested in payback for the ramp Scabbing his struck work.
This is a wind up, right? These dopes cross their own picket line, and are mad at other employee groups? Time to look in the mirror.
You generally don't make profits during the reorganization process due to the hefty bankruptcy related expenses that are incurred during that period.
I'd like to know what that 975 million went towards.
I also noticed that labor costs are down 29%, so Steenland can stop playing that broken record anytime.....