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Northwest Airlines Posts $1.1B Loss in 1Q

I would also like to add that I read that there are about 5,600 ramp service people at NWA. I believe that there are about 800 to 1000 scab mechanics currently on the NWA property. It would be fun to watch 800 to 1000 scab mechanics trying do the work of 5,600 ramp people in addition to doing their own jobs of maintaining the fleet; now that would really be performing for "the man".

Don't forget about CSA work and reservations as well...If the ramp goes out, so do they.

I don't know about all of that but I do know that the AMFA Scabs are furious with the Rampers for performing struck work. I don't think he really cares to throw bags but is more interested in payback for the ramp Scabbing his struck work.

This is a wind up, right? These dopes cross their own picket line, and are mad at other employee groups? Time to look in the mirror.

You generally don't make profits during the reorganization process due to the hefty bankruptcy related expenses that are incurred during that period.

I'd like to know what that 975 million went towards.

I also noticed that labor costs are down 29%, so Steenland can stop playing that broken record anytime.....
I don't know about all of that but I do know that the AMFA Scabs are furious with the Rampers for performing struck work. I don't think he really cares to throw bags but is more interested in payback for the ramp Scabbing his struck work. Unions pitted against unions, and you guys really expect to survive. The companies will destroy you, then you will eat your own dead. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Isn't that special? SCABS upset with SCABS!!!
What Unions are you talking about that are pitted against each other? :blink:
I would also like to add that I read that there are about 5,600 ramp service people at NWA. I believe that there are about 800 to 1000 scab mechanics currently on the NWA property. It would be fun to watch 800 to 1000 scab mechanics trying do the work of 5,600 ramp people in addition to doing their own jobs of maintaining the fleet; now that would really be performing for "the man".
I'd pay front row tickets to see that one myself 😀
I do know that the AMFA Scabs are furious with the Rampers for performing struck work.

:lol: ...Is'nt that kinda like saying your pissed because someone ran off with your wife, with whom you've been cheating on? Furthermore SCAB Boy, how is it that the AMFA Scabs are able to work so closely with they're SCAB replacements? I'll tell ya how, because you're from the same mold, ya know birds of a feather. No matter how much make up you put on a pig, its still a pig.
Isn't that special? SCABS upset with SCABS!!!
What Unions are you talking about that are pitted against each other? :blink:
Boy, you are a union suck-up aren't you. AMFA and the IAM, jackass. You know the IAM, the guys that did your struck work. Does pushbacks come to mind? I know you guys like to brush the cleaners off as if they were nothing but they were part of your union and did walk the picket line with you guys. Do you remember them? You know the guys that used to clean the aircraft but now the RAMP is doing it? Do you remember that struck work?
What? A high and mighty AMFA mechanic willing to "lower himself" to throw bags? Say it isn't so. Didn't AMFA always preach that they were far superior to the "ramp apes" and "knuckle draggers"? Maybe someone could take a picture and have AMFA post it on their website. :up:
They're SCABS dude not AMFA mechanics.
The companies will destroy you, then you will eat your own dead. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Had the SCABS not crossed a picket line, an agreement would have insued or NWA would have ceased. You and your miserable form of life are not free of blood on your hands, talk about eating your own!
Uhh, better check those numbers again for AA. You overstated it a bit.

First thing - you incorrectly use the term "operating loss." That generally refers to the results prior to interest paid or earned. Most of the numbers you posted are actually the net losses, not operating losses. Most airlines actually had positive operating income for the first quarter - except, of course, Northwest. Since you used the net loss (excluding special items and excluding reorg items) for NW (which is different from the "operating loss,") I'll repost the net loss numbers plus links:

AMR: $92 million net loss http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/060419/daw013.html?.v=53
CAL: $46 million net loss http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/060420/dath016.html?.v=50
UAL: $306 million net loss http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/060508/nym052.html?.v=43
You're right that I was using the wrong terminology. I didn't realize the accounting semantics would be a big issue on this board. I posted the "Net Income from Continuing Operations", (which excludes non-recurring items) for all the airlines noted, including NWA. As such, it achieved my purpose, which was an apples to apples comparison of operating profitability. I think you see the obvious point I was trying to make, which was just to diffuse all of the gleeful haters out there who get a kick out of posting everything concerning NWA in it's most negative (and misleading) light.
So how much make-up do you intend on plastering on the IAM?
A SCAB, Is a SCAB, is a SCAB!.......No arguement from me SCAB Boy. ANY union that works Struck work is a SCAB UNION. I have have always stood by that Philosophy, and stand by it still.
Had the SCABS not crossed a picket line, an agreement would have insued or NWA would have ceased. You and your miserable form of life are not free of blood on your hands, talk about eating your own!
I am not sure which Scabs you are talking about, regardless the fact is that they did. The Original Scabs crossed for different reasons whether it be for previously being screwed by their unions and union brothers or simply not knowing what they were getting into. The AMFA Scabs crossed with the full understanding of what they were doing. Had AMFA been prepared for this strike and kept its members a bit more in the loop the AMFA Scabs might not have lost faith in them. Don't you have some concessions to go suck-up local?
I think you see the obvious point I was trying to make, which was just to diffuse all of the gleeful haters out there who get a kick out of posting everything concerning NWA in it's most negative light.

Not NWA Finman, just the bean counters, upper management, and the SCABS... :up:
A SCAB, Is a SCAB, is a SCAB!.......No arguement from me SCAB Boy. ANY union that works Struck work is a SCAB UNION. I have have always stood by that Philosophy, and stand by it still.
So why do you and your Brothers stand behind the IAM? You are screwing your Brothers supporting YOUR SCAB UNION. "THE MEMBERS ARE THE UNION!" You are all a bunch of SCABS just ask Hackman. If you were so worried about it you pricks would have run the IAM out of the airline industry years ago. SCAB!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I am not sure which Scabs you are talking about, regardless the fact is that they did.
The SCABS Im talking about is YOU and your lowly bunch who waited out in the desert like a bunch of buzzards waiting to feast.

Don't you have some concessions to go suck-up local?

and those concessions still leave me making way more than you SCAB Boy... :lol:

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