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Northwest Airlines Posts $1.1B Loss in 1Q

So why do you and your Brothers stand behind the IAM? You are screwing your Brothers supporting YOUR SCAB UNION. "THE MEMBERS ARE THE UNION!" You are all a bunch of SCABS just ask Hackman. If you were so worried about it you pricks would have run the IAM out of the airline industry years ago. SCAB!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I stand behind no SCAB UNION Jackass, how many times do I have to say it? Are you that stupid, that you can't comprehend A SCAB, IS A SCAB, IS A SCAB?

whores and sandwiches
:lol: ..Finman has a sense of humor, however there may be some validity in that statement.
The SCABS Im talking about is YOU and your lowly bunch who waited out in the desert like a bunch of buzzards waiting to feast.
and those concessions still leave me making way more than you SCAB Boy... :lol:
Really? Do you mean, "The handful of Scabs with a few months training that are going to try to fix Northwest aircraft that you might or might not want to fly on.", according to Rob Malone of Action 4 News? The "Lowlife Bottom Feeding Wrench Gypsy Scabs" that has broken every AMFA record? The Scabs that are climbing the DOT Stats, that Hackman adores, at a rate that will soon put them in the high eighty low ninety percentile in a very short time? The ones that have pulled off the impossible? Are those the Scabs that you are talking about? AMFA knew we were here and down played us to their own demise. Try not to be the Fool that you are and believe that those concessions are over! Go ahead and suck-up some more and continue to let your cancerous unions continue to kill the very craft you claim you are fighting for. When are you going to pull your head out of the sand?
Really? Do you mean, "The handful of Scabs with a few months training that are going to try to fix Northwest aircraft that you might or might not want to fly on.", according to Rob Malone of Action 4 News? The "Lowlife Bottom Feeding Wrench Gypsy Scabs" that has broken every AMFA record? The Scabs that are climbing the DOT Stats, that Hackman adores, at a rate that will soon put them in the high eighty low ninety percentile in a very short time? The ones that have pulled off the impossible? Are those the Scabs that you are talking about? AMFA knew we were here and down played us to their own demise. Try not to be the Fool that you are and believe that those concessions are over! Go ahead and suck-up some more and continue to let your cancerous unions continue to kill the very craft you claim you are fighting for. When are you going to pull your head out of the sand?
more chest pounding by the legend in his own mind SCAB puke, yea things are rosy and flawless at the SCABLINE Red Tail. you pulled off the impossible alright...One BILLION Loss in one quarter... :lol: :lol: :lol: Your the cancer SCAB boy, and with your "superior skills" hopefully it will finally put SCABAIR out of her cancerous misery.
more chest pounding by the legend in his own mind SCAB puke, yea things are rosy and flawless at the SCABLINE Red Tail. you pulled off the impossible alright...One BILLION Loss in one quarter... :lol: :lol: :lol: Your the cancer SCAB boy, and with your "superior skills" hopefully it will finally put SCABAIR out of her cancerous misery.
You're slacking Scablocal, is that the only defense you have for your pitiful excuse for unions is to down me? The unions that are going to save the craft by taking massive concessions and raising dues at the same time? Ken likes to say I am destroying the craft but what are you guys doing to save it? Round after round of concessions but you call yourselves saving the craft. :lol: Come on Scablocal certainly you guys can do better than that? Tell me the unions you are so proud of have more in them than retreating twenty years. You guys are in a full-fledged retreat with your tails between your legs and you're too stupid to stop and regroup. Instead you hide in the shadows eating the scraps your own unions throw in the dirt for you. 😉 Keep up the good work Scablocal.
well lets see here. about 1000 scabs doing the job of 5600 rampers, how many scabs do you have trained pto to handle customer service? as for the rise in maintaince cost, hmmmm, could it be that those pesky little old planes that made emergency landings have had a part in rising the costs, a bus trip from Grand Forks to MSP, not enough planes to fly, if they're lucky enough to get to end of the runway without going into the grass?
You're slacking Scablocal, is that the only defense you have for your pitiful excuse for unions is to down me? The unions that are going to save the craft by taking massive concessions and raising dues at the same time? Ken likes to say I am destroying the craft but what are you guys doing to save it? Round after round of concessions but you call yourselves saving the craft. :lol: Come on Scablocal certainly you guys can do better than that? Tell me the unions you are so proud of have more in them than retreating twenty years. You guys are in a full-fledged retreat with your tails between your legs and you're too stupid to stop and regroup. Instead you hide in the shadows eating the scraps your own unions throw in the dirt for you. 😉 Keep up the good work Scablocal.

Listen up TARD If its been explained to you once its been explained at least a hundred times why unionism is necessary in this hostile environment which we find ourselves. Im personally growing weary of repeating it over and over to some low life SCAB who does'nt give a crap about the CRAFT, one who is only able to be employed by SCABBING or finding employment in the HACK SHOPS. You chase jobs from town to town working a few months here, a few months there, begging for scraps like a pathetic dog never knowing which table the crumbs will fall from next.

Even with the downfalls that many Unions have, I would'nt trade places with A SCAB if it meant more pay and benefits by doing so. I have more pride and Integrity than to lower myself to some cheap wrench whore, deserting a wife and kids living out of a suitcase in some cheap motel, stabbing my fellow Mechanics in the back, selling out my chosen craft for a few pieces of silver. You Have done absolutely NOTHING To help in the advancement of a proud craft, your only to happy and pleased to help big buisness/government tear it down.

I think its very clear why you have such animosity for unions, its because you will NEVER be able to garner union wages, They will always be one step ahead, beyond your pathetic SCAB reach. Enjoy your ride down the toilet over at SCABAIR, At least you can put on your resume that you almost worked for a real airline. <_<
cant wait Local till the day of reckoning comes and NWA tells him "we are stealin half your pay and benes" because we lost more money again!
Wonder what that old scab has to say then when it happens!

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