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For Mags Luvvers ;-)


Aug 20, 2002
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Glad he has so much time to post.

Hey, extra time?? Pilot time off?? Coincidence?? <_<

Jets clip each other at O'Hare
By Richard Wronski
Tribune staff reporter
June 27, 2007, 5:41 PM CDT

The right wingtip of a jetliner awaiting takeoff this afternoon at O'Hare International Airport clipped the tail of another airliner while waiting out a thunderstorm in a holding area, Federal Aviation Administration officials said.

The accident occurred at 3:50 p.m. as a United Airlines B777 was moving past an American Airlines MD-80 while both were waiting out the storm on the 9 Right holding pad, the FAA said.

No injuries were reported.

The FAA is investigating the incident and the National Transportation Safety Board has been notified.

United Flight 149 was planning to depart to San Francisco and American Flight 1817 was planning to depart to Seattle.

It was unclear if passengers were being transferred to other airplanes or when they would depart.

In the holding pad area, aircraft are responsible for maintaining their own separation from other aircraft, the FAA said.

Bottomline: Glad everyone was okay.
Glad he has so much time to post.

Hey, extra time?? Pilot time off?? Coincidence?? <_<

Jets clip each other at O'Hare
By Richard Wronski
Tribune staff reporter
June 27, 2007, 5:41 PM CDT

The right wingtip of a jetliner awaiting takeoff this afternoon at O'Hare International Airport clipped the tail of another airliner while waiting out a thunderstorm in a holding area, Federal Aviation Administration officials said.

The accident occurred at 3:50 p.m. as a United Airlines B777 was moving past an American Airlines MD-80 while both were waiting out the storm on the 9 Right holding pad, the FAA said.

No injuries were reported.

The FAA is investigating the incident and the National Transportation Safety Board has been notified.

United Flight 149 was planning to depart to San Francisco and American Flight 1817 was planning to depart to Seattle.

It was unclear if passengers were being transferred to other airplanes or when they would depart.

In the holding pad area, aircraft are responsible for maintaining their own separation from other aircraft, the FAA said.

Bottomline: Glad everyone was okay.

Yeah, well... Southwest wouldn't have turned a profit if it wasn't for fuel hedging! Oh snap!

Yeah, well... Southwest wouldn't have turned a profit if it wasn't for fuel hedging! Oh snap!


I appreciate the thread dedication. However, I don't fly the "light" twin B777. Give me those 4 Fans of serenity for crossing large bodies of water.

While I have been a proponent of the case that SWA would not have made a profit without hedging, SWA MGMNT is now confirming this. So perhaps you should be emailing Kelly and blast him for not letting you know what we all knew already.
I appreciate the thread dedication. However, I don't fly the "light" twin B777. Give me those 4 Fans of serenity for crossing large bodies of water.

While I have been a proponent of the case that SWA would not have made a profit without hedging, SWA MGMNT is now confirming this. So perhaps you should be emailing Kelly and blast him for not letting you know what we all knew already.
He wasn't implying that YOU fly the 777....He was saying that all UAL pilots must be impatient cowboys based on this incident....you know...just like you say about Southwest pilots.
He wasn't implying that YOU fly the 777....He was saying that all UAL pilots must be impatient cowboys based on this incident....you know...just like you say about Southwest pilots.
Impatient cowboys? From what I read today the AA aircraft fouled the hold short line. They kept the incident within the aircraft boundary and didn't involve a chevron or moving vehicle so perhaps they are a couple of steps ahead, not to mention the airplane is back flying today.

Your analogy is really lacking. Had they had an impact and THEN DEPARTED then perhaps you could put them up with those SWA aviators. If they had done all of this while completely naked and or under the influence then you could put them up with the SWA aviators. As it happened they DH'ed to SFO 1-30 minutes after the event.
Okay, breaking all my rules.

Lowfareair had it right. I am poking Mags, because it's so easy, and I'm tired of having to read his posts, even though I have him blocked :rant:
(this is a BIG HINT to KCFlyer, you promised!!)

BTW, the AA plane had it's brakes set, and the UAL plane was moving, making the blame easy to place.
VERY weak, and irrevelant, try on the 'position' of the AA plane. :cop:

[resume ignore]
BTW, the AA plane had it's brakes set, and the UAL plane was moving, making the blame easy to place.

Were you there???? If not please wait on the investigation. Like I said they avoided careening off the paved surface that was ment to be used as an airport. No injuries and no ambulances. I can dig up a few SWA ramp rash incidents if you like.
Were you there???? If not please wait on the investigation. Like I said they avoided careening off the paved surface that was ment to be used as an airport. No injuries and no ambulances. I can dig up a few SWA ramp rash incidents if you like.
Were you at Midway? Were you at Burbank? Because you sure posted like you were an eyewitness to every incident SWA has been involved in....well before the investigation was anywhere CLOSE to being completed. Yet you advise us now to wait for the investigation. Judging from your posts...a United pilot would have waited until the MD80 had moved well clear of his aircraft before moving forward. But apparently they didn't. That tinkling sound you hear is the glass in your house shattering.

SWflyer...sorry. I'll go back to not responding to mags.
Were you at Midway? Were you at Burbank?

To compare a taxi incident which did not take the plane out of service to a hull loss and loss of life is a bit extreme. Of course your ability to make likely comparisons has been extremely flawed in the past several weeks.

If the 777 was in the wrong then you can feel free to bash. However, in MDW and BUR it was quite obvious the issue that caused those crashes. Yes, CRASHES. Not dented fenders but crashes

SWA Hits Other SWA aircraft

And the hits keep on coming!

But wait there is more

Hey at least our incidents take out the competition!
Mags is right on this one.

Mags is still a subnormal, nonetheless.
http://www.airliners.net/open.file/0907988/L/]we all make mistakes[/url] http://www.airliners.net/open.file/0170137/L/]and another[/url]

I guess i maybe understanding of the critic if they were perfect!!! :shock:

I never said we were perfect. That has been hurled about here by several that SWA is infallable. UAL has had its fair share of accidents over the years. Yet if there is one thing that we hope to prevent is the same accident over and over.

Flying through the boundary fence twice in a couple of years spoke volumes on how SWA pilots treated SOP's. It is the "we don't need technology" attitude that really puts people in the industry off on the SWA pilots.
I never said we were perfect. That has been hurled about here by several that SWA is infallable. UAL has had its fair share of accidents over the years. Yet if there is one thing that we hope to prevent is the same accident over and over.

Flying through the boundary fence twice in a couple of years spoke volumes on how SWA pilots treated SOP's. It is the "we don't need technology" attitude that really puts people in the industry off on the SWA pilots.

Hey, Mag, you ever been through Southwest's pilot training? Do you listen to the messages that WN leadership sends to the pilots?

I love how you sit there on the outside looking in, talking as though you know some great secret about Southwest pilots and Southwest's safety culture, and you really just don't have the first clue what you're talking about. If you think that MDW and BUR are the same accidents, just because two aircrafts both went off the end of the runway, then that is a testimonial to your ignorance. Those two events had a completely different series of events that led up to them.

And the "we don't need technology" line is completely inaccurate. SWA has always been careful in their use of technology, both inside and outside the cockpit, since it is a heavy front-end investment that doesn't always live up to its promises. And when you look at the overall results for the past 36 years, I think the conservative use of technology has served us well. It certainly wasn't a lack of technology that created either MDW or BUR. And considering that Southwest will now be jumping into the fun world of RNP with both feet and our entire fleet, and that we're paying to have those approaches built for us, I would hardly call that avoiding the use of PROVEN technology. I love how you paint with that broad brush by saying that our attitude about technology puts people off in "the industry." Funny...I'm in "the industry," too. I don't know who these oh-so-important people are that you speak of, or why we should care what they think unless they're working for us. So our approach to using technology puts you off...why the heck should SWA tailor their business practices for what people in "the industry" think and who don't have our best interests at heart?

And by the way...who are these people in "the industry," because I've been around a while, and I have yet to meet them?

As a fellow aviation professional, I'm ashamed of your arrogant attitude. You of all people should know that arrogance kills in this industry. But you've managed to combine arrogance with ignorance, malice, and a nasty habit of playing armchair quarterback when you don't even have 1/2 of the information necessary to do so.

I don't think anybody on this board has ever said SWA was infallable, with the exception of one or two posters who are not representative of SWA as a whole, and who's arrogance is matched only by your own.

Your disdain for SWA has always been obvious. But what cracks me up is that you try and pass it off as some sort of genuine pilot concern about SWA's safety culture, technology, cowboy attitude, or whatever else you can think of to mask the fact that you just have a general hatred for SWA.

So why don't you at least call it what it is and stop trying to pass off your contempt as some well-meaning concern over our so-called "cowboy culture?" As a pilot, you are a disgrace to your profession because you do something all good pilots despise - you pass judgments on other pilots when you lack all the information to accurately do so.

I think if you invested as much in trying to fix things at UAL as you do SWA, you might have yourself a better company. Having said that, out of respect for some people on this board I really like, I'm going to take a clue and make this my last post addressing you.

Carry on...
Hey, Mag, you ever been through Southwest's pilot training?

No, thank god! I did not have to pay for my job like the cowboys at SWA. The SWA pilots have to BUY their type ratings to come to work there. All the real airlines prefer to train their pilots in how they want their airplanes flown. Not SWA, we will take anyone that can pay the fee. Great policy and it leads to terrible standardization. The TYPE Rating Schools are factory's that teach you to fly solo. Not the way a Transport Aircraft is to be flown, even one as small as a 737.

Do you listen to the messages that WN leadership sends to the pilots?

No and from the looks of things neither do the SWA pilots.

What I do know is SWA pilots taxi at unsafe speeds. Do not respect SOP's or stabilized approaches. Lied about Out and In times with the lack of ACARS. Can not check in on a an ATC freq. without adding "request" to the transmission, no matter how busy the controller is. Have a lack of understanding that Direct is not always the best route on a transcon. Wind optimization is the key and I think a big reason you guys are getting out of transcons. You don't know how. Asking for Direct to PGS from over ROD in the winter time. Yes, you can have it, but it will cost you in time and fuel but it feeds your addiction.

Also, the "Hey center, Sowwwwwwesssss xxxx, how you doin?" is really professional. Your right. You guys aren't cowboys. You are morons.