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Fa's Threaten Strike On Friday

North by Northwest said:
When will it END...AFA please put the poor beast out of it's misery.

With friends like you, who needs enemies🙂
The UAL F/A's don't have the stomach or the guts to go on strike.

It's just another idle threat by a has-been union. :down: :down:
The UAL f/a's aren't striking....just AFA! :lol: :up: (what a lame-brained union)

What is this the third time this month they have threatened?
All the unions have lost any power that they thought they had. Now all the talk is just chest thumping. We all know that in the end they will cave and cut some deal trying to save face. Put your tail between your legs and run. The managers will be laughing all the way to the bank.
Agreed. The unions have lost their power to the global economy. Unless unions negotiate in their contracts now retraining for those who will be losing their jobs and preparing them for transferring into other jobs as companies reshape themselves, the unions will be DEAD in under 10 years from now. Think about it.
from all outward appearances UNIONS are dead already! all i really see is pajama parties with the UNIONS in bed with the COMPANIES, its all about dues flow in order to keep the cushy life styles with six figure salaries and protected pensions for those at the International level!
BOO!!! I think United jumped. This is getting old. Can we stop the square dance and agrue something more important, like how UA thinks they are getting out of BK later this year?
dispite all thats been said....if there is CHAOS and you cross your a slime ball SCAB and thats all there is to it...
if it comes down to the wire all of you think long and hard what it means to be the lowest form of airline worker.....yuck
AC AA LA FA said:
dispite all thats been said....if there is CHAOS and you cross your a slime ball SCAB and thats all there is to it...

There isn't a line if there is CHAOS, and IF there's CHAOS, there may not be an airline to Scab at. 😱
I was on the UA AFA MEC website on Friday and saw the "CHAOS; Coming Soon to an Airport near You" animation. It looked like the preview for a B-rated disaster movie; your union dues at work.

Back to reality; does anyone know if there were actually any CHAOS actions over the weekend?
The UA AFA had all this hype about chaos strikes over the 4th weekend and nothing happened..

Management cares not about idle threats. When are the unions going to drive the point home with some sort of action?

The only union that appears to have drawn a line in the sand is Northwest (AMFA).. All the rest spew idle threats and nothing ever happens.

If pensions are that important then why hasn't the AFA @ UA stepped up? Afterall, for months they said. "if our pensions are turned over to the PBGC then we will walk". Ah, the PBGC has their pensions & that little bill congress passed will have no bearing on it & still no response from the AFA except "chaos" threats.
I have heard of short staffing on PS flights already over the past weekend. I would prefer to think it is due to being out of time rather than some form of CHAOS.

While I sympathize with the work groups, I cannot condone any action which could result in a Ch 7 and throwing EVERYONE out of work permanently.

I am not preaching, I just don't see the value to doing that--you hurt your customers and each other more than the company.

Then again, admittedly I haven't walked in your shoes....

I wish you well, I just ask that you think of your customers..we do think of you and appreciate you.
Beer Guzzler said:
The UA AFA had all this hype about chaos strikes over the 4th weekend and nothing happened...
Nothing happened because the AFA's lawyers know that the union has no legal basis to strike, and those lawyers have warned the union leadership accordingly. This is because the United/PBGC agreement (according to a document filed by the carrier with the SEC) was structured in a way that had the PBGC, and not United, terminate the pension plans, which the PBGC can do under the applicable Federal laws. Since the AFA's contract with United was (and still is) subject to all governmental actions under Federal laws, there was no change in, nor breach of, its contract by United. And under the RLA, that prevents the AFA from striking, whether using "Chaos" tactics or anything else. Thus, all of the AFA press releases about potential strikes or "Chaos" actions stemming from the PBGC's takeover of the AFA pension plan are nothing more than noise, designed only to mislead potential United passengers and confuse the union's membership into thinking that the AFA is "doing something" when, in reality, it has no leverage whatsoever with United.
Cosmo said:
Nothing happened because the AFA's lawyers know that the union has no legal basis to strike, and those lawyers have warned the union leadership accordingly. This is because the United/PBGC agreement (according to a document filed by the carrier with the SEC) was structured in a way that had the PBGC, and not United, terminate the pension plans, which the PBGC can do under the applicable Federal laws. Since the AFA's contract with United was (and still is) subject to all governmental actions under Federal laws, there was no change in, nor breach of, its contract by United. And under the RLA, that prevents the AFA from striking, whether using "Chaos" tactics or anything else. Thus, all of the AFA press releases about potential strikes or "Chaos" actions stemming from the PBGC's takeover of the AFA pension plan are nothing more than noise, designed only to mislead potential United passengers and confuse the union's membership into thinking that the AFA is "doing something" when, in reality, it has no leverage whatsoever with United.

Exactly.. Idle threats & allot of hot air!