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United 777 clips American MD-80 at ORD

This wasn't on a taxiway, though. It was in the penalty box.

It's been a while since I drove out on ORD's AOA, but there weren't any painted lines on the hardstand areas or the penalty boxes, with the exception of lead in lines for designated parking spots.

I couldn’t you tell one way or the other on ORD penalty boxes. I know for a fact that DFW penalty boxes have painted lines. Every airport that I’ve taxied on has lines on everything to keep you out of trouble. So I don’t see how ORD would be any different then any other airport.
And they don't have to paint it to blend in! :lol:

The pictured duct tape, while matching in color, is not approved for exterior repairs. We have pretty good tape made of aluminum that matches much better and does not come off in the hot sun or high airspeeds.
ch53D, as an ex-military pilot, I don't know anything about 'penalty boxes' or 'painted lines'.

I was taught one thing, the pilot of a moving aircraft is responsible for avoiding everything stationary forward of each wingtip.

But in single-engine planes we had bubble canopies, that teaching was extended to that not only our eyes but our heads should be capable of a 360° swivel - for our own survival in the air!

I fail to grasp your questioning of the media report of a (I presume) FAA preliminary report. If the UA plane was moving and the AA aircraft was not moving, the UA pilot was responsible.

How could the AA pilot 'be responsible for maintaining ... separation from other aircraft' and know that his vertical stabilizer was about to be clipped by a moving aircraft?

Someone is to blame in this case, and it isn't a 'painted line.
FAA Advisory Circular

Page 35 explans a little about holding bays, Fig 4-8 shows a couple of outlines...I thought the only line required was an intermediate hold line...I am going to check the Signs and Markings supplement later...
I fail to grasp your questioning of the media report of a (I presume) FAA preliminary report. If the UA plane was moving and the AA aircraft was not moving, the UA pilot was responsible.

How could the AA pilot 'be responsible for maintaining ... separation from other aircraft' and know that his vertical stabilizer was about to be clipped by a moving aircraft?

Someone is to blame in this case, and it isn't a 'painted line.

It could be that both are to blame. There is no way the UAL pilot could be blameless(even though he cant see his wingtips from the cockpit), since he apparently hit the back of the MD-80, which probably was stationary, but if the UAL pilot had clearance to taxi up to a certain point and was on the line and the AA plane was not up to the hold lights where he was told to hold then the AA pilot would also be in the wrong. Then again, if as FM says that there are no lines then the design of the airport would also be a significant factor. With the pressure on pilots to keep things moving, putting aircraft and pilots into such situations where guidemen are not available and there are no references on the ground for guidance, is simply asking for things like this to happen. Thats why they usually have lines.
ch53D, as an ex-military pilot, I don't know anything about 'penalty boxes' or 'painted lines'.

I was taught one thing, the pilot of a moving aircraft is responsible for avoiding everything stationary forward of each wingtip.

But in single-engine planes we had bubble canopies, that teaching was extended to that not only our eyes but our heads should be capable of a 360° swivel - for our own survival in the air!

I fail to grasp your questioning of the media report of a (I presume) FAA preliminary report. If the UA plane was moving and the AA aircraft was not moving, the UA pilot was responsible.

How could the AA pilot 'be responsible for maintaining ... separation from other aircraft' and know that his vertical stabilizer was about to be clipped by a moving aircraft?

Someone is to blame in this case, and it isn't a 'painted line.
Your capture on the bottom should also state don't forget the 3500 plus serviceman plus thousands of innocent Iraqi's that have died and the murderer is still at large!! "I am not really concerned with him" George Bush 2006 of Osama Bin Laden.
Your capture on the bottom should also state don't forget the 3500 plus serviceman plus thousands of innocent Iraqi's that have died and the murderer is still at large!! "I am not really concerned with him" George Bush 2006 of Osama Bin Laden.
What on earth does this have to do with the topic,> United 777 clips American MD-80 at ORD
Go to Maps.Google.Com, and type in ORD....

Double-click to your hearts desire on the penalty box areas. They're pretty clearly striped with a small black-yellow dashed line, so there are lines.

Thousands of aircraft get sent to the penalty box at ORD each year without incident. I'd be willing to wager that more aircraft come into contact each year when being pushed back (using guidemen even) than come into contact on a taxiway or in a holding area.
Taxiway lines aren't segregated as far as I know, and given how congested ORD is, I suspect the ground controllers know what they're doing. Can't say the same for UAL's pilots...
Eolesen...apparently magsau doesn't post on the AA board, but if he did, you would know that United pilots are ordained from God and are infallible. The cockpit of a United jetliner smells like roses when their pilots fart. How dare you imply that UAL pilots don't know what they are doing. In the words of mags (who is quick to offer his analysis within hours after an incident/accident on any other carrier) - let's wait until the investigation is complete.
Go to Maps.Google.Com, and type in ORD....

Double-click to your hearts desire on the penalty box areas. They're pretty clearly striped with a small black-yellow dashed line, so there are lines.

Not in all of them...and yes, I do know...spent lots of time in them...