Read 'em weep folks, it's only going to get worse!!!! Hell the way our loads have been this last quarter, I'd bet we'll be making a small profit

??? So FLY, I don't think that job cuts and payroll cuts are coming to F9 anytime soon. If you need a job F9 is still looking for F/A's
Yeah, I should read my posts a bit more careful. I have NEVER ragged on anyone for their grammar skills and beleive me you ALL have made mistakes to. So if that is the ONLY come back you have, I'll just keep right on laughing with YA. But in the end I won't be crying with YA!
Did you all have a good holiday season over there at UniTED? We did here at F9, the X-mas party was great the new convention center is something to behold. Awesome like everything else here in Denver. And the marlin fishing was great in CABO, that's were I spent my New Years. AHHH the SUN and FUN in MEXICO