For all those that can't "find" a job.

SparrowHawk said:
It is a form of wage confiscation. Just because you earn $15.00 per hour that doesn't have much to do with what an employer spends on you. 7.5% right off the top for SS, and Unemployment Insurance, Workers Compensation and the list goes on to the point that if the average FTE earns $10.00/hr it costs the employer about a net of $13.00 per hour.
See if liberal actually knew how money & Business works you wouldn't be forced to read such crap
Just nit picking but in KommieFornia:
UI to the state is compensated by employer at 4.3% on first $7000 per employee.
-After that it is redacted over the remaining year month by month
-This all goes into the employer 'credit', if someone files UE, the employer rate jumps up depending on the state pay out. I had one person apply for UE and that bumped my UI to 6.3% for two years.
SS is 6.5% paid for both employer and employee.
Medicare is 1% paid for both employer and employee.(ergo the 7.5%)
Workers Comp is 4.3% of gross all paid for by employer.
Max UE benefit for KommieFornia is $450 a week.
Maximum Weekly Unemployment Benefits for 2014
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
No offense but you are starting to sound a bit liberal yourself.
Libertarian. The rights of the Individual always trump the rights of government EVERY DAMN TIME. Sorry but to me there is precious little difference between a Liberal Socialist big Government Bankster & Crony Capitalist and a Right wing Neo-Con fascist Bankster/Crony Capitalist.
xUT said:
Just nit picking but in KommieFornia:
UI to the state is compensated by employer at 4.3% on first $7000 per employee.
-After that it is redacted over the remaining year month by month
-This all goes into the employer 'credit', if someone files UE, the employer rate jumps up depending on the state pay out. I had one person apply for UE and that bumped my UI to 6.3% for two years.
SS is 6.5% paid for both employer and employee.
Medicare is 1% paid for both employer and employee.(ergo the 7.5%)
Workers Comp is 4.3% of gross all paid for by employer.
Max UE benefit for KommieFornia is $450 a week.
Maximum Weekly Unemployment Benefits for 2014
Thanks for clarifying and providing some real world numbers.
SparrowHawk said:
Libertarian. The rights of the Individual always trump the rights of government EVERY DAMN TIME. Sorry but to me there is precious little difference between a Liberal Socialist big Government Bankster & Crony Capitalist and a Right wing Neo-Con fascist Bankster/Crony Capitalist.
progressives have infiltrated both parties, first the republicans, who later split off to be proud neocons... and now democrats taking the name progressive as if its new...  
Glenn Quagmire said:
If I like Ted Nugent, John Fogerty, and Pete Seeger, does that make me a "conserlibertariatard"? (r)
No it means you have great taste in music.
They asked Ron Paul one time what it took to run for public office beside money and his response was priceless.
You need the young people
You need good music
and you need to have fun doing it.
Love him or hate him but he got that part right.
SparrowHawk said:
No it means you have great taste in music.
They asked Ron Paul one time what it took to run for public office beside money and his response was priceless.
You need the young people
You need good music
and you need to have fun doing it.
Love him or hate him but he got that part right.
In 2016 he will also need the Hispanics and Women.