AIG Threats

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  • #31
last time i looked the Constitution is still the law of the land and I have just as many rights as anyone else. One of which is freedom of association. The Constitution is such a hindrance to neo fascist ideologues like you.

Your argument holds no water. Here's another one from ole Jesus Christ hisself, "Judge not, lest ye be judged" But hey never let the facts get in the way of a good bashing.

I've no love for Mr Obama but to say he is one thing or another because he has contacts within ACORN is silly at best. If I were President I'd talk to everyone in a position of leadership. YES even David Duke or a left wing equal. I believe in keeping my friends close and my enemies closer
The constitution was established to:

1) Establish a federal government for the United States of America.
2) Delegate to the federal government certain, limited (and enumerated) powers.

The Constitution does not give you rights. The founders considered your rights to be "God-given" or "natural rights" — you are born with all your rights. The constitution does, however, protect your rights by:

Limiting the powers of government by granting to it only those specific powers that are listed in the Constitution; (This has not proven to be effective of late.)

Enumerating certain, specific rights which you retain. These are listed in the Bill of Rights.

Nevertheless, the United States Supreme Court held in NAACP v. Alabama that the Freedom of Association is an essential part of the Freedom of Speech.

So that being said, I have the freedom to call you liberal Obama hugger because you happen to associate yourself with them. And if I choose not to vote for you because of your affiliation then that is my "God-given" or "natural rights".

I hold the Constitution in higher reverence then any of you Obama apoligists.

Oh and about that Obama ACORN connection?:

Which brings us to Mr. Obama, who got his start as a Chicago "community organizer" at Acorn's side. In 1992 he led voter registration efforts as the director of Project Vote, which included Acorn. This past November, he lauded Acorn's leaders for being "smack dab in the middle" of that effort. Mr. Obama also served as a lawyer for Acorn in 1995, in a case against Illinois to increase access to the polls.

During his tenure on the board of Chicago's Woods Fund, that body funneled more than $200,000 to Acorn. More recently, the Obama campaign paid $832,000 to an Acorn affiliate.

The campaign initially told the Federal Election Commission this money was for "staging, sound, lighting." It later admitted the cash was to get out the vote.

The Obama campaign is now distancing itself from Acorn, claiming Mr. Obama never organized with it and has nothing to do with illegal voter registration. Yet it's disingenuous to channel cash into an operation with a history of fraud and then claim you're shocked to discover reports of fraud. As with Rev. Jeremiah Wright and William Ayers, Mr. Obama was happy to associate with Acorn when it suited his purposes. But now that he's on the brink of the Presidency, he wants to disavow his ties.
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  • #32
Don't deflect the issue.

Your skewer Obama for his choice to hang out with ACORN
Maybe it has to do with the reasons they are under investigation in 21 states??? ACORN's history is marked by acts of voter fraud and subsequent criminal convictions arising from these frauds, embezzlement, violent protests, etc.

Would you then skewer Jesus for his decision to hang out with Mary Magdeline.
Please dont tell me you are one of those who compares Obama to Jesus. Gimmee a frickin break.

NEVER and I repeat NEVER challenge me on the US constitution and "Natural Rights" Libertarians asleep know more about the Constitution then Republicans ever will wide awake.
I will challenge you any day of the week as it appears you know very little about the constitution. BTW Im not a Repub so jam your self righteousness.

Want to talk about the Republicans and their blind support of third world banana republic dictators like Batista, Somoza and Pinochet? Want to talk about Nixon and the Allende regime in Chile that led to Pinochet's and Argentina's "Dirty War"

Never let History or facts get in the way of hating Barack Obama.
You have no facts, just your blind obsession for the messiah. Time to wake up and get up to speed. You Obama supporters keep telling us to give Obama a chance, the chance you never gave George bush. You stuck your foot out to trip George Bush for 8 years and accused him for falling. His failure was your un holy grail worth crippiling our economy over. Your entitlement mentality is a large part what has crippled our economy and your entitlement mentality resonates with you insisting that Obama is entitled to a chance.

BTW, what is so evil about ACORN? Are you afraid of citizens standing up for themselves? Or is it the way in which they do so and that they political views are different than yours?
Lets see, voter fraud, harassment, that whole 21 state investigation thing?

I don't dislike you because you have different views. I dislike you because you've no tolerance for views different than yours. I find you to be condescending and arrogant. You must be an airline executive.
Back at'cha, you are blinded by what is spoon fed to you by MSNBC and the rest of the MSM. If I think something is wrong, I will stand up and say so and not be a coward and cave to what so happens to be politically correct at the time.

Can't help but notice you abandoned your stock market diatribe as soon as the market rose after comments by Obama.
Fleeting moment, the market as already regarded Obama as irrelevent. Geithner is up at bat and who knows how much more he will decimate the economy. The money has already left the US market. You and I will be dead and buried long before the prosperity returns and the days of 10k+ dow is commonplace.
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  • #33
Furthermore on the ACORN nazis:

In Ohio, in 2004, four ACORN employees were indicted by a federal grand jury for submitting false voter registration forms. In January 2005, two Colorado ACORN workers were sentenced to community service for submitting false voter registrations. On Nov. 1, 2006, four part time ACORN employees were indicted in Kansas City, Mo., for voter registration fraud. Prosecutors said the indictments are part of a national investigation. ACORN was investigated in 2006 for submitting false voter registrations in St. Louis, Mo. Fraudulent voter registrations numbered 1,492.

In 2007, five Washington state ACORN workers were sentenced to jail. ACORN agreed to pay King County $25,000 for its investigative costs and acknowledged that the national organization could be subject to criminal prosecution if fraud reoccurred. In 2008, the Michigan Secretary of State office told the Detroit Free Press that ACORN had been submitting a sizeable number of duplicate and fraudulent applications to vote. On Sept. 17, the Bernalillo County clerk in New Mexico notified prosecutors that the office had received fraudulent registration cards.

ACORN receives significant funding by "persuading" local business owners to contribute to it. Its main source of funds, however, is the federal government. It receives federal funds for various community organizing efforts. The revenues from these programs are in the tens of millions of dollars. There is little government oversight over its use of the funds, which is why the founder's brother was able to embezzle almost a million dollars without detection.
I'll tell you who the Nazi is, dapoes. You! "If you do not agree mit me and see the righteousness of my beliefs, I vill bury you!" is all you ever say over and over.

As I said, your mind is made up and it infuriates you when people attempt to confuse you with facts.

"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance--that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
--Herbert Spencer
If "Welfare Queens" are wrong then doesn't logic dictate that corporate welfare is equally wrong?

Or do we continue to foster class envy/warfare from the alleged "True Capitalists" on the Republican side of the aisle?

If it's wrong for those on the bottom of the economic ladder to "work the system" then doesn't the same standard apply to those at the top of the economic food chain who run the likes of GM, Chrysler, AIG etc etc.

The cost to society is far higher when the failed leadership of the above mentioned companies are bailed out then all of the thieving Filet Mignon eating Welfare Queens put together time 1000.

This is a classic example of the government meddling in the affairs of private industry. There is a mechanism already in place to address the poor performance of the above companies and others and it's called BANKRUPTCY and it's a very effective tool to allow companies to restructure and return to growth and profitability.

Great Britain and the EU countries are in worse shape because of their cradle to grave social system.

EXCELLENT Post Piney.........(AGAIN)(You've had Many over the years) :up: :up: :up:


Did you notice(Piney) how dapoes.."cherry picked" your thorough post, and had NO comment on the Thieves "at the TOP' of the "stealing chain" ????
Maybe it has to do with the reasons they are under investigation in 21 states??? ACORN's history is marked by acts of voter fraud and subsequent criminal convictions arising from these frauds, embezzlement, violent protests, etc.

Please dont tell me you are one of those who compares Obama to Jesus. Gimmee a frickin break.

I will challenge you any day of the week as it appears you know very little about the constitution. BTW Im not a Repub so jam your self righteousness.

You have no facts, just your blind obsession for the messiah. Time to wake up and get up to speed. You Obama supporters keep telling us to give Obama a chance, the chance you never gave George bush. You stuck your foot out to trip George Bush for 8 years and accused him for falling. His failure was your un holy grail worth crippiling our economy over. Your entitlement mentality is a large part what has crippled our economy and your entitlement mentality resonates with you insisting that Obama is entitled to a chance.

Lets see, voter fraud, harassment, that whole 21 state investigation thing?

Back at'cha, you are blinded by what is spoon fed to you by MSNBC and the rest of the MSM. If I think something is wrong, I will stand up and say so and not be a coward and cave to what so happens to be politically correct at the time.

Fleeting moment, the market as already regarded Obama as irrelevent. Geithner is up at bat and who knows how much more he will decimate the economy. The money has already left the US market. You and I will be dead and buried long before the prosperity returns and the days of 10k+ dow is commonplace.
Time to screw the cap back on the wine bottle and go to bed.

You are obviously delirious and delusional.
OH BROTHER,.....................I'm rolling on the FLOOR, having pee'd my pants from LAUGHING Sooooooooo hard, watching Piney/'tech, and jimntx doin' a "tag-team" ROUT....on dapoes/Nuke Fusion :wacko: !!

I swear, ......I don't know where to START !!

Alright.....OK.......I think I can type Now.

dapoes, I'm betting those 21 states pissed off at acorn, are RED STATE "beauties"

(let see if I can come close)

Maybe....GA/AL/MS/SC, maybe TN, TX, OK(how am I doing sooo far ) ??

I remember ALL-TO-WELL how "certain states" reacted to folks getting........"UPPITY", especially with help from Outsiders/Yankee Troublemakers .

History has a way of repeating itself...dapoes.
(I'm ASSUMING that you may have figured that out already) :bleh:
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  • #38
I'll tell you who the Nazi is, dapoes. You! "If you do not agree mit me and see the righteousness of my beliefs, I vill bury you!" is all you ever say over and over.
Show where I said anything of such sorts! I happen to disagree and then you make that interpretation. Whos the real Nazi here? LOL

As I said, your mind is made up and it infuriates you when people attempt to confuse you with facts.
Seems like the only one in infuriated here is you!

"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance--that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
--Herbert Spencer
Qoutes are hollow when you fail to consider the same.
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  • #40
I just want to go on record here as being no fan of President Obama & I firmly believe his policies will lead to less Freedom & Liberty both socially and economically. I fear for future generations.
And yet you condone his actions? Laughable at best.

What I am appalled at is the non stop vilification of people/groups. If you read this forum you'd think ACORN was the Mongol Horde led by Genghis Khan himself descending upon the poor defenseless citizen.
You mean like how the left acted in the past 8 years to Bush? :lol:

Barack Obama and ACORN are no more evil incarnate then Bush/Cheney/Haliburton are.
When will you lefty's realize you can no longer blame the past on what your leader is doing to our future. Hope and Change has now turned to Blame and Blame.

What disturbs me is how certain posters attempt to frame the debate. Notice that once the stock market began to rally the diatribe against Obama and how he was responsible ceased and the thread isn't even on the first page.
I'll try to do better!

Hypocrisy is an equal opportunity offender in politics and failing to recognize this basic fact IMO destroys the credibility of certain folks here.
Feeling a bit guilty by chance?

For me I want groups like ACORN, Black Muslims, KKK, Aryan Nation, the Greens, Libertarians, Natural Law Party, Constitutional Party front and center in the political arena. Let there ideas rise or fall based upon the public's assessment of their merit. In the world of the Republicrats they are shouted down out of fear of losing power. Much like Detroit did to Preston Tucker.
You are the like who will stand by and see your world change for the worst and then blame someone else for your inadequacy's. If you dont like the change you see, then rise up and say so. Not lay down like wounded deer. Its called courage, something you and others here have no taste for.

Not much in human nature changes. That's why history is such a great teacher
And yet people still choose to ignore.
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  • #41

DO NOT lecture me as to political activism or standing up for myself.

I helped to found FFOCUS and am the driving force behind it today. We are advocates for Frequent Flyers and have achieved the honor of being the only citizens group to meet with senior management at a major airline at the Sr VP level.

Are you deaf or merely STUPID! I didn't vote for Bush or Obama. I voted for the Libertarian Party candidates Harry Browne and Bob Barr. I do NOT know how to be any plainer in my explaination.

Do you not comprehend that I think the Republicrats are not worth the powder it would take to blow them to hell.

And I am no Repub dear sir. Perhaps you should take a step back and look at the what fight you should be wagering, instead of following along with the rest of the lemmings. Or not.

BTW Bush didnt run again this past election...whos the stupid one again?

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