For all those that can't "find" a job.

SparrowHawk said:
It is a form of wage confiscation. Just because you earn $15.00 per hour that doesn't have much to do with what an employer spends on you. 7.5% right off the top for SS, and Unemployment Insurance, Workers Compensation and the list goes on to the point that if the average FTE earns $10.00/hr it costs the employer about a net of $13.00 per hour.
It's wage confiscation that you benefited from.  Try and spin in it any way you want but you cannot deny that fact.  
PHXConx said:
progressives have infiltrated both parties, first the republicans, who later split off to be proud neocons... and now democrats taking the name progressive as if its new...  
Remember the last time they took the throne?
They were proud progressives who phucked it all up and ran for the hills and became liberals. (name changed but the players are the same) Now in the recent past, they showed their faces as progressives once again. Even Nancy purged her ranks of any moderate dems.
delldude said:
They were proud progressives who became liberals. (name changed but the players are the same) Now in the recent past, they showed their faces as progressives once again. 
With mindless consistency the Just Ain't Right still just ain't right.
delldude said:
Remember the last time they took the throne?
They were proud progressives who phucked it all up and ran for the hills and became liberals. (name changed but the players are the same) Now in the recent past, they showed their faces as progressives once again. Even Nancy purged her ranks of any moderate dems.
progressives started as a split from the republican party...
TEddy Roosevelt ran on the progressive bull moose party in 1912 and lost.  the taft wing of the republican party refused to nominate any progressives for 25 years...  republicans being bullheaded so as progressives started running as democrats to be able to hold office, it started to influence their party as well...   to the point we are now... progressive democrats thinking they were always democrats,
neocons then split away from them becoming the republican party we see today...
"the tea party" is an attempt to move towards the fiscally/politically conservative part of the republican party we saw post ww1 pre world war two...
that got us through the depression of 1920-21 which was deeper than that of the great depression but the reactions by those in power staved it off it included a cut of government spending of 50% noone remembers that depression, only that of the great depression that took the opposite response which was an increase of government spending that extended THAT depression for a decade, only to be stopped by the second world war. 
Dog Wonder said:
At least the ones 120 years old.
lol progressive democrats, of today who do not know their history think that progressives have always been democrats...
Better? lol
Dog Wonder said:
Better. That would explain the Republicans being the party of Lincoln.
the split in the teens wasnt the first time the republicans split...  
the "party" of lincoln mostly died during reconstruction after the corruption that Grant allowed.  and the party had its first major redefining moment during the 1880 election when its split between the Stalwarts and the Half-Breeds...  
PHXConx said:
progressives started as a split from the republican party...
TEddy Roosevelt ran on the progressive bull moose party in 1912 and lost.  the taft wing of the republican party refused to nominate any progressives for 25 years...  republicans being bullheaded so as progressives started running as democrats to be able to hold office, it started to influence their party as well...   to the point we are now... progressive democrats thinking they were always democrats,
neocons then split away from them becoming the republican party we see today...
"the tea party" is an attempt to move towards the fiscally/politically conservative part of the republican party we saw post ww1 pre world war two...
that got us through the depression of 1920-21 which was deeper than that of the great depression but the reactions by those in power staved it off it included a cut of government spending of 50% noone remembers that depression, only that of the great depression that took the opposite response which was an increase of government spending that extended THAT depression for a decade, only to be stopped by the second world war. 
You just proved progressives were never really republicans at heart.
delldude said:
You just proved progressives were never really republicans at heart.
im not sure how you figured that but ok... 
they never were democrats at heart is what i believe i proved, they didnt switch parties they made their own... then only out of necessity some went to democrats others stayed within the republican party, but progressive ideaology is now part of both parties 