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Following A Different Path?

High Speed Steel said:
Living proof, That in todays equal employment enviroment,  all are entitled to employment. No matter their capacity to injest common sense 😉

It doesn't take much to bring out one's true sentiments. Obviously to HSS, only those with chew drooling down their chin need apply. HSS can't help it. Im sure he is a product of a somewhat straight, branchless family tree and should be forgiven for his ignorance. However, the ignorance I speak of has nothing to do with race. The reality is that we are all different and we all have our prejudices and many people do fit into stereotypes quite adeptly. We are all equally guilty of making rash spur of the moment judgements, for as HSS has stereotyped my employment as compliance with some EEOC or affirmative action scheme, I have labeled him an inbred, tobacco drooling hill billy. I believe in gettng along with my fellow man on a one on one basis. This whole Utopian we are all bothers under the skin crap, is just that; crap. HSS, I don't want to be your brother, union or otherwise. But fate has given us a common bond. Unless you or I hit the lottery or make a big real estate deal, we are stuck with each other for now.
I speak of a different type of ignorace. Many have been led to believe that one race is responsible for this or one ethnic group is responsible for that. Some believe in a comming race war so they head for Idaho (nothing against Idaho, I've met nice people from there) and bunker down. But it's not about black, white, brown or yellow, its about MONEY and POWER. Its about the haves (the ruling elite) and the have nots (the rest of us poor wage slaves).
HSS may be as white as the Pillsburry Dough Boy but he is viewed with equal disdain by our ruling masters as he may (or may not) view some one with a little more melanin in their skin 😀

Can't we all just get along??!!
All the talk and support from management is nice, but when the going gets tough, history shows they will cut and run leaving you to hold the burning Bag! If they really wanted to show we are in the same boat, They would terminate their SERPs roll them into the same pension plan as everyone else and fight like hell to protect everyones future JMHO
capttad said:
All the talk and support from management is nice, but when the going gets tough, history shows they will cut and run leaving you to hold the burning Bag! If they really wanted to show we are in the same boat, They would terminate their SERPs roll them into the same pension plan as everyone else and fight like hell to protect everyones future JMHO

That goes for our union reps too.

The TWU Pension plan for the International, one that they accrue while still accrueing benifits at AA is extremely generous.

For instance Bobby Gless, an appointed International Rep apparently is still accrueing benifits from AA while also putting in time for the TWU plan.

According to sworn testimony Gless gets $120,000/yr for being a TWU International Rep. However according to the LM-2 the International did not pay him in 2003 and only paid him around $60k in 2004. Gless admitted that AA paid him. Gless' dues to Local 562 were still being paid through payroll deduction, indicating that he was still collecting a paycheck from AA.

The Internationals pension is based on the "best year" so all Gless has to do is on his last year of being an International rep collect his full salary from the International. His International pension will be based on his highest ever earnings while his AA pension would be based on his best four out of ten average. So he will be earning two pensions, one based on $120k and another based on $60k , or a combined pension based on $180,000. Even if it gets rolled over to the PBGC, he still gets a full pension( in as much as he would get if he was actaully working as a mechanic for AA with those years) from AA plus another one from the TWU. This is known as double dipping, earning two pensions while performing one job.

Now do you really think that people like Gless and Little could care what happens to us? The most they have to lose is a portion of the lesser pension. In the meantime they just make sure that the dues we pay that fund their other pension keep flowing.
Bob Owens said:
aafsc said:
1. I believe AA contributed to both political parties although I think the republicans got more.

Bush also got a brand new 737 to fly around the country.
2. AA's plans were overfunded a few years ago. While I am not a pension expert, I do know there are tax laws that limit a companies overfunding of pensions. This law tries to prevent companies from escaping taxation. What AA and the unions are trying to accomplish is to spread the payments over more time. If the old funding rules were to return (after the short repreive that was granted a couple of years ago), AA, NW,CO, and DL would be required to put all or most of their cash in the plans and they would have to file BK. After filing for BK, then they could just dump the plans on the PBCG like UA and US did and go for a lot more non-pension concessions. Then when the PBGC goes broke because of all these defaults, they will ask the government for an S and L type bailout. Do you think that this government will agree to bail out the PBCG for the sake of working peoples pensions? No, working people will just lose more if not all their pensions. That is why I think it is imperative to try to maintain what we have.

So maybe we should take another 25% paycut to save a pension thats the equivelent of 3%? While there may be a limit to what they can dump in the pensions I doubt that the law required AA to withdraw the excess earnings of the plan itself. That would not make sense because everyone knows that the economy is cyclical.

3. There is a big difference between UA and AA. The management at UA did not put any effort forward to save the plans.

Maybe they did, but after AA undercut them so deeply there was no way they could compete. By the way you talk as if UAL no longer provides for a pension when in fact they are providing a 5% contribution to the 401K. In other words 2% more than AA is putting away for us.

Not only did they walk away from a $9.5 billion obligation to their workers, they also made other retirement benefits so expensive that it is the same as not having any at all.

You mean like our prefunding and vision benifits?

Add to this their wages are/will be less than ours.

Well for the last two years our wages were less, and AA is not BK. How about comparing our wages to other non-BK companies like SWA? Who makes more? I'll answer that, SWA makes around $20,000 more than we do a year. So LCC workers are not a threat to our standard of living, we are a threat to theirs.

4. I believe that AA and the unions are making a genuine effort to preserve the plans.

Then you probably believe in Santa Claus too.

The employees of AA are being asked to contact congress to support the plan in the same way we are being asked to contact congress with respect to the Love field issue.

Lets not forget how after 9-11 the unions joined with the companies to lobby for emergency funds for the industry, however, after the airlines got their money the companies refused to support funding to help all the displaced workers. You know, the workers that were illegally laid off, the layoff that generated the force-majeure grievance that has dissapeared.

It is just not the TWU working with AA but APFA and APA.

And those are company unions also, not quite as bad as the TWU but they have more at stake with the company than the TWU does. If AA were to get the contracts abrogated in BK the APA and the APFA would dissapear.

Since the pilot's DB retirement plan is worth about $1-2 million dollars, don't you think that APA's position lends credibility to the effort?

For the APA, yes. Not for the TWU though. Lets also not forget that the APA is a democratic union, they replaced their leaders after the concessions. So did the APFA, however we are still stuck with Little, Gless, Yingst, Connelly etc. While some of the Local leaders have been replaced the top leadership, as always with the TWU, remains intact.

Another way we can guage AA's sincerity in this matter is by observing whether or not they are using their lobbyists in Washington to push for the preservation plan.

We can also ask the same question of the unions.
The difference is crystal clear between AA and UA and some of their unions regarding pensions and other retirement benefits. The difference between managments I have already explained.

How about talking about working benifits? Are you saying that for our entire working life, a period from the age of 20 to 65 we should work for much, much less so from the period of 65 to 75 we can enjoy a higher ratio? My higher multiplier is offset by not only a lower average wage over any given 10 year stretch but the fact that we lose the first year. Something the TWU always leaves out when they tout the pension.

The fact is that since the late eighties I've been paying for my retiree health care, no other workers were. I've been paying for current medical for over 15 years, UAL only started paying two years ago. We've had to pay out of pocket for LTD for over twenty years at a cost of nearly $1000/yr so Sonny and the TWU could pocket the commissions. We were the first to give up doubletime, holiday pay, sick time, the 80 day IOD bank, OT for training off shift, which we only just got back and scores of other concessions. We did this to "save jobs" and to "save the pension". We undercut the BK airlines who were then forced to make even more cuts to try and match our cuts. They put in a 5% 401k match instead which will require them to lay out more money than AA is putting away for us.

But look at the differences between the TWU and AMFA. Before UA management even entertained the notion of terminating pensions,AMFA's national director, O.V. Delle-Femine was quoted as saying "We've got to gut the pensions, I don't see any other way." I have never before seen any union capitulate before they negotiate. His shocking statement made it quite clear that AMFA would not fight for the pensions of those it represents.
I think that "statement" has been explained already. You are taking it completely out of context. AMFA took a strike vote and made it clear to the public that if the members reject the union would strike, the TWU at AA has not come out so strongly at AA even though AA is not BK. In fact Jim Little cancelled our vote and puyt a new contract in place without ratification by the members.

Can you imagine the firestorm at AA if Jim Little said this?

No, instead Jim Little said that if we do not agree to the most massive concessions ever given that the company might go straight into liquidation.

The members can vote or recall Delle out of office, we cant do that within the TWU to Little.

Also, AMFA was the first to agree at UA to expensive retirement healthcare.

Wrong. WE have been paying for retiree health care for twenty years already.

And on top of all this they bring back a concessionary contract, something they said they would never do.

Not true. Thats something some supporters may have said, but one thing is that even though they brought back industry leading gains in the past they have never agreed to industry leading concessions like the TWU.

AA and the unions are taking the correct course of action to preserve what we have.

Preseve what we have? Lets not forget that the reduction of wages reduced our pension already. So we lost on all fronts. We should have fought back and if AA had gone into BK Co, DL and NWA would have been right behind us. Workers in this industry would have been better off if we ALL were in BK. With more than half the capacity operating in BK anbd the chance of financial collapse the government would have been forced to intervene, instead we, the workers were forced to bail out the industry. In the meantime the industries that feed off this one go unscathed.

But since the other 3 (NW.CO, and DL) want a mandatory freeze on pensions and with a government that wants no more pension accruals, I think the odds that AA and it's unions will be successful is less than 50%.
Well AA was the leader in knocking downm wages by 25% so this time they get to look like the good guy as far as pensions, but in the end they still benifit from shedding their DB pension obligation, after years of withdrawing the excess earning of the plan.

But I think their efforts are genuine.

Not to worry, in 195 days maybe Santa will give you what the TWU and AA took away. Just be a good boy and do as you are told and everything will work out OK. So keep slinging them bags as your pay and pension dissapear. Dont entertain thoughts of striking or fighting back as that would put Jim Littles pay and pension in jeopardy. Just keep on working.

1.Bob, I am not saying that the pensions should be protected by giving everything else away. At some point it isn't worth it anymore. But if they could be protected now through legislation, we can work to regain pay, vacations, holidays, etc. Once the pensions are gone, they are gone forever. I have 3 relatives that worked at EAL for 20+ years and their pensions are between $300-$400 per month before taxes, although they had many years, they did not have the age. All of us walked the line and shut it down;but the cost was high. I also have a relative who is a retired UA pilot; and we all know how they will get hit. I have asked some of the TWAers about how the freeze affected them pensionwise and they said that they don't get very much. I would like to see the people at AA get what they are entitled to instead of being robbed of their deffered compensation like the people at UA, EA, and TW. And no, Bob, I would NOT support more concessions to save the plans. Like I said there is a point where it is no longer worth it.

2.As far as UA management trying to save their plans, at least one of their unions stated that UA managment did not make an effort or listen to any of their proposals. UA was hellbent on terminating them.

3. Under my proposal, you would be able to leave the DB plan and be part of a DC plan and AA will give you 5% just like UA will be giving it's AMTs. And your DB pension will be frozen; as to where a UA AMT had his DB plan terminated. So your UA counterpart lost a portion of what he accrued and you will have lost nothing you accrued. And isn't LTD voluntary?

4. As far as retirement healthcare prefunding, it costs me about $8 every two weeks. I calculate over a 30 year AA career that I will have put in $5,760. At UA, I believe retirees will have to pay about $400 a month for coverage. So fifteen months into retirement they will have paid out $6,000.

5. As far as striking back, I did that at one airline already. When the next contract proposal comes, I will study it and then do exactly what your AMFA brothers at UA did; and that is vote the way I want. If the contract is acceptable to me I will vote yes; if it is unacceptable to me, I will vote no. If the pay and pension disappear then I will disappear by seeking alternative employement.
aafsc said:
1.Bob, I am not saying that the pensions should be protected by giving everything else away. At some point it isn't worth it anymore. But if they could be protected now through legislation, we can work to regain pay, vacations, holidays, etc. Once the pensions are gone, they are gone forever. I have 3 relatives that worked at EAL for 20+ years and their pensions are between $300-$400 per month before taxes, although they had many years, they did not have the age.

And if thirty years ago they had demanded an Annuity type pension like tradesmen in NYC get their pensions would be secure. Greenspan testified yesterday that since pensions are tied to investments there will be risk, and the employer or the employees should be the one who accepts the risk, not the taxpayer. If there is one thing that is bipartisan its the fact that both parties liten to Greenspans opinions as if they were Gospell.

Forget fighting for the pension, its a waste of time. Accept the fact that we are getting screwed and get ready to fight back. Start planning to strike in order to restore our wage, right after we get rid of the TWU.

All of us walked the line and shut it down;but the cost was high.

And what would the alternative have been?

I also have a relative who is a retired UA pilot; and we all know how they will get hit. I have asked some of the TWAers about how the freeze affected them pensionwise and they said that they don't get very much. I would like to see the people at AA get what they are entitled to instead of being robbed of their deffered compensation like the people at UA, EA, and TW. And no, Bob, I would NOT support more concessions to save the plans. Like I said there is a point where it is no longer worth it.

And where is, or was , that point?

3. Under my proposal, you would be able to leave the DB plan and be part of a DC plan and AA will give you 5% just like UA will be giving it's AMTs. And your DB pension will be frozen; as to where a UA AMT had his DB plan terminated. So your UA counterpart lost a portion of what he accrued and you will have lost nothing you accrued.

Did he? Or would his check simply come from the PBGC since he is below the max?

And isn't LTD voluntary?

Yes, and expensive.

4. As far as retirement healthcare prefunding, it costs me about $8 every two weeks. I calculate over a 30 year AA career that I will have put in $5,760. At UA, I believe retirees will have to pay about $400 a month for coverage. So fifteen months into retirement they will have paid out $6,000.

Well 8 x 26 x 30 is 6240. Prefunding starts at 30, and regular retirement is 65, so thats 35 years, so its more like at least $7280. Plus as you get older the rate increases. In fact as of 12/31/1989 the rate for people 49 and older is $91.50 per month.

You also need to calculate in the fact that you paid into it for thirty five years. So a $16/month payment for 35 years into a savings account would total a lot ore than $6250. At 5% it would probably be more than triple that amount or around $20,000. So that pushes back the break even point to 50 months. Besides our prefunding has a cap as to how much they will pay out, what is UALs cap?

According to the April 6, 1992 Memorandum;
The company will match employee contributions $1 for $1.

After the employee retires, their individual trust account(contributions) will be drawn down over a 10 year period.

If the employee dies or terminates employment with AA the balance of his/ her contributions , plus interest will be returned to the employee, or his benificiary or estate.

So for every employee who quits or dies the company keeps their portion.

5. As far as striking back, I did that at one airline already. When the next contract proposal comes, I will study it and then do exactly what your AMFA brothers at UA did; and that is vote the way I want. If the contract is acceptable to me I will vote yes; if it is unacceptable to me, I will vote no. If the pay and pension disappear then I will disappear by seeking alternative employement.

So you are saying that you would never strike again, simply just leave.
Bob Owens said:
Wow, you actually wrote something yourself?

Well many dont pay out over $600/yr to a union that works for the company instead of the members.

So I guess you don't support the "Lean amfa" agenda over at United? Don't the members their pay roughly $1200 a year for an association that works for the company?

Spew some blew Bob, tell us what you support 😉
Oh Yeah Bob, The subject of getting what you pay for is an interesting topic. Have you ever seen the movie "The Money Pit"? You know, the one starring Tom Hanks, and Shelley Long. Well they got suckered into buying a mansion that on the outside looked to good to be true, but were sunken into a whirlpool of financial difficulties. This is a reality for many now unemployeed due to the agenda of the association you support. How about the 500g's apiece for delle, and the MAG group??? I guess in the end, they got theirs :blink:
High Speed Steel said:
Oh Yeah Bob, The subject of getting what you pay for is an interesting topic. Have you ever seen the movie "The Money Pit"? You know, the one starring Tom Hanks, and Shelley Long. Well they got suckered into buying a mansion that on the outside looked to good to be true, but were sunken into a whirlpool of financial difficulties. This is a reality for many now unemployeed due to the agenda of the association you support. How about the 500g's apiece for delle, and the MAG group??? I guess in the end, they got theirs :blink:

Its also the dilemma that most TWU members face.
In the TWU Express a few months bach the TWU said that the average union members earns $17/hr vs $15 for non union. The average TWU member earns $15, the same as non-union. So what are these members paying for?

On the other hand the average AMFA member earns over $30/hr.
High Speed Steel said:
It is amazing that "Tabloid Bob" is so selfish and unsupportive to the preservation of the DB plans. There are many current retiree's within this country who have to decide between medication,  or food on the table for survival. He should be thankful and supportive for what he has.... Many have nothing <_<

Oh My God!

Now we are not just lucky to have job brother.

We are just lucky to have a pension bother too.

Face it Bob, the Tulsa boys are scared chitless and will never take a stand.

They will always, be thankful and lucky to have whatever AA will give them without a having to take a stand.

They will wear their t-shirts with snakes, skull-n-cross bones, and slogans about injustices, but never, and I mean never will they stand against the lowering of wages and benefits. They are now brainwashed to believe that jobs is the agenda, and subsidizing more jobs with less pay, less paid time-off, and less insurance benefits, is the standard of successful unionism.

They proudly wear their t-shirts with a red stop sign, that proclaim "Dont Lower Wages Oppose Right-to-Work", but while wearing the garment, will forfeit 50 years of negotiated pay and benefit gains to create and/or save a job.

Meawhile, via retirements, death, terminations, and resignations, the workforce size dwindles. Yet they still proudly proclaim to have saved 12,000 jobs.

Bob, do yourself a favor, find another profession, and accept the fact that O/H Mechanics will never take a stand, and could really care less about you and your family.
Bob Owens said:
Its also the dilemma that most TWU members face.
In the TWU Express a few months bach the TWU said that the average union members earns $17/hr vs $15 for non union. The average TWU member earns $15, the same as non-union. So what are these members paying for?

On the other hand the average AMFA member earns over $30/hr.

Based on the amfa average. What exactly is the average seniority date of those recieving this wage at Northwest??? You know, those that are still employed........... My bet is around the year 1988

Out of respect I did not include United, because amfa lied to them :shock:
Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain......

Don't pay too much mind to High Speed Steel. He is not a mechanic, rather a TWU stooge who has demonstrated his ignorance by posting here on 2/26:

"Do you know what HSS is? It is a tool steel that has been used for years to manufacture many items including the skin on the outside of an aircraft, to the wrench the mechanic holds in their hand."

He has obviously never worked on an airplane, or he would not think they had high speed steel skins. He has never used a wrench if he thinks they are made of high speed steel. I think he (or she) is a clerk.

I believe he/she is as well informed on union issues as he/she is on aircraft and wrenches. He did tell us about one thing he got right, however. The skin is indeed on the outside of the aircraft.

Steel skin indeed!

Perhaps if you used yet another name to post here, we wouldn't be reminded of your ignorance just by seeing your nom de plume.
Out of respect I did not include United, because amfa lied to them

And the twu has been honest from day one??? :lol:

The twu doesnt lie they just well... without further ratification :blink:
High Speed Steel said:
So I guess you don't support the "Lean amfa" agenda over at United? Don't the members their pay roughly $1200 a year for an association that works for the company?

Spew some blew Bob, tell us what you support 😉
This is the kind of post that makes you wonder if blithering idiocy is a twu disease that's caused by acute blindness. My aching a$$.....

Now I gotta ask if this "lean" is the same as "CI Run My Company from thy twu ManAAgement Bed"...... with your host, Dennis "Damn Right" Burdchette?

The twu started the concession ball rolling 23 years ago, and you actually have the stupidity to run your fool mouth that AMFA is in bed with the company?

Ahhh yup, an' them thar aircrafts got skin made outta steel, sure is amazin' that them things kin even fly. 🙄 :blink: 🙄 :blink:
Hackman said:
This is the kind of post that makes you wonder if blithering idiocy is a twu disease that's caused by acute blindness. My aching a$$.....

Now I gotta ask if this "lean" is the same as "CI Run My Company from thy twu ManAAgement Bed"...... with your host, Dennis "Damn Right" Burdchette?

The twu started the concession ball rolling 23 years ago, and you actually have the stupidity to run your fool mouth that AMFA is in bed with the company?

Ahhh yup, an' them thar aircrafts got skin made outta steel, sure is amazin' that them things kin even fly. 🙄 :blink: 🙄 :blink:

I have never seen Steel Skin on the fusalage of an Aircraft :blink: Every time I had anything to do with its conception it was made out of Aluminum. You boy's are really confusing me...... 😛
High Speed Steel said:
I have never seen Steel Skin on the fusalage of an Aircraft :blink: Every time I had anything to do with its conception it was made out of Aluminum. You boy's are really confusing me...... 😛
"Do you know what HSS is? It is a tool steel that has been used for years to manufacture many items including the skin on the outside of an aircraft, to the wrench the mechanic holds in their hand."

Hey, you wrote it ding dong.

Now was ya a might "crocked" 'offin that thar jug 'o shine befer you wrote that?

We know'd how it is when your a twu believin', that thar shine will blow the fur clean offin yer carcass! Is that how you twu fellers lie so well? Cornfused is right... :huh:

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