
YES, KC he was a criminal. He was in clear violation of the a law.
That should NOT be at issue. What should be at issue is the fact that governments desire to exert complete control of our daily lives, along with out of control law enforcement to enforce laws whose sole goal is to grab every last scrap of money and power they can at the expense of those least capable of fighting back.
KCFlyer said:
Hmmm...just do what they say.  I get it.  The "crime" of selling personal property...and the cigarettes became his personal property when he paid the cashier...warrants a chokehold takedown of the guy.  I'm not sure, but that sure seems sort of like "tyranny"....you know...the reason the second amendment was created...to protect us from the tyranny of our government.  YEt...the same folks justifying semiautomatic weapons to protect us from tyranny can watch a video of tyranny in action and do they take up arms to fight it?  Hell no....they advocate just rolling over and doing what they say.    I wonder...if we passed a law banning semiautomatic weapons, would you hand them over and comply because "they told you to"?  
Yes....the guy was a "criminal".  Why he was out on bail for the violent crimes of driving without a license, selling personal property (loose cigarettes), marijuana possession and false impersonation.  This guy was DANGEROUS and taking him down warranted 7 of New Yorks finest.  
Garners choice.
delldude said:
Garners choice.
So....if they passed a law saying civilians couldn't own an AK and came to the door to get yours, you'd just hand it over? 
We live not in a nation of unfettered Liberty,  but a landfill of asinine and petty laws. Gardner dies in essense because he sold cigarettes one at a time and the government didn't get a second bite of the apple. Our supposed "Land of the Free" is full of little seemingly petty regulations that can cost people their lives.
If we move back to Ferguson and Mr. Brown, If I recall he stole some "Swisher Sweets" a cheap cigars used to smoke pot. Known as blunts. 
Both Gardner and Brown run afoul of Law Enforcement. In the Ferguson Incident had Pot been legal there is an extremely good chance we would have never heard of Michael Brown, Darren Wilson of Ferguson. Same for Mr. Gardner. Selling loose cigarettes??? REALLY? Please tell me who, other then Government was harmed. Did the law prevent the initiation of force against an individual? Apparently not..
Don't look for legalization of Pot and other drugs to come quickly. Look who is lined up against the common sense and logic of legalization.
Beer Producers - maintaining the current system eliminates competition
Big Pharma - For obvious reasons
Law Enforcement - Pretty close to half of all incarcerations are for non violent drug offense, That's a lot of lost business for the Judiciary and LEO's to absorb.
For Profit Prisons - One less source of Crony Capitalism
81 years ago on December 5th, 1933 Prohibition was ended and as a result violent crime went back to the level it was prior to the passing of the Volstad Act within six months.
We need less silly laws. Allow people to live as they choose. Choices have consequences. But let;s not continue to put our citizens in harms way over loose cigarettes and joints.
What everyone seems to be missing, denying or closing an eye to, is the fact that they called the cop on this guy who ONLY were going to charge him with loitering.
Hmmm...just do what they say.  I get it.  The "crime" of selling personal property...and the cigarettes became his personal property when he paid the cashier...warrants a chokehold takedown of the guy.  I'm not sure, but that sure seems sort of like "tyranny"....you know...the reason the second amendment was created...to protect us from the tyranny of our government.  YEt...the same folks justifying semiautomatic weapons to protect us from tyranny can watch a video of tyranny in action and do they take up arms to fight it?  Hell no....they advocate just rolling over and doing what they say.    I wonder...if we passed a law banning semiautomatic weapons, would you hand them over and comply because "they told you to"?  
Yes....the guy was a "criminal".  Why he was out on bail for the violent crimes of driving without a license, selling personal property (loose cigarettes), marijuana possession and false impersonation.  This guy was DANGEROUS and taking him down warranted 7 of New Yorks finest.
Why don't you worry about Ferguson, which is closer to KC, and go join the riots. Don't throw stones at NY, because you don't live there and BTW you have arrived near the end of the movie!

The man was the size of three officers so your alter-ego(Ms Tree) already lost that argument!
signals said:
Why don't you worry about Ferguson, which is closer to KC, and go join the riots. Don't throw stones at NY, because you don't live there and BTW you have arrived near the end of the movie!

The man was the size of three officers so your alter-ego(Ms Tree) already lost that argument!
Well...because there wasn't a video of Ferguson as there was in this case.  Second - if it was just loitering - why they hell didn't they just say "just move along"?   I had heard NYC was tougher on crime....the death penalty for loitering.  Good job. 
signals said:
What everyone seems to be missing, denying or closing an eye to, is the fact that they called the cop on this guy who ONLY were going to charge him with loitering.
Loitering?  What happened to Freedom of Assembly? Was he on private property? If I want to stand on the street smoke a blunt, sell individual cigarettes NO ONE is having force initiated against them, they are merely living as they chose harming NO ONE. Get rid of the dumb assed laws and two men are alive today. It really is just that simple.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Spoken like a true anarchist. 
Libertarian. And while you are at it please enlighten me as to how ANYTHING I posted above is wrong? 
No law against selling loose cigarettes and no choked out citizen. Simple.
SparrowHawk said:
Loitering?  What happened to Freedom of Assembly? Was he on private property? If I want to stand on the street smoke a blunt, sell individual cigarettes NO ONE is having force initiated against them, they are merely living as they chose harming NO ONE. Get rid of the dumb assed laws and two men are alive today. It really is just that simple.
You have a right to freedom of assembly as long as you file for a permit and aren't denied.
delldude said:
You have a right to freedom of assembly as long as you file for a permit and aren't denied.
Geez Dell I must have missed that part when I read the COTUS.

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