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Federal Court Grants US Airways' Request For an Expedited Hearing On A Preliminary Injunction Agains

I wish someone objective could have gone to the hearing and reported back.

Driver <_<

I wouldn't get to excited, USAPA hasn't presented their case yet. When you only hear the Plaintiff's side it appears very damning. Let's see what Monday Afternoon brings
I wish someone objective could have gone to the hearing and reported back.

Driver <_<

I hear you sir. But that said..I am happy to read any accounts of the hearing. All are appreciated. We all know the players here..let them each and every one come out with their own account, if they indeed were actually in attendance.

Sometimes it's the little nuances and observations that mean the most...sometimes those very insights come from folks not always "on your side."

Wish I could have been there.

Judge Conrad was appointed by George W. Bush.
A southern judge, in a southern (read: anti-union) district, appointed by a right-wing-nut-case Republican president.
The plaintiff will prevail. I can't imagine why USAPA even bothers to mount a defense.
(Pretty cynical, huh?)
(But true.)
Judge Conrad was appointed by George W. Bush.
A southern judge, in a southern (read: anti-union) district, appointed by a right-wing-nut-case Republican president.
The plaintiff will prevail. I can't imagine why USAPA even bothers to mount a defense.
(Pretty cynical, huh?)
(But true.)
But this judge is from the south. Works in CLT. According to you guys he must be biased towards usapa, because he is in NC your backyard. At least that is what you said about Wake.
I wish someone objective could have gone to the hearing and reported back.

Driver <_<
Where is the usapa update? Don't they have a few full time FPL whores sucking up dues dollars? Heck it is a short drive for them. A west pilot on his own dime took the time to go out there and reported back already.

How is that union working for us?

Oh I'm sorry you did say objective. Never mind. I guess we would get reports like from the arbitration hearing. Everyday "Winning" DOH is in the bag. Like the often reported LOA 93 "I you owe them you will pay them" myth. He never said it.
No clear, they're already getting the excuses ready. Wake ruled - "the desert Judge" was in AOL's pocket according to the east. USAPA wins this - they'll denounce any west attempt to spin it as "the local Judge is in USAPA's pocket". It's what they do best - spin everything in their favor...

But this judge is from the south. Works in CLT. According to you guys he must be biased towards usapa, because he is in NC your backyard. At least that is what you said about Wake.

The usual east BS, blame everyone else. Is this the "NASCAR Judge"? Will he occupy another seat of blame in USAPA's hall of heads? LOL
You have flight bennies, and evidently you had time all day to post here, why didn't you go and illuminate us all?

Had some chores that wouldn't wait. Monday might work though. I don't need the flight bennies.

Illuminate you???

I can't even win an argument when it's written in black and white!!!!!

Driver 😛
No clear, they're already getting the excuses ready. Wake ruled - "the desert Judge" was in AOL's pocket according to the east. USAPA wins this - they'll denounce any west attempt to spin it as "the local Judge is in USAPA's pocket". It's what they do best - spin everything in their favor...


Jim, did you go two men tenting in PHX when you were on vacation this summer? sure seems like it..
Judge Conrad was appointed by George W. Bush.
A southern judge, in a southern (read: anti-union) district, appointed by a right-wing-nut-case Republican president.
The plaintiff will prevail. I can't imagine why USAPA even bothers to mount a defense.
(Pretty cynical, huh?)
(But true.)
I guess the merits of a case really don't count for much with you guys, do they.

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