I guess the merits of a case really don't count for much with you guys, do they.
Only if those merits comform to USAPA ideology.
I guess the merits of a case really don't count for much with you guys, do they.
I guess the merits of a case really don't count for much with you guys, do they.
I had a typical trip this week to DUB. On the outbound leg to DUB we actually had an airplane waiting for us on our gate at PHL (every other time this month it has been on etr). Everything went smooth until the ground folks yanked the power and the power surge screwed up the radar alt, and one transponder so mtc was called and they came quickly but they were still in the cockpit 5 min. before dept and because they were in our seats we had not had a chance to get a clearance yet. When they left the agent wanted to close the door and I told her not until we had a chance to get a clearance so I guess we were late because of our late write up. Leaving DUB for PHL the airplane arrived 90 min. late. We got our flight deck flows and fmc work and route cross checking done but noticed fueling had stopped.....found out the truck ran out of fuel so 30min waiting for fuel. During that time we were trying to get our catering completed because the caterers were being rushed they left out much of the beverages. Fueling complete catering not.....station manager pacing behind the cockpit door so I said 5 min. and if no catering we go! Station manager paces for 5 more min. asking every min. if it is time so at the end of 5 min. I say close the door. Door closed PB released cleared to push and...........jetway comes back and takes almost 5 more min. The reason they came back is to give us the gendec forms.To add to what Bob said...last week working LIS, we were advised by ground ctrl to call mtc in phl(we were taxiing out). They had us come back to gate because the mid lav service was not signed off! That return cost us 45 mins. On our way back out, a west 320 returned for the exact same reason...
I'm sure this is a unified effort to slow the operation???
I had a typical trip this week to DUB. On the outbound leg to DUB we actually had an airplane waiting for us on our gate at PHL (every other time this month it has been on etr). Everything went smooth until the ground folks yanked the power and the power surge screwed up the radar alt, and one transponder so mtc was called and they came quickly but they were still in the cockpit 5 min. before dept and because they were in our seats we had not had a chance to get a clearance yet. When they left the agent wanted to close the door and I told her not until we had a chance to get a clearance so I guess we were late because of our late write up. Leaving DUB for PHL the airplane arrived 90 min. late. We got our flight deck flows and fmc work and route cross checking done but noticed fueling had stopped.....found out the truck ran out of fuel so 30min waiting for fuel. During that time we were trying to get our catering completed because the caterers were being rushed they left out much of the beverages. Fueling complete catering not.....station manager pacing behind the cockpit door so I said 5 min. and if no catering we go! Station manager paces for 5 more min. asking every min. if it is time so at the end of 5 min. I say close the door. Door closed PB released cleared to push and...........jetway comes back and takes almost 5 more min. The reason they came back is to give us the gendec forms.
On the way back to PHL after we coast in the F/O was in the lav and I was on oxy when atc calls. As I push the control yoke switch it breaks.....another write up. Then the A F/A calls the ask if we can smell the burning odor and we say no and they she says that it is the ovens are so caked with food that they send a burning odor throughout the cabin with some puffs of smoke for effect. Needless to say another write up especially since the aircraft after PHL goes to CLT then GIG.As I'm getting off the airplane this tall Russian or eastern European agent (looks like Cruella Deville) says in thick accent "why you write up airplane that is late" My right ear was blocked but I did hear her correctly so I told her "because it is broken and needs to be fixed". She gave me a look like I had just shot between the eyes with a BB gun and stalked down to the aircraft to bother the mechanics. I checked this morning and the airplane left the gate about 90 min late was off gate about 2 hrs. 30 min. returned to gate got new crew and went to CLT. CLT GIG left after 1 am. this morning. My crew and I did all we could do and it did not help one bit and this has been typical of the last several months since the summer sched. change. I fully expect it to be this screwed up until fall.
Tell it to the Judge.I had a typical trip this week to DUB. On the outbound leg to DUB we actually had an airplane waiting for us on our gate at PHL (every other time this month it has been on etr). Everything went smooth until the ground folks yanked the power and the power surge screwed up the radar alt, and one transponder so mtc was called and they came quickly but they were still in the cockpit 5 min. before dept and because they were in our seats we had not had a chance to get a clearance yet. When they left the agent wanted to close the door and I told her not until we had a chance to get a clearance so I guess we were late because of our late write up. Leaving DUB for PHL the airplane arrived 90 min. late. We got our flight deck flows and fmc work and route cross checking done but noticed fueling had stopped.....found out the truck ran out of fuel so 30min waiting for fuel. During that time we were trying to get our catering completed because the caterers were being rushed they left out much of the beverages. Fueling complete catering not.....station manager pacing behind the cockpit door so I said 5 min. and if no catering we go! Station manager paces for 5 more min. asking every min. if it is time so at the end of 5 min. I say close the door. Door closed PB released cleared to push and...........jetway comes back and takes almost 5 more min. The reason they came back is to give us the gendec forms.
On the way back to PHL after we coast in the F/O was in the lav and I was on oxy when atc calls. As I push the control yoke switch it breaks.....another write up. Then the A F/A calls the ask if we can smell the burning odor and we say no and they she says that it is the ovens are so caked with food that they send a burning odor throughout the cabin with some puffs of smoke for effect. Needless to say another write up especially since the aircraft after PHL goes to CLT then GIG.As I'm getting off the airplane this tall Russian or eastern European agent (looks like Cruella Deville) says in thick accent "why you write up airplane that is late" My right ear was blocked but I did hear her correctly so I told her "because it is broken and needs to be fixed". She gave me a look like I had just shot between the eyes with a BB gun and stalked down to the aircraft to bother the mechanics. I checked this morning and the airplane left the gate about 90 min late was off gate about 2 hrs. 30 min. returned to gate got new crew and went to CLT. CLT GIG left after 1 am. this morning. My crew and I did all we could do and it did not help one bit and this has been typical of the last several months since the summer sched. change. I fully expect it to be this screwed up until fall.
I guess the merits of a case really don't count for much with you guys, do they.
I suppose the whole thing will be chocked up to a crew delay and placed into evidence on Monday...
Driver B)
As I'm getting off the airplane this tall Russian or eastern European agent (looks like Cruella Deville) says in thick accent "why you write up airplane that is late" My right ear was blocked but I did hear her correctly so I told her "because it is broken and needs to be fixed". She gave me a look like I had just shot between the eyes with a BB gun and stalked down to the aircraft to bother the mechanics.
I hear that the company has evidence that USAPA was aslo behind the dust storms in Phoenix.
And also the market crash!!!!I hear that the company has evidence that USAPA was aslo behind the dust storms in Phoenix.
Boy you guys must have the worst luck then. Every time USAPA loses, the judge is found to be stupid or biased or a republican. You guys really are victims of the judicial system, arbitration process, republican anti-labor platform, know the justice system is broke just like many parts of this govt... Casey Anthony come to mind...?? and please don't need to hear "beyond a reasonable doubt" with that case.
USAPA's postage meter was used.Ah! Someone found evidence of the clandestine USAPA payment to the Native American shaman to do his "dust storm" dance on the airport periphery.
(The "dust storm" dance is similar to a rain dance, only drier.)
USAPA................MEN OF GENIUS.USAPA's postage meter was used.
Tell it to the Judge.
Hi Bob,
I know exactly who you are talking about, and have encountered her same clueless, confrontational attitude. She is truly a moron. I can only imagine what she says, does, to our customers. Although her English is so difficult to understand, I suppose the customers simply nod and walk away when they encounter her.
But honestly, her attitude regarding writing up delayed flights is exactly the unspoken company attitude, and it is unfortunately beginning to show up in some mechanics. Although few, some of them are seeing only "labor action" no matter what we write up.