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Federal Court Grants US Airways' Request For an Expedited Hearing On A Preliminary Injunction Agains

What difference would it have made? The cheap paint job would have quickly have worn off revealing the underlying turd combination of both loser airlines. Parker is incapable of running an airline and the comparisons with both losers would start immediately.
How is he not running an airline. When did you last get a profit sharing check? Under who? You guys don't like Parker because he's kept you in check all these years and working at non-parity with the west.
A name change would have gone a long way in getting people in the east to accept change and let go of the past. Along with not offering an aggresive retirment package package are the biggest merger related mistakes and missed oppertunties IMHO.
To add to what Bob said...last week working LIS, we were advised by ground ctrl to call mtc in phl(we were taxiing out). They had us come back to gate because the mid lav service was not signed off! That return cost us 45 mins. On our way back out, a west 320 returned for the exact same reason...

I'm sure this is a unified effort to slow the operation???
To add to what Bob said...last week working LIS, we were advised by ground ctrl to call mtc in phl(we were taxiing out). They had us come back to gate because the mid lav service was not signed off! That return cost us 45 mins. On our way back out, a west 320 returned for the exact same reason...

I'm sure this is a unified effort to slow the operation???

Anyone can observe/report an isolated incident, what the court will look for is some type of pattern that indicates a slowdown. What will likely happen is US will present a "Snapshot in time" of the performance metrics to prove a slowdown.

My expectation is USAPA didn't have the time or foresight to commission a full blown study to refute what US presents. Their attorneys will likely argue that there are to many variables and that the US research methodology is flawed and therefore inaccurate and insufficient to warrant an injunction.

I have to hand it to Glass on this one because even if he loses he wins. With USAPA facing its own financial struggles it can ill afford a judgement of millions in damages. So the union is effectively neutered in its efforts to disrupt operations.
What will likely happen is US will present a "Snapshot in time" of the performance metrics to prove a slowdown.

Actually US has presented a weekly average of what it claims are delay causes since May 1 compared to a "control" period prior to May 1, compared to the West ops for the same periods and compared to Express for taxi times over the same periods. If nothing else, go to the cactuspilot link, pull up Lee's report to the court (not his declaration) and look at the charts.

SH, you really need to stop posting if you dont know the facts. It sounds like you haven't even looked at the report at all. Please stop.
Facts get in the way of rants and abuse. Bob doesn't have time for that stuff.
To add to what Bob said...last week working LIS, we were advised by ground ctrl to call mtc in phl(we were taxiing out). They had us come back to gate because the mid lav service was not signed off! That return cost us 45 mins. On our way back out, a west 320 returned for the exact same reason...

I'm sure this is a unified effort to slow the operation???

First of all only ETOPS flights need the lav servicing signed off on a form and signed off on the ETOPS job card, a 757 has three service panels, one under the nose gear, one under the L2 door and one in the middle of the fuselage behind the main gear.

None of the A320s are ETOPS flights and only have one main central service location at the right rear of the airplane.

There is no way an A320 would return for mid lav service, no such thing on an A320. Last time I checked no West plane, especially a A320 flies ETOPS from PHL to anywhere.

So I call BS.
SH, you really need to stop posting if you dont know the facts. It sounds like you haven't even looked at the report at all. Please stop.

Maybe you are not even a pilot. Sounds like you do not know the facts and are biased. You really need to stop posting, please stop.
SH, you really need to stop posting if you dont know the facts. It sounds like you haven't even looked at the report at all. Please stop.

As I said on another thread I'm "Home Alone" this weekend and it looks like I've got some reading to do. So I'm off to the Liquor store to get a nice big bottle of Gin, some tonic water and bone up on the fine points of adults behaving badly.

Should be fun!! Gin, Tonic and legal mumbo jumbo, BRILLIANT!
Word is coming in from the courthouse. In the afternoon session now after a break. Sons highlights:

USAPA counsel went after Lee and his use of regression analysis. Counsel ass was handed to him by Lee.

Someone from the USAPA office sent the company a box of work action bag tags. One side said Safety First in yellow anx the flip had Ready to Strike in red. The postage used came from USAPAs postal meter.

More to come.
Hogg said relations between ALPA safety committee and company were cordial. ALPA did not try and politicize safety.
  Hogg said relations went downhill after Safety Operational Audit one year after merger. Many feedback forms contained profanity.
  Company and FAA determined they were "not valid". Things got worse after USAPA changed feedback form address from USAirways to USAPA.
  That's mostly why company declined to participate in Dr. Von Thaden's survey. Kubic really turned up the heat on the job action after that.
  USAPA tried to make the point Hogg pushes airplanes in an usafe manner to double his salary with bonuses.
 USAPA spent a good deal of time on the "fuel school" fiasco and the first USAToday ad. Hogg said it was only 6 or 7 out of 4,000 pilots.

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