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Feb / Mar 2013 US Pilots Labor Discussion

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You were hired by america west because that was all you could get at the time, major airlines had standards which you could not meet. Your seniority will have to be earned, sucks for an under achiever, deal with it.
Tell us since you do not work for us airways. What fine organization did you take you highly skilled talent to?

What major airline did you exceed the standard?
Keep in mind that usapa has a duty to represent ALL US Airways pilots fairly. DOH does not do that.

Not nearly as hilarious as nic4us's earlier, but still a hearty laugh here. Thanks for that. 🙂

" represent ALL US Airways pilots fairly."....? "fairly"? Umm...Sure thing. What's your real agenda here?...Nevermind: In far more honest terms than your "fairly" bs: DOH/LOS wouldn't allow you to selfishly disadvantage any other person who's worked much longer and done far more than yourself. "fairly"? Uh Huh. It's really all about you. We know, We know. 😉

Have you come up with any new T-shirts? I'd suggest the obvious = "I wan't more for doing much less...and I want it NOW!" For the back side = "Just gimme my nic!!!....Waaah!!!" 🙂
You are an idiot, we signed on for another bankruptcy deal, but hey, majority rules this is one lame weak ars pilot group and you are right up there with them. Can't wait for the 195 announcement.
If this is such a weak pilot group maybe you should quit and go to work for a good airline. An airline that tells management how it is.

Why are you worried about the 190's the west and the American pilots will be flying those after you tell the APA how the seniority list will work.
If this is such a weak pilot group maybe you should quit and go to work for a good airline. An airline that tells management how it is.

Why are you worried about the 190's the west and the American pilots will be flying those after you tell the APA how the seniority list will work.
Just a few more years and you little knuckleheads can gave it all. I'm worried the 195's they are 118 seats for a pay of 114/hr till UAL gets them then it drops even more get the picture son. I didn't think so.
Show us how smart you are and create what you think is the list we can all live with.

Sorry, that ship has sailed you have been offered many chances for do overs and always said the NIC or nothing, well you get nothing.
What major airline did you exceed the standard?

No shortage of offers from the majors. Why? You can't now even be suggesting (much less admitting to us) that AWA was the only place many of "you'se" guys could find a job at....? 😉 That reference being a moment of true cinematic grandeur, when one of your finest "minds" put forth the infamous: "You know why I hate you guys!!?...I hate all of you'se!!." I'm certain he was accepted everywhere he'd applied, and simply chose to work for AWA...Right? 🙂
I was planning on being too busy tonight to get on here but it looks like it may be another fun night of watching someone screw themselves into the ceiling. Mikey Dale, are "you'se" hitting the sauce again?
I was planning on being too busy tonight to get on here but it looks like it may be another fun night of watching someone screw themselves into the ceiling. Mikey Dale, hitting the sauce again?

Guess again on all counts. This thread's strictly for the ongoing jokes your sort dependably offers. 😉

"I was planning on being too busy tonight to get on here.." If you've not managed a marriage or good relationship..or even a date for saturday night by now; perhaps your social skills just need honing. 🙂 Good luck!
Sorry, that ship has sailed you have been offered many chances for do overs and always said the NIC or nothing, well you get nothing.
So usapa will do nothing to represent the PHX pilots?

We get nothing? Can we stop paying dues?

Btw it is the Nicolau. There is no other option.

You said the ship sailed so I am asking for you east guys to demonstrate your logic. You think it will be a three way. Build your list. Show how smart you are.

Don't avoid the question. "It will be a three way" is a sound bite not a plan.

Step up. Show us how smart you think you are. Create your combined seniority list.
No shortage of offers from the majors. Why? You can't now even be suggesting (much less admitting to us) that AWA was the only place many of "you'se" guys could find a job at....? 😉 That reference being a moment of true cinematic grandeur, when one of your finest "minds" put forth the infamous: "You know why I hate you guys!!?...I hate all of you'se!!." I'm certain he was accepted everywhere he'd applied, and simply chose to work for AWA...Right? 🙂

You gearing up for another angry weekend of drunken "one handed" posting tonight?
Just what I thought, deny the west any wide body credit. Yes, you have been quite successful in blocking the west by your "self hostage taking". The MOU proved that money would have ended this long ago. Both the company and the AFO'S were complicit in blocking any chance of a contract.

Just asking but how does usapa explain to the arbitration panel the 2 lists they are presenting to the panel, as an arbitrator or even a mediator my first question would be who is the 'east' and who is the 'west'? Isn't USAirways one company hence one list?

I would hold the 'we never had a contract' statement as a weak argument, as a union should be responsible for getting a contract as opposed to delaying a contract.

The east has received all the benefits of the merger while the west has lost airplanes and jobs as a result of the merger. The east had their fence, it's long gone and west gets the same wide body credit. Like it or not there would be no WB credit if there was no merger. Uair would be gone and I doubt AWA would have any WB a/c.


You get what you brought to the table...with credit for LOS. No 330s brought by the West pilots. And those additional deliveries we've had in the meantime, the ones East had on order, we traded hulls for those.

What's the Franke obsession? You missing the Wolfe/Gangwahl days of prosperity and lavish living? Those were the days the uair was making a small fortune wasn't it? Taking several billion burning it down to a double BK because of your highly profitable business model....

That, is fair. The Westoffs believe in time warps amongst other fairy tales. They believe they should time travel to 1978 some six years before Franke birthed the POS AWA and take jobs they never had. This is why you are wasting your life arguing with Sheldon. He is the most deluded, along with Metro.
Just what I thought, deny the west any wide body credit.

How many wide bodies do you heroically and at great personal effort, "bring" to this merger, little "spartan"? 😉 What makes you worthy of more "credit" than that number, which is zero? Nic or nothing might not have been your best play here.
You were hired by america west because that was all you could get at the time, major airlines had standards which you could not meet. Your seniority will have to be earned, sucks for an under achiever, deal with it.

Ooooh. Ouch, that one really hurt! Boo- frickin' Hoo. Tall words from a guy that didn't have the smarts to leave a nearly dead "major airline".

Don't worry about my seniority, Cupcake. It'll be just fine....
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