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Feb / Mar 2013 IAM Fleet Service Discussions

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You were the main cheerleader for the POS TA.

You voted for it, you voted your coworkers out of a job, and you gloated about how you wanted the money.

Dont revise the truth.
in the cba the company is putting the money into the iampf it is part of the 08 agreement ual is going to vote on their tentative agreement and if it passed then 6,5 goes from the company to the iampf for their members you can always have a 401k from fidelity if you wish and have a portion of your own pay checks deducted to it i know bec i have done that for a while now. its simple as for the union sellin out... they would never have if people like you did not vote for that pos contract that spells out we will outsource a number of stations and therefore get rid of employees now next time before you actually cast a vote... read the entire thing ask questions its not hard
You were the main cheerleader for the POS TA.

You voted for it, you voted your coworkers out of a job, and you gloated about how you wanted the money.

Dont revise the truth.

it was an unlivable wage ........... i did what i had to do , as did the others ...If we had not signed that contract , we might still be duking out a new one ...and i'm sorry i couldn't have lived the last several years at the old wages .. i wouldn't have made it ...
And the TWU brought you that unlivable wage and last time I checked no one forced you to work under those conditions, now did they?
yes , I can comprehend what I read ......

and sadly , while the IAM is not a bad Union in and of itself ... it seems that the only way I can rid myself of the IAMNPF is by also ridding myself of the IAM ....

That money which has been negoationed on my behalf to go to the IAMNPF needs to go instead to a 401K of my choosing ....

it is part of my compensation package ..
Freedom, you are half right. the former continental rampers and customer service [total of about 15,000] kept their company pension and did not have to join the IAMPF with the latest TA's. However, the previous United brothers and sisters have been in the IAMPF and will continue to be so. regards,
I have a bit of a concern in regard to the IAM's statement about being left out of any merger related discussions. In watching the press conference with Parker and Horton in DFW on Thursday, I couldn't help but to notice that Doug personally thanked select union leaders for their efforts, with one of them being an IAM Fleet negotiater. What's up with that???????
WINGS is there a link for that from what i had seen on the iam website both 141 n 142 say they do not support the merger until us comes to agreement with both 141 n 142
I think that it was the video conference featured on Bloomburg. Someone had it on lastnight, and pointed it out.
$1.05 per hour, its in the CBA.
Quite a disparity wouldn't you agree? Maybe it's time for US/AA to start contributing a more respectable amount. Meager contributors, such as US, is what weakens the fund. US/AA is, after all, the big boy on the block now. Time to ante up IMO. Just wanted to point out this disparity in contributions when discussing the pension.
That is why you are in Section 6 negotiations, but as long as you have people like Tim and Freedom, spreading divide and conquer, I dont think your group will get what they deserve, its time for a leader to step up and try to unite the workers.

That is why I always disliked it that the DL PDGC isnt from US but UA, US has always been 2nd class citizens in the district.
but i'm not out on the warpath because of what I want for today ......


That's exactly why you're on your self-proclaimed "warpath." It's always about what you want "today."

You wouldnt know a fight if it punched you in the face.

You sold out your brothers and sisters.


...And worse, continues to try and rationalize it with posts like this:

...i did what i had to do...

That is why you are in Section 6 negotiations

Hey Freedom--

Do you know what Section 6's are? instead of prattling away on this board, now would be a great time to contact your negotiating committee and tell them what you'd like to see w/r/t the pension and/or a 401k plan. Since according to you, there is no shortage of people that share your mindset, getting the NC to advocate for the change(s) you wish to see should be a slam dunk. Let us know how it goes.
Quite a disparity wouldn't you agree? Maybe it's time for US/AA to start contributing a more respectable amount. Meager contributors, such as US, is what weakens the fund. US/AA is, after all, the big boy on the block now. Time to ante up IMO. Just wanted to point out this disparity in contributions when discussing the pension.

yes ... instead of giving our members a paycheck raise ... let's just force them to put all their money into the pension ... that's sarcasm in case it's not clear ...

As I've been arguing for over and over and over ... Our workers deserve a CHOICE in how their retirement money is spent .... it is after all THEIRS ... they are the ones working for it out in the snow and the burning sun ... they should have COMPLETE control over where that money goes , not anyone else ...

I shouldn't have the right to tell you how to invest YOUR retirement funds and vice versa ..

If they want to stay in the pension ,let them stay in the pension , if they want to leave , let them leave ...

The fund must be weak indeed if we have to FORCE people to stay ...
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