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Smart move by WN.

Airports (and the politicians who control them) too often have viewed airlines as cash cows to be used for their own political benefit.

Sounds like certain carriers are just making it easier to do business with them.

For all the money US has wasted at PHL dontcha wish youse guys thought of this idea first?
there is rumor that when WN came to PHL that their management offered upgrades to the ATC PHL folks like upgrading their crew lounge and offering wide screen TV.... this has been going around for awhile.. if it has it needs to be addressed.. if it has not.. hey.. laugh and go on...hmmm when you hear such stories and see a WN flight go before you when according to ATC FLOW.. they should not have especially when the flight is leaving PHL at 10pm for US and we take a 2 hr ATC delay and WN gets to leave on time... hmmmmmmmmmmmmwe all know about FLOWWW Control. .... its been 3 years that WN has been there and all we hear is that WN came in sucked up to ATC personnel in PHL and that is just not right... :down: :down: :down:
That's good , we're are paid my the hour I always offer to let them go first, Maybe I'll change my mind when I'm brought up to AT LEAST parity :up:
an interesting rumor , has anyone tried asking PHL , ATC about this ? maybe send them an email and see what they say ?
Well if US gets bogota, they better get used to it. Brand X....the DO used to have to go down every 6 months or so, with some nice cases of scotch, and pay a strategic visit to BOG controllers, along with whatever other countries we were having problems with. Shortly after friendly visit...problems were solved...
This is one of the most ridiculous threads I've ever seen. No Controller would ever give preferential treatment to particular aircraft or airlines other than the stuff that is stated in the FAAO 7110.65. Yes, the breakroom got a new TV about a little over a year ago - obviously that was much later after SWA came in. As for PHL being a tough crowd, simply not true. There is one bad apple that I can pick out - use to be two but one retired a few months ago. I like how someone mentioned about Sierra Alpha being the "backdoor". Sierra Alpha is just a very easy way to sequence departures to their appropriate exit fix out of the TRACON from Spot 11 with is where SWA is up at Terminal D and E. It's so out of the way for any of our mainline departures to go out there. Citrus, Piedmont, and Air Whisky get Sierra Alpha just as much.
PHL APPROACH ... WHERE DID THE WIDE SCREEN TV COME FROM? This is all rumor ... dont get all excited about it... who said when the WIDE SCREEN TV CAME IN .. no one said it was it arrived immediately when WN came to PHL you said it came in within the last year...
Glad this has finally been noticed.

btw...as a long time west f/a ( who has been surrounded by WN for my whole career) i can tell you that this "bribary" has been going on by WN for many years at every airport in the country.

It is hilarious sometimes to be in the f/d and hear the WN guys whine and beg for short cuts and/ or taxi clearance and then race down the taxi-ways to make up time. Totally dangerous.

They are legendary for the pizza parties they hold for ATC and airport authorities too.

Also, ever notice at a WN gate that half the time the jetbridge door is wide open and totally unattended? That is not only a major no-no but a major fine by FAA if caught and they continually get away with it. Ever see that anywhere else?? Thought not.

Bunch of creeps who never have played by industry rules.
thank you someone who knows what they are talking about.. it wants to make you puke
there is rumor that when WN came to PHL that their management offered upgrades to the ATC PHL folks like upgrading their crew lounge and offering wide screen TV.... this has been going around for awhile.. if it has it needs to be addressed.. if it has not.. hey.. laugh and go on...hmmm when you hear such stories and see a WN flight go before you when according to ATC FLOW.. they should not have especially when the flight is leaving PHL at 10pm for US and we take a 2 hr ATC delay and WN gets to leave on time... hmmmmmmmmmmmmwe all know about FLOWWW Control. .... its been 3 years that WN has been there and all we hear is that WN came in sucked up to ATC personnel in PHL and that is just not right... :down: :down: :down:
They do that everywhere, not just PHL.
PHL APPROACH ... WHERE DID THE WIDE SCREEN TV COME FROM? This is all rumor ... dont get all excited about it... who said when the WIDE SCREEN TV CAME IN .. no one said it was it arrived immediately when WN came to PHL you said it came in within the last year...

Most likely it was just an FAA expense or everyone could have very well put money together to get a new one.
When I worked at USAir we had regular "meet and greets" with ATC in PIT and it was a great thing that really helped get their cooperation. Even if it were true that WN schmoozes ATC, what's wrong with that. Sounds like smart business to me.......
When I worked at USAir we had regular "meet and greets" with ATC in PIT and it was a great thing that really helped get their cooperation. Even if it were true that WN schmoozes ATC, what's wrong with that. Sounds like smart business to me.......

Smart business?

Guess US Airways in PHL would never have any part of that.

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