Fa's Threaten Strike On Friday


Jan 27, 2004
Flight attendants at United threaten Friday strike

By Mark Skertic
Tribune staff reporter
Published June 30, 2005

United Airlines flight attendants could begin random walkouts Friday if the airline goes ahead with its decision to turn over their pension plan to the federal government.

"We're continuing our fight to save our plan," Sarah Nelson Dela Cruz, a spokeswoman for the flight attendants, said Wednesday. She said a strike campaign could be one of the tactics used to achieve that.

Link to entire article
:p only problem is that they probably only have 4 flight attendants marching around doing it. :shock:
Fly said:
:p only problem is that they probably only have 4 flight attendants marching around doing it. :shock:

If that is true, and it probably is, then we have a perfect example of what has happened to unionism in this country. As long as we think in terms of "At least, I still have a job" then unions serve no purpose.

As Pogo would say, "We have seen the enemy, and he is us."
Oh give it up, the previous pension is gone, PBGC will take it over.
Not that I think that is good for the F/A's, but it is what it is.

The strike threat is just a bluff and UAL management, as we have seen other places, will call it. Sadly, the F/A's, or any other work group, does not have a leg to stand on.

Hopefully, in the future there will be room to fight, but at present, I just don't see it.
jimntx said:
If that is true, and it probably is, then we have a perfect example of what has happened to unionism in this country. As long as we think in terms of "At least, I still have a job" then unions serve no purpose.

As Pogo would say, "We have seen the enemy, and he is us."

Possibly, but I believe a lot of unionized workers at UA, US, General Motors, and who knows how many other companies/industries are asking themselves "what have my union dues done for me lately?"
JetClipper said:
Possibly, but I believe a lot of unionized workers at UA, US, General Motors, and who knows how many other companies/industries are asking themselves "what have my union dues done for me lately?"

Realistically, a unions biggest weapon is withcholding services, iow strike or some other work action, no union has pulled the trigger lately and as long as they do not, why would management care.

The longshore men held the line, however, they had no competetion who could fill the void and they won. The F/A's at UAL does not have that luxury, since if they go on strike, passengers will simply fly on other airlines, further eroding if not eliminating UAL chances of successfully exiting CH.11.

It is the MAD concept (Mutually Assured Destruction) in this instance: The F/A's strike for pension, the company disappears. Neither side wins.
AFA made a huge mistake when they started threatening this strike. The f/a's authorized a strike last December pertaining to the tenative agreement the company put out. In January, we voted in a new contract therefore eliminating the strike vote (or so we thought). Now that the pensions are being eliminated, AFA has said we have authorized this strike but none of us seem to see it that way. That is why there is a problem for AFA if they decide to try to make us strike.
I think they should walk. Unions blow allot of hot air by making idle threats.. A comment was made earlier that hits the nail on the head. Why would management care about threats? Time to hit 'em where it hurts..
Unions are as much a profit-making enterprise as the Corporations they bargain with. Without any members, they have no cash flow. They are not going to take a Company down if they can help it. They will work with a company to reach an agreement that's 'palatable'. The only way Unions can get any power at all is if they can shut down an Industry in its entirety. Ronnie Raygun made sure that won't happen again, and G dubya is ensuring it won't happen by enhancing illegal immigrant 'seeding' into the workforce. Unions have to adapt, why do you think our standard of living is decreasing as the years pass by?
"G dubya is ensuring it won't happen by enhancing illegal immigrant 'seeding' into the workforce"

The cornerstone of his economic growth policy. That's why they REFUSE to do anything about the MILLIONS pouring across the border yearly. The BIGGEST HOLE in HOMELAND security is the MEXICAN border. God only knows HOW MANY terrorists have come into the country over that border. Thank you VERY MUCH Mr. BUSH!

Left in the hands of greed and ethics of ice cold sociopaths. God have mercy on the future of our poor nation!
To all United flight attendants who are about to go on strike...
-Your buddy,
Fly, I think the world of you, but in all honesty, do you think a strike will help or add to the problems at UAL? Now I have been critical of US, but with all the givebacks (much to my disliking), we now have to turn DOWN investors in the new US. I asked sincerely and not as the competitor. Can UAL attract an investor that has the obligations financially to their pension? In any regards, good luck to you guys. :)
That's exactly my point First. I don't believe they have enough f/a's to make any impact at all. We are so sick of AFA it's unbelievable. I have yet to meet one f/a willing to be a CHAOS striker (and therefore lose her/his job).

It has gotten so desperate over at the AFA offices that today we received a letter telling us that if a f/a who has previously volunteered her time (all CHAOS action is voluntary) is told to walk off the plane and the remaining crew doesn't walk off with her, they will be scabs!!! Now they have really pissed off the f/a's more. This whole CHAOS bs was voluntary but now they say we all must be part of it. The judge has already declared that since the PBGC is terminating the pension and not United, the AFA has no legal footing to strike.

Basically, you are probably going to watch AFA mess up again. At least they are consistent! :up:
WHEN is it just NOT WORTH it anymore?

I commend United Flight Attendants for standing up for what is important TO THEM. They have moved in the SAME MANNER United Pilots did in 2000. (except they have a noble cause)
If they strike, I believe they will have FAR more supporters then they know standing behind them. They have taken a stand that transends company or industry!

Please publish an address where donations can be sent.

You are beginning a fight that is on the door step of every company and industry in this country.

How ironic...United and the Airline Industry brought to it's knees by the ones they thought less likely. :up: