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United Recalling Attendants

That has not been announced. But we do know that you'll be praying really hard that it will, don't we? You should just call some of your old friends and start laughing at them just to get your point across. Sick!


"The big elephant sitting in the corner is that George W. Bush is simply unqualified for the job... What's his accomplishment? That he's no longer an obnoxious drunk?" - Ron Reagan Jr.

Proven time and again at UAL that's the only way management thinks. They will furlough first then the conccesion talks will ensue. Just wait and SEE! There are many folks who dedicated years to UAL that will never be recalled to work there again.

I left on my own accord and resigned from UAL, HAPPILY giving up any recall rights to UAL HELL :up: Was the best decision of my life! 😀 Just doing the death watch like everyone else. It's a free board, you see no ones posted an F9 board yet, because we aren't as doomed as much as UAL thinks we are. We stick in UAL managements craw, they'd like to see us go away, but they haven't been able to make that happen now for over 10 years. We'll see who's still around 10 years from now. I think the demographics of the entire airline indusrty will be transformed by then. Many LCC's will prevail in the end!
Fly said:
Does AA pay furlough pay for people who want the time off?

That's the best joke I have heard in a long time :lol:. AA to pay furlough pay to people who want the time off :lol: . No, Johnny Wardo handed that to AA on a red, white, blue and silver plAAter :angry: .
LiveInAHotel said:
I'm glad to hear UAL is recalling 375 f/a's! Can we now say "SEASONAL FLIGHT ATTENDANT?"/quote]

Why do you say something civilized then follow it by something obnoxious and showing your obvious ignorance of United f/as contract? Because if you did know anything about it you would realize that United has to offer "voluntary" furloughs to all f/as before they can involuntarily furlugh to the street.

I don't know or care who you work for but if it's AA you're more likely to see this happening because they don't have to offer voluntary furloughs and they don't have to pay fourlugh pay to their f/as either-their contract according to my 25+ year AA f/a sister-in-law.

I just spoke with an AA pilot based in ORD who is furloughed as of Oct. 1.
United is recalling pilots too. We'll need them for our new service to Viet Nam and new service to Guanzhou (Canton) China.

I must admit that I don't understand anyone who is happy to see or hoping to see another lose their livlihood, even if they are competitors.

Your 25 year AA f/a sister-in-law, needs to reread her contract. Yes, furlough pay is gone, BUT they DO need to offer voluntary furloughs before they involuntary furlough people. Just a little clarification.

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