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Afa Wants To Authorize Strike

The Ronin said:
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH....hey somebody drug test this crack head....

AA mechanics took a shafting THAT is still as bad as this EXCEPT they kept their pension....for now. And ask their pilots how their pockets feel....


We kept our pensions AND our scope. Of course their necks are both on the chopping block now!
mrfish3726 said:

I don't know if that is true at all. It might take a mechanic at F9 10 yrs to reach the 30+ an hour range, but our topped out mechanics are making what UAL mechanics are making right now. Our inspection department tops out at over 32+ an hour.

And my position at F9 in the technical area of the maintenance department, I know that I make MUCH more than a technical (MCC) guy at UniTED. So I don't think your theory holds water, I'd like others from the LCC'S to chime in here and tell us what they make???? You might be surprised and find out that in the end UniTED employees will be making less than their counterparts at the LCC'S. And just as an example of the best LCC to work for SWA pays their mechanics 40+ and hour and didn't blink an eye in giving them that contract!

Your wages at an LCC are our CONCESSIONARY wages. Certainly nothing to get excitied about. This is whats scary for mechanics. As the old "Legacy" airlines disapear they will be replaced by lower paying, no retirement, 10yr payscale jobs! And thats if your lucky enough to get one. These LCC's have FAR FEWER mechanics per plane than the Legacys. Most jobs will be replaced at the even lower paying FBOs.
I hardly consider SWA an example. Without their fuel hedges their cost structure is leaving the the LCC domain and will soon resemble CO or AA's more than F9,HP or B6. It will be interesting to see how they work this out.
AAmech said:
We kept our pensions AND our scope. Of course their necks are both on the chopping block now!


Get your a$$ back to your cousin loving B&S.

If it wasn't for a$$ kissers like you without a 'SET', maybe this industry would have caged the gimbal and put us 'heads up' instead of 'Tilted'. and nose down!!!

For you to have the tenacity to come to the UA board with your 'drivel' now is reprehensible!!! You 'boys' had a shot and came up sucking human protein, so don't tell us we have to have the same diet that you have!!!

If you like that stuff, fine by me, but I’m not bobbin nor gulpin!!!

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OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lmaooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Nobody is going to strike. It's all just rhetoric. AFA leadership needs to appear strong and rigid to keep up appearances. Patty Friend and her minions know the deal. Strike UA with a mass walkout, CHAOS, or some other orchestrated self help, and UA goes down the drain, along with 60,000 employees. This is all posturing. The only alternative for them is to usher in the permanent demise of United Airlines. But by backing a national strike, they're trying to seize even the slightest bit of negotiating leverage. The sad part is, time is about run out. UA is on record that the cost cuts need to go into effect by mid-January. Given the ratification process for labor groups (I believe AFA's is 30 days), that means the unions essentially have until the first week or two of December to reach consentual agreements. That's only two weeks from now. Let's face facts. As much as we don't want to admit it, the company is in the driver's seat. They WILL get the cuts they're seeking. The only way that they won't is if United shuts down for good. Then you can brag to all your friends about your moral victory!
UAL_TECH said:

Get your a$$ back to your cousin loving B&S.

If it wasn't for a$$ kissers like you without a 'SET', maybe this industry would have caged the gimbal and put us 'heads up' instead of 'Tilted'. and nose down!!!

For you to have the tenacity to come to the UA board with your 'drivel' now is reprehensible!!! You 'boys' had a shot and came up sucking human protein, so don't tell us we have to have the same diet that you have!!!

If you like that stuff, fine by me, but I’m not bobbin nor gulpin!!!

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Wow!!!! Thats some really big talk!!! Your right I should get a "SET" just like you guys. I was really impressed with how fought management and saved YOUR Scope, Pay, and Retiree Health!!! I have NO DOUBT you'll do just fine fighting UAL to save your pension. NOT!!! You say your not bobbin or gulpin but you sure are getting some "Jail House Lovin"!!
Try impressing someone else toughguy. I ain't buying it!!!
AAmech said:
Wow!!!! Thats some really big talk!!! Your right I should get a "SET" just like you guys. I was really impressed with how fought management and saved YOUR Scope, Pay, and Retiree Health!!! I have NO DOUBT you'll do just fine fighting UAL to save your pension. NOT!!! You say your not bobbin or gulpin but you sure are getting some "Jail House Lovin"!!
Try impressing someone else toughguy. I ain't buying it!!!


So, here you come spreading your ‘disinformation’ and expect to get a reach around?

Scope, Yea you need it!!!

And if you don’t believe that this freight train isn’t headed straight to your station, you certainly must be misguided.

After UA & US dump their pensions, who do you think is next in line?

You gave the industry the 10 year B scale and laughed when the IAM kept it at 5 years at UA.

You at AA have lowered the bar and have the audacity to blame us?

Better to get ‘raped’ than to ‘bob the knob’!!!

I’m getting raped, what’s your excuse?

Continue your ignorant stance that you ‘saved jobs’ through your concessionary contract, but I ain’t buying that one either!!!

:down: UT

How many AA M&R are going to be laid off and how many maintenance bases are you closing?
Scope? LMAOoooooooooooooooo!!!!
UAL_TECH said:

So, here you come spreading your ‘disinformation’ and expect to get a reach around?

Scope, Yea you need it!!!

And if you don’t believe that this freight train isn’t headed straight to your station, you certainly must be misguided.

After UA & US dump their pensions, who do you think is next in line?

You gave the industry the 10 year B scale and laughed when the IAM kept it at 5 years at UA.

You at AA have lowered the bar and have the audacity to blame us?

Better to get ‘raped’ than to ‘bob the knob’!!!

I’m getting raped, what’s your excuse?

Continue your ignorant stance that you ‘saved jobs’ through your concessionary contract, but I ain’t buying that one either!!!

:down: UT

How many AA M&R are going to be laid off and how many maintenance bases are you closing?
Scope? LMAOoooooooooooooooo!!!!

Not everyone at AA is like aamech. I doubt he/she is even an AMT. More likely a twu suckass. The twu is/was/will be the leader in concessions!

The twu allowed AMTs to be removed from the backshops. They are simply called OSMs now. The twu allowed AMT jobs like airstart, deicing, push backs to be removed from the AMT and be performed by the ramp. The twu DOES NOT allow for international officers to be voted on by the full membership.

By the way UAL_Tech, there are no lay offs at AA. The twu accepted concessions to save jobs. They claimed to have saved 12,000 jobs. There are no layoffs. What? What a minute. This just in!


WOW! The twu lied to us! Go figure. Glad my 17 1/2% base pay cut anlong with about another 10% in benefit cuts saved someone's job. Oh, that must have been an unelected twu international official. 😉
firstamendment said:
I won't cross the line of any AFA carrier who strikes...especially if it come down to giving any management team the power to abolish what are horrible contracts WITH negotiations. Can you imagine 100% control?

Fly, are the UAL f/a's willing to strike for US?

Hey Fly,

I never saw your answer or I missed it. If U f/a's are the first to strike, will you and your coworkers walk? I here alot of internal solidarity but see nothing out there to show that this "nationwide strike" would actually be in solidarity of ALL f/a's that go on strike.

So, will you? 🙂
JungleClone said:
Nobody is going to strike. It's all just rhetoric.

Well maybe not but remember that movie, what was it…Reservoir Dogs where everyone had their guns pulled out and cocked and what happened in the end? They all ended up dead didn’t they? So maybe there won’t be a strike but then I’m willing to bet there won’t be any contract abrogation’s either. You can call it rhetoric if you want but the company is gonna have to back down on this or it really is over.
Absolutely First! Of course, I also realize that we are going to be the sacrificed flight attendants (you do realize that, right?). I am willing to strike (but it will close US Airways and United Airlines permanently) so that the rest of the flight attendants MAY have a chance of restoring the career to something it used to resemble. Someone is going to have to put their heads on the chopping block, may as well be us.
Fly said:
Absolutely First! Of course, I also realize that we are going to be the sacrificed flight attendants (you do realize that, right?). I am willing to strike (but it will close US Airways and United Airlines permanently) so that the rest of the flight attendants MAY have a chance of restoring the career to something it used to resemble. Someone is going to have to put their heads on the chopping block, may as well be us.

Thanks for the reply.
I know. I don't know about UAL, but it seems there is a capitulate or liquidate attitude over here with absolutely no care to fairly negotiate. There is no middle ground. But the tide of capitulate of liquidate must be stopped or at least curved. Many may think we're foolish, but at this point, I have no confidence that both these airlines WANT to survive...nore U than UAL.