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Family Stunned By Us Airways' Refund Response

I agree, she is having a rough time as a two weeks ago she still has not gotten any life insurance money. They have relied on her church and charitable organizations for the mortgage and food.
I hate to admit it, but we just acted like the company always does, reactive and without completion. We reacted to a situation and were all for it. Once the issue was resolved, for whatever reason, we stopped our plans in thier tracks. I say we continue on with the original plan to contibute and donate the money to this family and follow through. What does a couple of bucks and a little bit of planning have to do with whether or not they got a refund from the company?
PITMTC said:
I hate to admit it, but we just acted like the company always does, reactive and without completion. We reacted to a situation and were all for it. Once the issue was resolved, for whatever reason, we stopped our plans in thier tracks. I say we continue on with the original plan to contibute and donate the money to this family and follow through. What does a couple of bucks and a little bit of planning have to do with whether or not they got a refund from the company?

I agree..if nothing else to show good will from the employees. The only reason the company gave the refund (belatedly) was because of the media.
I will discuss the idea for Mrs. Sandefur with Bob and the rest of FFOCUS--I would be happy to donate individually as well.
N628AU said:
Not sure of the legalese on this one, but it may very well be true that since the tickets were purchased previous to the Chapter 11 filing, it is pre-petition and cannot be refunded unless the court authorizes it. Good to see some private citizens step up to the plate on this one, though. The spirit of philanthropy is alive and well in the US and shows why we don't need the government for everything.

Yes...the spirit of philanthropy is alive. Is it well? Definitely NO!!
I too would be happy to send my dollar to help this family. We employees, like so many individuals are caring people, people who've either felt pain from tragedy in our own families or can empathize and want to lighten the burden others are bearing. It is good that employees can't easily seperate their responsibilities to society and company. With such ethics, everybody wins.
As for US corporate, shame, shame, shame. Decisions made absent ethics, you're doomed in one way or in another.

And since the government issue was interjected, I must pop your feel good, everything is rosy outlook. This may work for some politicians (because many voters don't question it, just believe it), but philanthropy is not alive and well. In fact, for the first time in 12 years, when adjusted for inflation, donations to non-profits down. We don't need government for "everything." But certainly its role should be help insure some basics, like health care. This family ought not have to worry about their son getting the care he needs, nor should countless other families in the same situation but not in the news.
Please let us know if donations are still needed and where to send them.

The employees will be the ONLY thing missed when all is said and done!!!!
If there are any donations still being taken, please post the address to send them to. I don't think this is something that should be neglected regardless of whether or not the company resolved the issue. I think some of us need this and wish to help.

Since I have been with U, I have never met a group of more generous people than I work with. I have seen thousands of dollars raised not once but several times for people in need. The end may be near but I have grown so very rich with the friends I have made. LOVE YA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Has anyone in CLT talked to either of the Credit Unions to try and set up a donation account for Becky Sandefur and her family? Perhaps they could open a donation account for her that employees could call the credit union and transfer a donation into. Those that are not Credit Union members could mail in donations to be deposited to the account.
PineyBob said:
Folks I can't publish the PM as I don't have the senders permission. It seems like in the end US Airways did the right thing. You know "they" lurk here.

So the fear of being embarrassed by there own customers and employees may have encouraged their decision to do the right thing.

We can never be sure if our actions influenced their decision.

That being said if you read the entire text it does raise some disturbing questions regarding the family and their decision to take the trip booking non-refundable tickets prior to the child even having a clean bill of health. Granted US Airways looked like an ogre but they as near as I can tell were not totally wrong.

They were dead WRONG from a PR perspective to be sure, but from a "rules" perspective they were in a "grey" area IMO.

NOW, what to do with all of this goodwill and energy we have here? The initial crisis is over. Should we gather up some money and donate it to the Cancer Society? Or provide the family some surely needed financial relief?


Your statement about the family taking a trip while the child not having a clean bill of health was insensitive. As someone who lost a 6 yo child last year to leukemia the families are encouraged to keep life somewhat normal. If taking a vacation helps to releave some stress that illness brings, who are you or anyone else to question that. As my family discovered after taking my 6 yo nephew on his last vacation, we didn't have any idea he would be dead 3 weeks later. This family was doing what they had to do. And that is to spend every moment together. Enjoying their time. We never know when it will end.

Give the money to the family. Make a grand gesture that reflects the true spirit of the US employees and their frequent flyers. They need it more than the Cancer Society.
We are the heart of the Company.. NOT THE SUITS>>

That's why we are the way we are..caring...

We pulll together as a family. We take care of each other.

Hell, the corporate GOONS dont do it..

Thank You..! :up:

PS..You see there are 2 sides to every story..There is always someone in worse shape...
My heart goes out to this family in their time of need.

Having said that - US Airways is absolutely right to NOT refund their money.

Look, these people had a choice - spend extra money and get flexible, refundable tickets in the event something happened, or fly on the cheap and buy the absolutely most restrictive, least expensive fares - and roll the dice in hopes that fate won't step in and screw up their plans.

They rolled the dice and lost. They can still use their tickets at another time, subject to paying the change fees and any fare difference. It's not like US has left them without any recourse.

But again, they made a choice - they chose to take the cheap way out, and they got burned as a result.

So tell me this - why is it up to US Airways to redo their policies to accomodate these particular customers when others are expected to play by the rules? Who says their situation is any more dire than someone else? Let's say someone's aunt died and they can't travel but they only paid $179.00 per ticket - does their situation equal this family's? Is it worse? Or better?

It's unfortunate that things occurred as they have, but US is not "heartless" or anything along those lines for refusing to refund this family's money. If anything, they've got colossal nerve to take their story to the media in hopes of extorting the money from US by throwing negative publicity their way.
my heart goes out to this family too,
God Bless this family...a usairways supervisor should have accomadated this family from the start...
thus this situation would have been nipped in the bud...thankfully the word is usairways did refund the money.....in any case, a contribution has been sent by this individual...
this must never happen again!
get it together ...fast!

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