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Family Stunned By Us Airways' Refund Response

I saw the story running on the news and at the very end the reporter said that the family had gotten a message on their phone from USAirways just as the story was about to air. Does anyone know the outcome of that message? Maybe someone who is allowed to "THINK" finally handled it.....I'd be curious what that outcome was.
jB-Rocks said:
I'm in!!!!
God Bless Them!
I STRONGLY suggest to PINEY that he make public that PM he sent me before the entire planet decides to give....
PHL said:
I saw the story running on the news and at the very end the reporter said that the family had gotten a message on their phone from USAirways just as the story was about to air. Does anyone know the outcome of that message? Maybe someone who is allowed to "THINK" finally handled it.....I'd be curious what that outcome was.

NBC10 sure made it seem like the situation was going to get resolved, but the posting here tells a totally different story. I don't know what Piney PM'd Cavalier, but based on the information here it really sounds like US is being VERY stupid. WN must love to hear these stories as they count the number of gates that will be available in PHL if US continues to act STUPIDLY--the thought of tons and tons of turd brown airplanes at PHL sickens me by the way. I would be interested to know if there is something more to this story that we aren't being told--US cannot be this foolish can they?
NBC10 on the 11pm broadcast reported that USAirways gave the family a full refund.

You people amaze me. i am in simple awe. almost 1/2 of your fellow employees have taken the 100% pay cut (job loss) those that remain saw not 1 but 2 bankrupcties, along the way pay cuts several times exceeding 30% on average, most in not all of you are working for the same or less wages than you made in 1989, you medical, dental benefits cut (premiums raised), if not an outright Loss of your pensions (no matter how many DECADES you put in) certainly a reduction of huge proportions in retirement benefits and still right smack in the face of a bankrupcty filing less than 1 week ago, with still MORE cuts pending you collectively stand up shoulder to shoulder and simply give money to those less fortunate or otherwise in a terrible situation. I can only "tip of the cap" to you all. and simply readng this thread i understand why i proud to be associated with this group.
javaboy said:
You people amaze me. i am in simple awe. almost 1/2 of your fellow employees have taken the 100% pay cut (job loss) those that remain saw not 1 but 2 bankrupcties, along the way pay cuts several times exceeding 30% on average, most in not all of you are working for the same or less wages than you made in 1989, you medical, dental benefits cut (premiums raised), if not an outright Loss of your pensions (no matter how many DECADES you put in) certainly a reduction of huge proportions in retirement benefits and still right smack in the face of a bankrupcty filing less than 1 week ago, with still MORE cuts pending you collectively stand up shoulder to shoulder and simply give money to those less fortunate or otherwise in a terrible situation. I can only "tip of the cap" to you all. and simply readng this thread i understand why i proud to be associated with this group.

And that right there, not planes, gates, filings, contracts, threats, or cities of crystal... is US Airways.
Another nail in the coffin of this already dead airline, dead because you can't have a heart that beats and do this.

Sky High states: YOU ARE SO WRONG! This AIRLINE has thousands of CARING EMPLOYEES! And these thousands of EMPLOYEES are NOT responsible for POLICY, however they are instructed to enforce them. Try the CRYSTAL PALACE!
SKY HIGH said:
Another nail in the coffin of this already dead airline, dead because you can't have a heart that beats and do this.

Sky High states: YOU ARE SO WRONG! This AIRLINE has thousands of CARING EMPLOYEES! And these thousands of EMPLOYEES are NOT responsible for POLICY, however they are instructed to enforce them. Try the CRYSTAL PALACE!
Yes you're right, I am dead wrong, sorry! Must have lost my sanity when I wrote that knowing full well the compassion flowing out of CCY towards all it's employees and customers is all consuming. How totally silly of me. I should be b-i-t-c-h slapped and HARD.
EyeInTheSky said:
Wow! I'll chip in money for pain and suffering US Management Morons put this family through.

Talked to a fellow mechanic/inspector today whose wife is now jobless because her work place was destroyed in the floods, Carnegie, and they were saying how scared they now are needing to rely solely on U for their income. Scary place to be these days. So YES, pain and suffering, indeed!
PineyBob said:
NOW, what to do with all of this goodwill and energy we have here? The initial crisis is over. ..

Well now that mgt is doing the right thing, let's give them the money!!
To all my fellow employees, U passengers and friends of U....YOU GUYS ROCK!!!!!!! You all are the reason I show up for work each day during this time of turmoil. Makes me so proud to be associated with each and everyone of you. Will make it even harder to say good bye when the time comes!!!!! God bless to all of you!!!!!!

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